Registered MINI HEREFORD for sale. Picture is with my 5 month old mini jersey bull calf Asking $2300.00 She was a year old in June 2018 so she is ready for your bull. 43" high at the hip.
Heifer calf was born 6/26/17, ~300 pounds, registered. Steer calf was born 3/17/17, ~500-600 pounds. Two Hereford calves for sale. She will be a small framed heifer. Should have good growth rate, very calm disposition cattle.
We would like to get $3000.00 for him. This bull would be perfect for first time heifers or even for a full heard! He is halter broke and is very mild mannered. I have an 8 year old that leads him around.
(6) 15 month old Hereford Heifers $900 each 570 224 4965 cash upon pickup 16 month old Hereford bull$1000 4. (2) 15 month old Hereford bulls $800 each big enough to breed heifers, not full size cows.
Buy all or take you pick from herd, mix of mostly black & red angus, black baldies, & some Herefords bred to black angus bulls, bred heifers & cows not yet calved as well, price neg
40+Head Angus, Black Baldy and Herford Cow/Calf Pairs to sell this season. Started calving April 5th... 15 minutes from Beaver Stadium/ PennState University. 29 of the 40 on the ground as of today April 21st.
Cows with calves by there side, cows are also bred back for April-May. Call anytime 267 767 0160 3 Hereford, 2 baldi's, 6 angus, 1 Simmental, 1 red angus, cows are from first calves to 4th calves.