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Herb Plants Vegetable Plants For Sale In Halifax

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Greek Myrtle
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Classic evergreen shrub from the Mediterranean. Lovely house plant. Essential oil is used for fragrance. Spicy leaves can be used in cooking like bay leaf. Fragrant white flowers and leaves are used in potpourri.
  • When to Sow: Anytime
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Aromatic
  • Duration: Perennial
Nova Scotia
Cardamom Ginger
Prices start at : 6.75 USD / Plants / ea

When they appear the beautiful porcelain-like flowers are also edible. The rhizomes and leaves are used in traditional medicine for high blood pressure, ulcers, fungal infections, flu and headache, and as a diuretic.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Botanical Name: Alpinia nutans
Nova Scotia
Prices start at : 15.00 USD / Plants / ea

(Mitha-neem) The fresh curryleaf provides distinctive flavour of South Indian and Sri Lankan cooking. Medicinally, the leaves and other parts of the plant are used for constipation, colic and diarrhea.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Botanical Name: Murraya koenigii
Nova Scotia
Citrus Blaze Seabuckthorn
Prices start at : 12.00 USD / Plants / ea

Superior female cultivar, bushier than others. This Healing Arc variety is a selection from the European variety ´Juliet´. Excellent for freezing berry-laden branches to store for winter usage.
  • Botanical Name: Hippophae rhamnoides 'Citrus Blaze'
  • Duration: Perennial
Nova Scotia
Silver Tansy
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

(Jackpot tansy) Sensational variety from England. Soft downy woolly-grey leaves are soon overwhelmed by a shroud of white flowers -- so much so that you almost cannot see the leaves.
  • Uses: Medicinal
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • Botanical Name: Tanacetum niveum 'Jackpot'
Nova Scotia
Shell Ginger
Prices start at : 6.75 USD / Plants / ea

(Variegated ginger; Pink porcelain lily) With its large aromatic green and gold leaves this is a popular landscaping plant in warm areas and an ornamental house plant. Called "shell ginger" because the flowers appearing in the second year resemble sea...
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal
  • Botanical Name: Alpinia zerumbet 'Variegata'
Nova Scotia
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Plants / ea

It will spread if unchecked, but who would mind more of this useful and delicious herb? The taproot can grow more than 50cm (20”) long and can be used to make horseradish sauce, or grated fresh to bring a sharp, sparkling flavour to coleslaws and dips.
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal
  • Botanical Name: Armoracia rusticana
Nova Scotia
Mushroom Herb
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

(Acanth spinach)
  • Botanical Name: Rungia klossii
  • Duration: Perennial
Nova Scotia
Mystic Lemon
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Like green eyes lined with gold eyeliner, the gold-variegated elliptical leaves of this bushy lemon thyme add an elegant but watchful effect to the garden. Ht. 20-25cm/8-10in. The scent and flavour is unmistakably lemon.
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Aromatic
  • Duration: Perennial
Nova Scotia
Emerald Winetm Basil
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Like a fine wine this is a basil with character that lingers. Its growth habit is compact but not densely so like bush basil. The leaves and overall size are smaller than standard sweet basil.
  • Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum 'OC12'
  • Duration: Annual
Nova Scotia
Prices start at : 10.00 USD / Plants Mar-May Shipment / ea

Tea used as a wash for sore nipples. (Squaw vine; Checkerberry) Attractive low growing evergreen herb common in forests throughout eastern North America. Tea taken in the last few weeks of pregnancy promotes easier childbirth, according to native American...
  • Botanical Name: Mitchella repens
  • Duration: Perennial
Nova Scotia
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

The essential oil is used to enhance fruit flavours in confections and perfumes. Deer avoid this plant, and it is generally untroubled by other pests or diseases. Appropriate for xeriscaping, curryplant grows best in full sun and sandy or loamy soil in...
  • When to Sow: Anytime
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Ease of Germination: Moderate
Nova Scotia
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

(Pokeweed) Pleasant early spring potherb tasting like asparagus. Used to treat rheumatism, arthritis and respiratory infections. Young unfolded leaves (older leaves are poisonous) are boiled.
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Poisonous!
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • Duration: Perennial
Nova Scotia
Purple Foxglove
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Plants / ea

Deceptively charming, purple foxglove is an extraordinarily potent herb. Lovely spikes of purple, pink and white bells freckled inside with little spots decorate this traditional inhabitant of the cottage garden.
  • Botanical Name: Digitalis purpurea
  • Duration: Biennial
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
Nova Scotia
Blue Cohosh
Prices start at : 8.75 USD / Plants Mar-May Shipment / ea

Blue Cohosh is a leafy shrub that was highly esteemed by the Amerindians, used traditionally to aid in labour, correct heavy menstruation, and treat abdominal as well as urinary conditions.
  • Ease of Germination: Difficult/Special Treatment Required
  • When to Sow: Late Summer/Early Fall
  • Uses: Medicinal/Poisonous!
Nova Scotia
Brilliant Geranium
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Slight pungent scent. Attractive dark green leaves and brilliant cerise flowers.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Uses: Aromatic
Nova Scotia
Globe Artichoke
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Plants / ea

European delicacy. Beautiful artichokes are ready in August/Sept. Start early indoors Feb/March and transplant out in April/May when frosts are past. Artichokes are usually grown as annuals.
  • Botanical Name: Cynara scolymus 'Large Green Globe'
Nova Scotia
Prices start at : 8.75 USD / Plants Mar-May Shipment / ea

(American mandrake) A derivative of this herb is medically proven against certain cancers. Used by the Amerindians to treat hepatitis, syphilis, fevers, constipation, etc.
  • Botanical Name: Podophyllum peltatum
  • Duration: Perennial
Nova Scotia
Golden Marguerite
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Plants / ea

(Dyer's chamomile) Fine border plant; profusion of yellow daisies in August. Yields excellent yellow or gold dyes for fabrics.
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • Uses: Medicinal
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
Nova Scotia
Violet de Bordeaux Fig
Prices start at : 8.75 USD / Plants / ea

This is a super dwarf variety from Spain. Even when grown in pots, it is very productive. The jet-black fruits are small but they are considered by many to be the best tasting fig available.
  • Botanical Name: Ficus carica 'Violet de Bordeaux'
  • Duration: Perennial
Nova Scotia
Caper Bush
Prices start at : 10.00 USD / Plants / ea

Raising caper bush from seed is not for the novice; germination is slow and typically less than 30%. Capers tend to reduce oiliness in foods, and possess a natural affinity for garlic and lemon.
  • Ease of Germination: Difficult/Special Treatment Required
  • Uses: Culinary
  • Botanical Name: Capparis spinosa inermis
Nova Scotia
Gray Lady Plymouth Geranium
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Good rose scent. Deeply cut grey-green leaves with narrow white border.
  • Botanical Name: Pelargonium x asperum 'Gray Lady Plymouth'
  • Uses: Culinary/Aromatic
Nova Scotia
Sachet Lavender
Prices start at : 6.75 USD / Plants / ea

American variety from Oregon with a strong heady aroma and excellent oil quality. Nice variety for culinary use. Blooms in June and again August or September. Large violet-mauve flowers are good for scented use in potpourris and sachets.
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Aromatic
  • Duration: Perennial
Nova Scotia
Mrs. Taylor Geranium
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Flowers bright red; very showy; pungent, crinkled leaves.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Botanical Name: Pelargonium 'Mrs. Taylor'
Nova Scotia
Scarlet Unique Geranium
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Pungent, woolly, grayish leaves. Large scarlet flowers.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Uses: Aromatic
Nova Scotia
Silver Speedwell
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Plants / ea

Folk medicine tradition indicates it has astringent properties. It is drought tolerant and prefers a well-drained situation, making it a good choice for xeriscaping or rock gardens, as it cannot tolerate cold, wet soil.
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • Botanical Name: Veronica incana
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
Nova Scotia
American Arnica
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

The Vienna Pharmacognostic Institute found that this plant has the same medicinal action as the European variety, . Easier to grow.
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Botanical Name: Arnica chamissonis
Nova Scotia