Total herd dispersal. Dad has decided 80 is a good age to slow down. Foundation herd - hasn't been a purchased cow since the 1930's. Video available on YouTube. The red angus was introduced just a few years ago by AI with the first calf heifers.
Braford cows (2 are heifers and 2 have calves) that are 2-5 years old and are confirmed bred. They are all large framed cows that are in great condition!! They are very beautiful cows and have a very good temperament!! $1,675 each if you take all but...
To be sold as a group (16) $15,000. Eight Angus/Brangus/Hereford cross bred cow pairs. Grass raised, no growth implants. All are gentle and home raised. Most cows bred back to same bull all exposed.
The cows are mostly red baldies. Heifers are all AI bred Red Angus due to start 5/22/16. These females are straight out of our May/June calving herd. 13 bred 3 year old cows. This is a nice set of young cows out of a herd that has used AI extensively...
Six heifers two pure Hereford out of Wave World Class Vic son of DR World Class, one F1 cross with Hereford and Angus registered bulls, other three are out of Wave World Class and mother cows are more Angus who are out of Bon Vue New Design 878.
Looking for $35,000 for all. Not sure how many or when they will calf since they all run together. The herd includes some yearlings and there are cows which are already bred. These are grass fed mainly Hereford and Angus cross, grass fed/range cattle,...
19 head beef cow herd consisting of Hereford/Angus/Simmental crosses. All cows exposed to bull for May/June calves. 6 cow/calf pairs: cows (2) 8 year olds, (2) 5 year olds and (2) 3 year olds - calves born in May/June - 3 heifers, 3 steers 1 - 6 year...
Registered polled/horned Herefords, 25 breed cows, will start calving in November, replacement and show quality heifers 6 months weaned to yearling bred heifers, also 1 herd bull prospect calf.
A really nice set of 1/2 - 3/4 Brahman heifers that have been running with Express Ranch Angus bulls for 60+ days. They're going to make an extremely nice set of cows! We had them all checked by a vet and are sound to breed and are current on their vaccinations!...
Here's a small herd of really nice big boned large framed bred cows with a good temperament! They are 3-6 years old and a few of them have calves on their side. Bred cows $1400 Pairs $1650 Delivery Available
I have Jerseys, Short horns, Angus and Holsteins Ages range 4 week bottle fed calves to 4 years old. Our Jerseys give 4-5 gallons a day! Our Holsteins give 5-7 gallons daily. Looking for a good milker we have it all.
30 Brafords avg. 30 BrahmanX avg 800# $1,250 ea Take all Brahman Cross $1150 ea. Take all 140 head $1225 ea! No middleman, they are all owned by and located at Circle D Ranch! We own several trucks and can help with delivery if is needed! Please call...
9 month old Hereford Red angus weighs 750 1000$ 14 month old Red Angus/Braunveih, 14 month old Hereford/Braunveih, 17 month old Registered Polled Hereford. Older bulls 1400 each Average for older bulls weight 850 lbs.
Leave message call only no text. Thanks for looking. Father is purebred Miniature Hereford at about 45". "Maverick" Virgin Miniature Hereford Lowline X for sale. He would look a little better if he gained more muscle in the hind.
She is a bit small but growing nicely. Very easy to handle and even tempered. She is a very sweet girl with a lot of potential. Current on vaccinations and worming. $800 Twelve month old baldy heifer.
REGISTERED HEREFORD 3 n 1s 9 hd 1st Calf Vet Checked Registered Hereford 3 n 1s Calving 3/10/19 for 60 Days 5 Registered Hereford Heifer Calves avg. 3 n 1 Buyer Takes All FOB Laneville, TX.
A few of the F1 cows the calves are out of are pictured. Have been on feed for 26 days, gaining an average of 2.2/lbs per day. Heifers average 650lbs. Sired by McKellar Registered Black Angus bulls.
Cows with calves by there side, cows are also bred back for April-May. 3 Hereford, 2 baldi's, 6 angus, 1 Simmental, 1 red angus, cows are from first calves to 4th calves. Call anytime 267 767 0160
16 Old cows 9-10 years old, Angus Cross bred to Red Angus and Polled Hereford. Start calving mid-Feb to April 1, good udders and very gentle. Call for pricing 620-635-0770 All have been vaccinated and wormed and will be preg checked again before going...
Pictured below is his dam and current EPD's. Any one looking for an outstanding herd bull prospect? We had a great calf crop this year with the majority of being heifer calves; we'd be happy to answer any questions you may have about Gunsmoke or his pedigree.