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Herbs Seeds For Sale In Nashville Davidson

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German/Winter Thyme
Prices start at : 2.65 USD / 1/8 gram

Hardy herbs can be transplanted after the last frost. No special requirements, but germination may be slow and erratic. Fertile, well-drained soil provides the best results. A very popular culinary herb.
  •  Culinary
  •  Perennial
Purple Delight Basil
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / Seeds / pkt

Strong flavour and scent. Growth is stronger, more upright than Rubin. Medium sized leaves. Excellent purple basil. Dark purple with little or no green colouration, much like the Dark Opal variety was before it deteriorated to greenish-purple.
  • Duration: Annual
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • When to Sow: Spring/Anytime
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

Recent medical evidence supports folkloric use for tumours. One of four herbs in the Essiac anti-cancer formula. Roots of this common wildplant are said to have “blood-purifying” properties.
  • When to Sow: Spring
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal
German/Winter Thyme Seed Disk
Prices start at : 4.05 USD / 3 Disks

These disks are a great gift or a perfect child's gardening project. Water and watch your herbs grow. A time-honored herb for flavoring a multitude of dishes. For windowsill, patio and even herb garden planting, lay the disk on the surface of the moistened...
Wyoming Sagebrush
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

Ht. 30-90cm/1-3ft. Strong pungent fragrance. Requires well-drained soil but prefers low fertility. Likely because of its antiseptic properties, it was used by Native Americans like other sagebrushes to treat colds, diarrhea and sore eyes.
  • Uses: Medicinal/Aromatic
  • Botanical Name: Artemisia tridentata wyomingensis
  • Ease of Germination: Moderate
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

Amerindians once burned dried stems over skin to relieve neuralgia and rheumatism. Research evidence suggests that contains compounds that can lower blood cholesterol. (Round-headed bush clover) Lespedeza is native to central and eastern United States...
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Uses: Medicinal
  • Ease of Germination: Moderate/Special Treatment Required
Sheep Sorrel
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

Although leaves are small and time-consuming to gather, they are delicious to eat. Traditionally used for fevers, inflammation, diarrhea, excessive menstruation and cancer. One of the four ingredients of the Essiac anti-cancer remedy.
  • Botanical Name: Rumex acetosella
  • Duration: Perennial
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
Artemis Ornamental Sage
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 25 seeds

Fertilize with Age Old Grow every 10-14 days for optimum growth. Harvest only as needed. Apply 1 cup of TSC's Complete fertilizer per 5 row feet, and 1 inch of compost. Harvest when blooms are just beginning to appear; at this point the leaves contain...
  • Biennial: Yes
De Arbol Chile Pepper
Prices start at : 2.50 USD / Seeds / pkt

Heat: 15,000-30,000 Scoville units. Cayenne type, 5-7cm/2-3” long, 5-7mm across. Use powdered for sauces, soups, stews.
  • When to Sow: Spring
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • Duration: Annual
Pleurisy Root
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

Valuable for all chest complaints, including pleurisy. (Butterfly weed) Bright orange-red flowers are worthy of attention as an ornamental. Roots act specifically on the lungs as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
Wild Seabuckthorn
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

Orange berries are rich source of vitamins A and C. This is a wild variety best suited for shelter belts, erosion control, slope stabilization, and wildlife habitats. Plants raised from seeds will be half male and half female.
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Botanical Name: Hippophae rhamnoides
Midget Savory
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

Ht. 30cm/12”. Improved uniform selection for commercial production. Bushier and higher foliage mass than other varieties, and has high essential oil content.
  • Botanical Name: Satureja hortensis 'Midget'
  • Duration: Annual
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
Tiaga Russian Sage
Prices start at : 7.25 USD / Seeds / pkt

It is heat and drought tolerant and very hardy. Ht. 40-50cm (16-20in). Start seeds early: it takes 3-4 months to get garden-sized plants. Beautiful deep sky-blue flower spikes are nicely set against silvery green foliage.
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
  • Ease of Germination: Moderate
  • Botanical Name: Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Tiaga'
Plain Chervil
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

This flat-leaved form of chervil has been used in Europe for centuries. Use it wherever parsley is used -- you can't go wrong with it. Like parsley, the fresh leaves are chopped and added at the last minute to traditional spring soups.
  • Botanical Name: Anthriscus cerefolium
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
Envigortm Basil
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

  • Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum 'Envigor'
  • Duration: Annual
  • When to Sow: Spring/Anytime
Green Globe Basil
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / Seeds / pkt

Good spicy flavour. A spectacular refinement of bush basil from Italy where the variety is known as (“very fine green, like a ball or globe”). Forms dense globular little bushes 50-70cm/20-28” across so perfectly uniform they look pruned.
  • Duration: Annual
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Beverage/Aromatic/Industrial
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
Sweet Sumac
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / Seeds / pkt

When dried the fruits can be powdered and used as a seasoning, and can substitute for European sumac ( ) in spice mixtures such as zaatar. The leaves, roots and fruits are astringent and can be used for colds, stomachache, diarrhea, dysentery, and as...
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
  • Botanical Name: Rhus aromatica
Indian Paracress
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / Seeds / pkt

Our strain is from India where it is commonly grown commercially for Ayurvedic medicines. The same studies showed that testosterone levels rise significantly with treatment. (Spilanthes) Known as in India this herb is widely used as medicine and for food.
  • Botanical Name: Spilanthes acmella
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal
  • Duration: Annual
Prices start at : 15.95 USD / 10 Packet Collection

Organic Herb Seed Collection - 6 Packets for $19.95 - $3.32 Each! This collection contains one packet each of 6 of our best selling 100% organic herb varieties! Every variety you need to create a delicious herb garden!
  • Light Requirement: Full Sun
  • Planting Depth: 1/4"
  • Prefers full sun exposure.: Yes
  • Plant Spacing: 18-24"
  • Ships: Year-round
  • Sowing Method: Direct Sow/Indoor Sow
Long Island Mammoth Dill
Prices start at : 2.25 USD / 2 grams

Larger seeds need to be covered with soil at least as thick as the seed itself. They are easy to grow. No special requirements, but germination may be slow and erratic. Small seedlings such as thyme, savory and sweet marjoram may be successfully transplanted...
  •  Culinary
  •  Annual
Ellagance Pink Lavender
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 25 seeds

Harvest and fertilize regularly to encourage vegetative growth. These seeds need a period of cold stratification for successful germination. Larger seeds need to be covered with soil at least as thick as the seed itself.
  •  Perennial
  •  Cutting and Crafting
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

Edible leaves can be added to salads. (Money plant) Curiously, it symbolizes both honesty and money. When dried its silver dollar-like seed pods make attractive winter decorations.
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal
  • Botanical Name: Lunaria annua
Bull\'s Eye Cress
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / Seeds / pkt

There is hint of a bitter, grassy flavor but that is really secondary to the sensation. This European variety has bright gold button flowers with red "eyes" that look like they might be from a raging bull!
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal
  • Botanical Name: Spilanthes acmella 'Bull's Eye'
  • When to Sow: Spring
Magical Michael Basil
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

All America winner for 2002. Has great potential in salads, pestos, as garnish, or anywhere regular basil is used. Terrific for containers and garden plantings. Ornamental, aromatic and edible -- this basil has it all! Plants are remarkably uniform (for...
  • Uses: Culinary
  • When to Sow: Spring/Anytime
  • Duration: Annual
Purple Perilla
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

Purplish red leaves; preferred variety for pickling. Before sowing, chill sees at 5°C (40°F) for 3 days in moist sand. Also used to give scarlet colour to pickled plums and preserved ginger.
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • Duration: Annual
  • Botanical Name: Perilla frutescens
10 Best Selling Culinary Herb Seeds!
Prices start at : 52.95 USD / 30 Packet Collection

Culinary Herb Seeds Collection Our Culinary Herb Seeds Collection is comprised of 10 packets of our best-selling herb seeds: Sweet Basil Seeds, Italian Parsley Seeds, Curled Parsley Seeds, Cilantro/Coriander Seeds, Arugula Seeds, Dill Bouquet Seeds, Chives...
  • Botanical Name: 10 Best Selling Culinary Herb Seeds!
  • Ships: Year Around
  • Life Cycle: Perennial/Annual/Biennial
  • Height: Various
  • 10 Individual packets of our most popular Culinary Herbs.: Yes
  • Name: Culinary Herb Collection - 10 Individual Packets
European Goldenrod
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Seeds / pkt

A cocktail of chemical constituents has been found to be medicinally active, including flavonoids, saponins and glycosides. A 700 year history of use in Europe and numerous modern labs studies attest to the safety and efficacy of European goldenrod.
  • Botanical Name: Solidago virgaurea
  • Ease of Germination: Moderate
  • Uses: Medicinal