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Herbs General Herb Care For Sale In San Francisco

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Prices start at : 24.70 USD / 4 oz.

Also, PLEASE email me instead of calling me when you have questions or concerns. Muscle spasms treatment Anti-inflammatory treating diabetes and lowering blood sugar Slowing or preventing osteoporosis Insomnia cure.
San Francisco
Yarrow - Loose Dried Herb
Prices start at : 10.00 USD / yarrow_leaf4 oz.

"Millefolium" means "coming of a thousand leaves". Great care is taken in handling, shade drying, and harvesting at each herb's peak potency. Yarrow is known by many names including Common Yarrow, White Yarrow, Herbal Militaris, Nosebleed Plant, Devil's...
San Francisco
Wilde Dagga Flowers
Prices start at : 10.00 USD / 3 grams dagga flowers

I hand pack each order and drive from the farm to the post office to ship your order. I grew these for my husband and fell in love with the beautiful flowers but also was facinated in their use as a medicinal herb.
San Francisco
Plantain leaf tea - Life Medicine!
Prices start at : 11.99 USD / 24 tea bags

Deobstruent: unclogs passageway, particularly lung and liver obstructions (imbedded phlegm). We carefully select our produce varieties for excellent taste and quality. Blood: plain plantain tea is one of the best cleansers to remove toxins from the blood.
San Francisco
Sweet Basil Seed Disk
Prices start at : 4.05 USD / 3 Disks

These disks are a great gift or a perfect child's gardening project. Water and watch your herbs grow. A classic culinary sweet basil, indisputably the best for pesto. For windowsill, patio and even herb garden planting, lay the disk on the surface of...
San Francisco
Chamomile Flowers / Medicinal Herb
Prices start at : 8.99 USD / 4 oz. loose flowers

The active ingredients are found in the essential volatile oils from the flowers of chamomile. Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) has been described by Germans as "Alles zutraut," meaning "capable of anything" due to their belief that chamomile can relieve...
San Francisco
Genovese Compact, Improved Basil Disk - Seed Disk
Prices start at : 4.25 USD / 3 Units

Water well at planting and then water as needed as the plant grows.Begin light harvesting after plants have become established. It is best done in the early morning when the temperature is cooler and the leaves are less likely to wilt.
  • Hybrid Status: Open Pollinated
  • Latin Name: Ocimum basilicum
  • Life Cycle: Annual
  • Grows Well in Containers: Yes
San Francisco
Plant-Smudge Sage
Prices start at : 7.25 USD / Sold Out

Because of the different growth rates of some of the varieties, you may see a difference in sizes. We reserve the right to alter the shipping dates due to weather. If you can't plant them outside immediately, you may want to pot them into a larger container.
  • Perennial: Yes
San Francisco
Mullein Leaf / Medicinal Herb
Prices start at : 3.65 USD / 1 oz. loose dry leaf

One of the Safest and Most Useful Herbal Lung Tonics. Mullein's key constituents are Flavonoids, Tannins, Volatile oils, Mucilage, Triterpenoid saponins. We carefully select our produce varieties for excellent taste and quality.
San Francisco
Dream On Sleeping Potion)
Prices start at : 15.00 USD / 1 oz. bottle w/ droppe

All herbs used in our products are grown on Sister Sage Herb Farm unless otherwise noted. Grown, Loved, Harvested, and Made in the USA � Oats are a mineral rich way to support the nervous and adrenal systems* � Catnip, an antispasmodic for those experiencing...
San Francisco
Calendula Fliowers, dried - 1 oz
Prices start at : 3.00 USD / calendula_dried

Our items ship via Priority Mail for a flat rate fee of $5.50. We also sell directly from our herb farm. We are growers and purveyors of fine herbs, botanicals and herbal teas. The base price for shipping and handling is $5.50, and all additional purchases...
San Francisco
German Chamomile
Prices start at : 2.25 USD / 1/4 gram

Whether in the garden or on the windowsill, learn their likes and dislikes, and you'll be rewarded with flavor and beauty. Harvest only as needed. Grows to a bushy 16 inches by 16 inches.
  •  Tea
  •  Culinary
San Francisco
Metal Herb Kit with Handle, Herb Kits
Prices start at : 30.00 USD / Orange

This herb kit will grow great indoors and out! It looks great on a windowsill and will provide tasty fresh herbs for your family. Herb garden kit measures 14″x4″x5″. Everything you need to grow a custom herb kit at any time of the year! This herb...
  • Cubic Inches: 165.375
  • Dimensions: 13.5 x 3.5 x 3.5 in
  • categories: Herb
San Francisco
White Oak Bark
Prices start at : 93.60 USD / 1 pound

It was being used by Native Americans as a remedy for many conditions. These benefits include acting as an astringent, antiseptic and an anti-inflammatory. 1 gallon bag = 1 pound Come and visit my store for good old fashion, high quality, fresh teas,...
San Francisco
Pennyroyal Herb - Dried
Prices start at : 13.30 USD / 4 oz.

Also, PLEASE email me instead of calling me when you have questions or concerns. The toxicity of these organic compounds have spurred its use to kill insects, especially fleas. It is also used topically for gout, venomous bites, and mouth sores; and as...
San Francisco
Tulsi or Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum)
Prices start at : 5.00 USD / Tulsi 2 ounce package

Our Tulsi or Holy Basil is grown on our northern Kentucky farm from organic seeds and with no chemical pesticides of synthetic fertilizers
San Francisco
Herb Seed Disk Collection
Prices start at : 13.80 USD / 1 Unit

The collection contains one disk each of Cilantro/Coriander, Chives, Parsley, Thyme, Genovese Compact Improved Basil, and Arugula, as well as six 6" pots with saucers; everything you need to plant your own herb garden, either inside or out, except the...
  • Latin Name: varies
  • Days To Maturity: Varies
  • Hybrid Status: Open Pollinated
  • Video: Yes
San Francisco
Plant-Ellagance Pink Lavender
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / Sold Out

When you order our transplants, you will receive the same quality and selection that our customers have learned to expect at our retail store. Available only within the contiguous US.
  •  Cutting and Crafting
  •  Perennial
San Francisco
Prices start at : 7.25 USD / Sold Out

If the box arrives after the weekend or is damaged, please call Customer Service immediately at: 800-626-0866. Because of the different growth rates of some of the varieties, you may see a difference in sizes.
  •  Perennial
  •  Partial Shade
San Francisco
Dolce Fresca Basil
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1/4 gram

Basil is a fast growing annual that requires fertile, well-drained soil. Plant well after frost when weather has stabilized. Aphids, spider mites, thrips, stink bugs, Japanese beetles.
  •  Full Sun
  •  Tea
  •  Culinary
  • Plant Spacing: 12-18"
  • Soil Temp for Germ.: 70-85°F
  • Seeds per gram: ≈ 750-900
San Francisco
American Ginseng
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 2 grams ships in the fall

It is highest in the roots right after the foliage has died down in early fall indicating the plants have entered dormancy. Avoid areas under conifers or close to ferns. When used medicinally, ginseng roots are said to reduce the body's various stress...
  •  Tea
  •  Culinary
San Francisco
Stinging Nettles - Dried Organic
Prices start at : 7.99 USD / 1 oz.

Tel: 510-253-8859 (Michael). That way your produce is as nutritious and healthy as it can be. In most cases, we harvest your fresh produce just before it is picked up or shipped. The stems are removed, so you get just the dried leaves.
San Francisco
Pallas Coriander Seed Disk
Prices start at : 4.05 USD / 3 Disks

Each 10 cm disk is sized just right to conveniently plant in a 4 inch pot. We've selected a collection of our favorite herb varieties and put them into handy, easy to plant, biodegradable disks.
San Francisco
Red Drops Hibiscus Organic
Prices start at : 2.95 USD / 1 gram Organic

Fertilize with Age Old Grow every 10-14 days for optimum growth. Apply 1 cup of TSC's Complete fertilizer per 5 row feet, and 1 inch of compost. Transplant tender herbs after last frost when weather has stabilized.
  •  Full Sun
  •  Culinary
  •  Tea
San Francisco
Golden Jubilee Anise Hyssop
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / 20 seeds

Fertilize with Age Old Grow every 10-14 days for optimum growth. Apply 1 cup of TSC's Complete fertilizer per 5 row feet, and 1 inch of compost. Transplant tender herbs after last frost when weather has stabilized.
  •  Tea
  •  Perennial
San Francisco
Calendula Flowers (Whole)
Prices start at : 10.95 USD / Calendula

It is theorized in testing done on the plant extract that the constituents in Calendula promote the development of collagen structures in the skin and mucous membranes, yet more research is needed to validate this activity.
San Francisco
Vitex  Berry Whole / aka Chaste Tree / Medicinal
Prices start at : 4.45 USD / 1 oz. whole berries

We carefully select our produce varieties for excellent taste and quality. By increasing the release of luteinizing hormone, which in turn increases progesterone production in the ovaries, chaste tree helps to regulate the menstrual cycle.
San Francisco