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Hereford Cross Cattle For Sale In Pennsylvania

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For Sale: 1 Hereford Cross Bulls
Price : CALL

Short and stocky. Mother registered pure Hereford father 1/2 red angus 1/2 Hereford.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 80 Angus, Angus Cross, Hereford Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

Buy all or take you pick from herd, mix of mostly black & red angus, black baldies, & some Herefords bred to black angus bulls, bred heifers & cows not yet calved as well, price neg
  • Number of Head: 80
United States
For Sale: 45 Angus, Angus Cross, Hereford Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

Started calving April 5th... 29 of the 40 on the ground as of today April 21st. Commercial herd however, some Angus cows are registered, and all Herfords are registered (I think there are 9 Herfords without checking) Calves sired to our AI sired and registered...
  • Number of Head: 45
United States
For Sale: 36 Angus, Angus Cross, Hereford Cross, Simmental, Simmental Cross Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

There will also be an extension program titled "Extending the Grazing Season" beginning at 11 AM!
  • Number of Head: 36
United States
For Sale: 12 Angus, Hereford, Simmental Cross Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

3 Hereford, 2 baldi's, 6 angus, 1 Simmental, 1 red angus, cows are from first calves to 4th calves. Call anytime 267 767 0160 Price depending on how many and what you want. Cows with calves by there side, cows are also bred back for April-May.
  • Number of Head: 12
United States
For Sale: 1 Hereford, Polled Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

1,200.00 724-883-2169 Top bloodlines by: Times a Wastin and Nemo. Registered polled Hereford Bull. Great build and disposition, friendly. Will make an excellent herd Bull.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 1 Hereford Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Ready to be put with your bull. Beautiful liver color. 2 year old Registered Hereford heifer for sale.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 1 Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

Registered hereford bull good bloodline keeping his heifers also have a registered bull calf call for more info
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 6 Hereford Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

3 pairs calves born June2017 July2017 all boys
  • Number of Head: 6
United States
For Sale: 1 Hereford Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Asking $2300.00 She was a year old in June 2018 so she is ready for your bull. Picture is with my 5 month old mini jersey bull calf 43" high at the hip. Registered MINI HEREFORD for sale.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 2 Hereford Stockers
Price : CALL

Should have good growth rate, very calm disposition cattle. She will be a small framed heifer. Two Hereford calves for sale. Steer calf was born 3/17/17, ~500-600 pounds. Heifer calf was born 6/26/17, ~300 pounds, registered.
  • Number of Head: 2
United States
For Sale: 80 Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

His father is classified as caving ease. This is one of our finest pure bread Hereford bulls. We would like to get $3000.00 for him. This bull would be perfect for first time heifers or even for a full heard! He is halter broke and is very mild mannered.
  • Number of Head: 80
United States
For Sale: 11 Polled Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

20 month old Hereford bull$1200 3. 3.5 year old Registered Hereford Bull...can see last 2 years offspringavailable Aug. (6) 15 month old Hereford Heifers $900 each 570 224 4965 cash upon pickup
  • Number of Head: 11
United States
For Sale: 1 Shorthorn Cross Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Text or call for more info Registered Shorthorn Cross heifer, halter broke.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 1 Angus Cross Bulls
Price : CALL

Located in southwestern Pennsylvania Asking $4,000 Call or text (724)812-3703 or (724) 323-6638 Thick, good looking calves! Very** docile bull, easy to handle in the pen or in the field, has never shown any aggression.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 3 Angus Cross Cows
Price : CALL

Angus x Hereford Cow (black baldy): born spring 2012, PE to bull since June 15, great mother, very protective of calf, asking $1,250. Call or text 814-386-1995. Angus x Hereford Cow (red and white): born spring 2013, PE to bull since June 15, very nice...
  • Number of Head: 3
United States
For Sale: 1 Limousin Cross Bulls
Price : CALL

$1,400 call 724-456-7788 only reason for selling is downsizing 3 yr old limo/herford bull! throws beatiful calves, very calm &docile weighs over 1600 pnds .
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 1 Shorthorn Cross Open Heifers
Price : CALL

I'm selling my Register Shorthorn Plus heifer if interested text (814)505-6079
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 4 Angus Cross, Simmental, Simmental Cross Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Selling four heifers after weaning in August. Visit our Facebook page at OEF Simmental Farm. We want to see these quality heifers go to good farms. Asking .15 over market price but will be flexible.
  • Number of Head: 4
United States
For Sale: 1 Simmental Cross Bulls
Price : CALL

Will be 2 years old in March 2017. Call or text for more information Out on grass all summer. Young Simmental x Hereford Bull.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 28 Angus Cross Stockers
Price : CALL

Weight: ~ 850-875 They're out of Angus cows bred to a Red Angus bull. These cattle, about 19 steers and 9 heifers, are completely grassfed and antibiotic free, heifers quarenteed open.
  • Number of Head: 28
United States
For Sale: 44 Angus, Angus Cross Feeders
Price : CALL

Affidavit of "Natural" to accompany sale. Booster 9/16 Vista 5 SQ and Bar-Vac-7-Somnus, with average weight of 465 lbs with est. Weaned/Vaccinated 8/28/18 Vista Once SQ, Bar-Vac-7/Somnus, and Eprinex.
  • Number of Head: 44
United States
For Sale: 6 Angus, Angus Cross, SimAngus, Simmental, Simmental Cross Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

Cows are bred back to WPCC High Regard, a bull we purchased from the penn state performance sale. We walk up to them in the pasture and feed them range pellets. He was the high gaining simmental at 5.21 lbs per day.
  • Number of Head: 6
United States
For Sale: 2 Charolais Cross, Maine-Anjou Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Two Show Heifers: Can be sold as a pair or seperate Heifer 1: Registered Mainetainer Sired by Hi Ho Silver DOB 2/25/2017 Heifer 2: Registered Charolais Cross Sired by Monopoly DOB 3/27/2017
  • Number of Head: 2
United States
For Sale: 1 Angus Cross, British White, Shorthorn, Shorthorn Cross, White Park Bulls
Price : CALL

He tosses nice cross calves out of any breed. Please call or text me for more info or pics thanks 814-93one-89nine0 He has a great temperament. I have a 3 year old easy calving Britsh park bull for sale.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States