Note that much of what is sold as sacred or holy basil is actually spice basil, listed separately. (Sri tulsi; Rama tulsi) The true sacred basil grown in houses, gardens and near temples all over India.
Stems can be cooked like asparagus. (Chinese spinach; Hinn choy) Young leaves are eaten either cooked or raw like spinach, but contain more calcium and iron. Very tender with distinctive bittersweet flavour.
All America winner for 2002. Compact, lush green foliage is beautifully decorated with numerous purple button-sized flowers. Terrific for containers and garden plantings. Ornamental, aromatic and edible -- this basil has it all! Plants are remarkably...
It was much more successful as a medicinal, entering the US Pharmacopoeia (1831-42). Roots provide a valuable antiseptic, useful for bacterial infections of the mouth, throat, respiratory system, and skin.
A traditional source of molasses and sugar. Although the process is lengthy it is possible to extract molasses, and even sugar, at home from sugar beets grown in your garden. Cool weather crop; roots attain maximum sugar content in the fall.
Prefers dry, sunny areas with excellent drainage. In Lucania, in southern Italy, the young leaves are traditionally collected during the procession of the Black Madonna in May and September and are dried for future use to treat wounds, much like bandages.
One or two drops of fresh juice dropped into the eye are said to remove cataract. Thin out seedlings as they appear and pinch young plants back to encourage fullness. It is easily grown from seed sown directly into the garden.
The unassuming yellow flowers hide a long history of medicinal value to herbalists. Also used as a healing wash for burns, rashes, blisters and poison ivy. Gumplant was a traditional Native American remedy, efficacious for colds, coughs, nasal congestion...
Maintain at 10-15°C/50-60°F until germination is complete. Root tincture made with brandy strengthens the human system, particularly in cases of weak digestion and lack of appetite.
(Foo gwa; Bitter gourd) Squash-like fruit with an agreeably bitter, tangy flavour and edible peel. Excellent stuffed or stir fried. Grows like cucumbers. For stir fried dishes, parboil for 3 minutes to reduce bitterness.
(Love-in-a-mist) Finely divided leaves create a mist effect surrounding the lovely blue flowers. Seeds used in curries and bread, although its close cousin black cumin is better. Valued in perfumery trade.
They may be bothered by fruit flies, but are generally disease-free. The trees are native to the South and Central America, have shedding, cinnamon-coloured bark and scented flowers when in bloom.
They are easy to grow. A great substitute for French Tarragon. Harvest at peak maturity, hang small bunches from ceiling in a dry, warm (80-90°F), dark location with good ventilation for 1-2 weeks.
Various plant parts used with mordants yield yellow, green, gold and tan dyes. (Yellow dock) Ointment for skin eruptions and itchy skin is made by boiling roots in vinegar, then mixing softened pulp with lard or petroleum jelly.
Try something new in your garden this year! I use NO chemicals, either natural or man-made, and no products are GMOs. I grow many lesser-known crops that are not widely available from other sources.
Flowers: not showy
Sun: sun or light shade
Water: Drought tolerant when established
Foliage: Blue-green color makes an attractive addition to the garden
3,500 seeds/oz. (Salvia officinalis) Perennial. Aromatic leaves are used for meat and poultry dishes, stew, chowder, cheese and even in tea. Easy to grow plant with gray-green leaves, beautiful flower spikes and woody stems.
Seed is difficult to clean and contains some light chaff. Our vegetable seeds do especially well in hot, humid climates where vegetable production can be difficult. (Photo by Scott Bauer) Garden Medicinals offers over 220 varieties of medicinal and culinary...
Height: 5 to 6 feet
Propagation / Germination: Needs light to germinate. Sow seed on soil surface and press in lightly.
Sow direct in spring or start early indoors and transplant out. (Egyptian spinach; Jew's mallow) Vegetable green popular throughout the Middle East, Africa and Asia. It has a slightly mucilaginous texture that may take some getting used to but millions...
One planting can provide fresh greens for months. Leaves (wider than the Bolivian type). Once established, papalo grows quickly and easily. Like cilantro, it is loved by many, and hated by a few, although many prefer one to the other.
Until they are mature lavender plants need to be watered weekly in dry weather. The plants are rounded and bushy at maturity. 20-28 days, 70ºF. Amend acidic soils with lime. Our lavenders are the hardiest and most fragrant varieties available from seed.
Note: Medicinal uses of herbs mentioned in our store are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please see a qualified medical practitioner for diagnosis if you have a health problem.
In Mexico, leaves and flowers are used for tea. USDA Certified Organic. Leaves are best used raw or added at the end of cooking; goes well in fish and chicken dishes, soups, salads, pestos, and vinegars.
Germination code: (1). Flavor declines after plants bloom. Flowers range from white to shades of pink and purple and begin to appear from late July into August. Germination code: (1)
Our herb selection also includes dormant root stock of ginger, ginseng, goldenseal, black cohosh, false unicorn, and wild yam. All seeds are non-gmo, open-pollinated and untreated.