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Herb Plants Vegetable Plants For Sale In West Jordan

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Orange Fizz Geranium
Prices start at : 6.75 USD / Plants / ea

Ht. 45-60cm/18-24in. Strong orange-lemon scent is addictive. Light pink and mauve bicolored flowers. A fun plant for containers, window boxes, and as a border plant in the scented garden.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Botanical Name: Pelargonium 'Orange Fizz'
West Jordan
Columbus Hops
Prices start at : 10.00 USD / Plants Apr-June Shipment / ea

The aroma is strong and sharp, with a citrusy, herbal and resinous elements. Has high bittering qualities, and is used primarily for dry hopping. Tight clustered, compact cones require careful oasting (kiln drying) and conditioning.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Botanical Name: Humulus lupulus 'Columbus'
West Jordan
Pig\'s Ears
Prices start at : 6.75 USD / Plants / ea

(Plakkies) Excellent wart remedy, widely recommended even by medical doctors, in South Africa. Very easy to grow. Succulent shrub with showy coral flowers on a stem up to 60 cm/2 ft.
  • Uses: Medicinal
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Botanical Name: Cotyledon orbiculata
West Jordan
Mountain Mint
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Plants / ea

Hardy U.S. native. Leaves possess a wonderful menthol fragrance; may be used just like peppermint. Excellent beeplant.
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Beverage/Aromatic
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall/Anytime
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
West Jordan
Lily of the Valley
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Plants Mar-June Shipment / ea

Leaves yield green dyes. Pure white fragrant flowers. Strengthens and regulates the heart, but not to be used without medical supervision. A favourite for moist, shady areas.
  • Uses: Medicinal/Aromatic/Poisonous!
  • Duration: Perennial
West Jordan
Peter Pepper
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Plants / ea

10,000-23,000 Scoville units. (Penis pepper) An heirloom pepper that undeniably looks like an uncircumcised penis. This unusual chile is actually quite edible and hot. It is perhaps not for everybody, but if you are growing this in your garden for all...
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal
  • Duration: Annual
West Jordan
Prices start at : 7.75 USD / Plants Mar-May Shipment / ea

Indians dyed their bodies and clothes with bloodroot. One of our most beautiful woodland wildflowers. Important dyeplant: roots yield red-orange colour for dyeing wool. Conspicuous white flowers, 5cm/2” across, appear in early spring.
  • Uses: Medicinal/Poisonous!
  • Botanical Name: Sanguinaria canadensis
  • Ease of Germination: Difficult/Special Treatment Required
West Jordan
Mongolian Yarrow
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

The whole herb is used to treat fever, enteritis, and pains, such rheumatic pain and the pain of bone fractures. Has showy light pink flowers fading to white. Hardy native of grasslands and mountain slopes in northern China, Mongolia and Siberia.
  • Botanical Name: Achillea asiatica
  • Uses: Medicinal
West Jordan
Prices start at : 8.75 USD / Plants Mar-May Shipment / ea

Used by the Amerindians to treat hepatitis, syphilis, fevers, constipation, etc. (American mandrake) A derivative of this herb is medically proven against certain cancers.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Uses: Medicinal/Poisonous!
West Jordan
Uva Ursi
Prices start at : 6.75 USD / Plants / ea

(Bearberry; Kinnikinnik) Used for kidney and bladder infections on account of its diuretic and antiseptic properties. Likes damp, acidic soil. Attractive glossy green leaves and pink bell-shaped flowers.
  • Uses: Medicinal
  • Duration: Perennial
West Jordan
Brilliant Geranium
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Attractive dark green leaves and brilliant cerise flowers. Slight pungent scent.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Uses: Aromatic
West Jordan
Pine Rosemary
Prices start at : 15.00 USD / / ea

Makes a great winter holiday living centerpiece. Its small needle-like evergreen leaves and strong pine scent is reminiscent of a miniature Christmas tree. Although this variety is unsuitable for culinary use, it is a perfect ornamental and aromatic plant.
  • Botanical Name: Rosmarinus angustifolia
  • Uses: Medicinal/Aromatic
West Jordan
Wild Ginger
Prices start at : 6.75 USD / Plants Apr-June Shipment / ea

It spreads quickly and will grow even under dense shade. Leaves smell strongly of ginger, and European settlers used it as a substitute for tropical ginger when they first arrived in North America.
  • Ease of Germination: Difficult/Special Treatment Required
  • When to Sow: Late Summer/Early Fall
  • Botanical Name: Asarum canadense
West Jordan
Clorinda Geranium
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Large showy rose-pink flowers flushed with lilac. Pleasant scent with a hint of eucalyptus.
  • Uses: Aromatic
  • Botanical Name: Pelargonium 'Clorinda'
West Jordan
Negronne Fig
Prices start at : 8.75 USD / Plants Apr-June Shipment / ea

Named after a town in the Bordeaux region of France where this variety is said to have come from. The striking, almost black fruits have a red flesh that has intense rich flavour! A-fig-cionados say that this variety is one of the very best.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal
West Jordan
Red Gem Marigold
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Plants / ea

Like other citrus marigolds, with bright red flowers.
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • When to Sow: Spring
  • Uses: Culinary
West Jordan
Ischia Fig
Prices start at : 8.75 USD / Plants / ea

The fruits are small to medium in size and the flesh is a luscious red colour and very sweet. Outstanding prolific, heavy bearing variety that often will produce two crops a season.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Botanical Name: Ficus carica 'Ischia'
West Jordan
Kadota Fig
Prices start at : 8.75 USD / Plants / ea

Delicious fresh or dried, or for canning. Flavour is very sweet, especially when the weather is hot. Large fruits with a light green-yellow skin and amber flesh. Self-pollinated. This is a long-lived variety that does well in containers and tolerates...
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal
  • Duration: Perennial
West Jordan
Peter\'s Honey Fig
Prices start at : 8.75 USD / Plants Apr-June Shipment / ea

Originally from Sicily, this super delicious lemon yellow fig with sweet, tender, dark amber flesh, is truly amazing. It likes it a little hotter than other varieties, so grow this in a warm spot protected from the cold wind.
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal
  • Botanical Name: Ficus carica 'Peter's Honey'
West Jordan
Villa Nova Lemon
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Lovely gold-dappled pillow-like mats of sweet lemon-scented foliage covered in purple-pink flowers in June and July. This cultivar is also known (incorrectly) as ´Golden King´. Ht. 25-30cm/10-12in.
  • Uses: Culinary/Aromatic
  • Duration: Perennial
West Jordan
Peruvian Sage
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Striking deep purple flowers. Scent is a rather pleasant complex of fruit, eucalyptus and resin.
  • Botanical Name: Salvia discolor
  • Duration: Perennial
West Jordan
Nugget Hops
Prices start at : 8.75 USD / Plants Apr-June Shipment / ea

Introduced in 1982, it is a diploid cross between Brewers Gold and a high alpha-acid male with good storage properties (USDA65009 X USDA63015M). It has a cluster cone structure that is heavy, tight and moderately long.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Uses: Medicinal/Beverage/Industrial
West Jordan
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

It grows quickly and can be harvested twice a year or more by cutting, never pulling up from the roots. Also known as holy grass, sweetgrass is considered one of the four sacred herbs of the First Nations and is used in traditional ceremonies to promote...
  • Botanical Name: Hierochloe odorata
  • Duration: Perennial
West Jordan
Folgate Lavender
Prices start at : 6.75 USD / Plants / ea

Ht. 60cm/24”. Neat compact variety with dark mauve, mildly scented flowers on long spikes. Developed at Folgate Nursery in England before 1924. Well suited for gardens and borders, and for cutting and drying.
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Aromatic/Industrial
  • Duration: Perennial
West Jordan
Evening Primrose
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Plants / ea

- EP10 Has high GLA content. Roots can be eaten as a vegetable; shoots as a salad. Oil in seeds contains gammalinolenic acid (GLA), a precursor of prostaglandin E1. By supplementing the diet with GLA, one can bypass a blockage of prostaglandin E1 production...
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • Duration: Biennial
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
West Jordan
Violet de Bordeaux Fig
Prices start at : 8.75 USD / Plants / ea

Even when grown in pots, it is very productive. This is a super dwarf variety from Spain. It is very hardy and often produces two crops in a season. The jet-black fruits are small but they are considered by many to be the best tasting fig available.
  • Botanical Name: Ficus carica 'Violet de Bordeaux'
  • Duration: Perennial
West Jordan
Passion Flower
Prices start at : 8.75 USD / Plants / ea

As an aggressive climber, it is perfect for gates, trellises and other upright structures. Since this is a hybrid, it will not produce fruit or seeds. A hybrid vine that continues to produce beautiful intricate white, pink and purple flowers all year...
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Uses: Industrial
West Jordan