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Herb Plants Vegetable Plants For Sale In Coral Springs

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Globe Artichoke
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Plants / ea

Beautiful artichokes are ready in August/Sept. Artichokes are usually grown as annuals. European delicacy. Flowerbuds made up of thick fleshy scales and solid hearts are cooked and served drenched with melted butter.
  • Botanical Name: Cynara scolymus 'Large Green Globe'
Coral Springs
Variegated Nutmeg Geranium
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Attractive variegated version of nutmeg geranium with the same strong nutmeg scent.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Botanical Name: Pelargonium x fragrans 'Variegated'
Coral Springs
Lemon Eucalyptus
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Its oil is the major ingredient in some plant-based insect repellents, and a scattering of the leaves crushed or whole repels cockroaches and silver fish around the house. It is a striking specimen plant in semi-tropical zones where it survives outside...
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Ease of Germination: Moderate
  • Uses: Medicinal/Aromatic/Industrial
Coral Springs
Pacific Gem Hops
Prices start at : 10.00 USD / Plants Apr-June Shipment / ea

Currently under evaluation in Michigan for commercial use. It is a cross between a tetraploid smooth cone variety and an open pollinated variety. A late maturing triploid super alpha variety from New Zealand.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Botanical Name: Humulus lupulus 'Pacific Gem'
Coral Springs
Caper Bush
Prices start at : 10.00 USD / Plants / ea

Capers tend to reduce oiliness in foods, and possess a natural affinity for garlic and lemon. A straggly, slow growing shrub of dry, rocky areas of the Mediterranean and North Africa.
  • When to Sow: Anytime
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Ease of Germination: Difficult/Special Treatment Required
Coral Springs
Passion Flower
Prices start at : 8.75 USD / Plants / ea

As an aggressive climber, it is perfect for gates, trellises and other upright structures. A hybrid vine that continues to produce beautiful intricate white, pink and purple flowers all year round! Not to be confused with American Passionflower, which...
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Botanical Name: Passiflora x alatocaerulea cv.
Coral Springs
Southern Cross Hops
Prices start at : 10.00 USD / Plants Apr-June Shipment / ea

It is a triploid cross between ´Smoothcone´ and ´53-5-61M´ developed by the Riwaka Hop Research Centre in New Zealand and released in 1994. The flavour is very "European", and so this variety is used in lagers, pilseners, bitters, red ales, strong...
  • Uses: Medicinal/Beverage/Industrial
  • Duration: Perennial
Coral Springs
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Sauteed zucchini or mushrooms with fresh nepitella, tomatoes, and garlic is served with roast or boiled meat dishes. (Lesser calamint) A regional favourite in Tuscany where it is added to mushroom dishes and green vegetables for its distinctive minty...
  • Botanical Name: Calamintha nepeta
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
Coral Springs
Sachet Lavender
Prices start at : 6.75 USD / Plants / ea

Blooms in June and again August or September. American variety from Oregon with a strong heady aroma and excellent oil quality. Large violet-mauve flowers are good for scented use in potpourris and sachets.
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Aromatic
  • Duration: Perennial
Coral Springs
Powis Castle Wormwood
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Outstanding ornamental artemisia in dense mounds of lacy silver foliage. Ht. up to 90cm/36” Probable hybrid between and .
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Uses: Medicinal/Aromatic
Coral Springs
Julia\'s Sweet Citrustm Mint
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Flowers are white tinged with a touch of purple. Great for teas and punch, and for any dish calling for mint. 'Julia's Sweet Citrus' has bright green leaves, roundish and slightly crinkly.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Uses: Culinary/Beverage
Coral Springs
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

A favourite tall tale in Australia is the “drop bear” – an invention of campers in the dry season when gum trees tend to drop entire branches, often hitting campers underneath.
  • When to Sow: Anytime
  • Botanical Name: Eucalyptus globulus
  • Duration: Perennial
Coral Springs
Evening Primrose
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Plants / ea

Seeds are less prone to shatter before harvest. Oil in seeds contains gammalinolenic acid (GLA), a precursor of prostaglandin E1. Roots can be eaten as a vegetable; shoots as a salad.
  • Ease of Germination: Easy
  • Uses: Medicinal
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall
Coral Springs
Platinum Blonde Lavender
Prices start at : 6.75 USD / Plants / ea

It casts quite a spell! Perfect for containers, as edging, and in rock gardens. Stunning effect of masses of mauve flowers set against gray-green leaves edged with creamy yellow margins.
  • Botanical Name: Lavandula angustifolia 'Momparler'
  • Uses: Culinary/Aromatic
Coral Springs
Sterling Hops
Prices start at : 10.00 USD / Plants Apr-June Shipment / ea

It is a diploid hybrid (USDA 21522 X USDA21361M) with Cascade parentage that gives it better winter hardiness than Saazer. It is a Saazer type, but with stronger aroma, alpha oils and bitterness.
  • Botanical Name: Humulus lupulus 'Sterling'
  • Duration: Perennial
Coral Springs
Common Comfrey
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Plants / ea

Purple, rose or white flowers. Variety known and used for centuries.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Ease of Germination: Moderate
  • When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall/Anytime
Coral Springs
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

For those who are up to the challenge, however, it is worthwhile to gain the sweet scent in the garden, and the many uses of this ancient plant. The cut grass can be woven into hats, baskets and mats.
  • Uses: Medicinal/Aromatic
  • Duration: Perennial
Coral Springs
Profusion Sorrel
Prices start at : 6.75 USD / Plants / ea

Profusion is a major improvement over standard varieties because it does not flower or go to seed at all. Produces bushels of tender, fleshy leaves all season, long after standard varieties turn tough and bitter.
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal
  • Duration: Perennial
Coral Springs
Folgate Lavender
Prices start at : 6.75 USD / Plants / ea

Developed at Folgate Nursery in England before 1924. Well suited for gardens and borders, and for cutting and drying. Ht. 60cm/24”. Neat compact variety with dark mauve, mildly scented flowers on long spikes.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Aromatic/Industrial
Coral Springs
Peter\'s Honey Fig
Prices start at : 8.75 USD / Plants Apr-June Shipment / ea

Originally from Sicily, this super delicious lemon yellow fig with sweet, tender, dark amber flesh, is truly amazing. Produces crops in summer and fall. It likes it a little hotter than other varieties, so grow this in a warm spot protected from the cold...
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal
Coral Springs
Fernleaf Geranium
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Finely cut leaves resemble fern leaves.
  • Uses: Aromatic
  • Botanical Name: Pelargonium denticulatum 'Filicifolium'
Coral Springs
Golden Rain Rosemary
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Ht 36-48in (90-120cm). Altogether the plant looks like a grove of white pine. The uniquely coloured variety transitions from bright yellow in the spring and fall, into deep green during the hot summer months.
  • Botanical Name: Rosmarinus officinalis 'Joyce Debaggio'
  • Duration: Perennial
Coral Springs
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Can be chopped and added in salads, or parboiled, steamed, sauteed or added to soups. Should not be overcooked or it gets too soft and mucilaginous. (Leaf ginseng; Surinam spinach) Attractive edible houseplant with glossy, dark-green whorled leaves and...
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Uses: Culinary/Medicinal
Coral Springs
Mexican Oregano
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Properly pruned, it will grow into a miniature tree in a bright window or solarium. Often sold as true oregano in Mexico and southern U.S. where its fine oregano flavour is used to great advantage in chilis and other Mexican dishes.
  • Duration: Perennial
  • Botanical Name: Lippia graveolens
Coral Springs
Lily of the Valley
Prices start at : 3.75 USD / Plants Mar-June Shipment / ea

Strengthens and regulates the heart, but not to be used without medical supervision. A favourite for moist, shady areas. Leaves yield green dyes. Pure white fragrant flowers.
  • Uses: Medicinal/Aromatic/Poisonous!
  • Botanical Name: Convallaria majalis
Coral Springs
Villa Nova Lemon
Prices start at : 4.75 USD / Plants / ea

Lovely gold-dappled pillow-like mats of sweet lemon-scented foliage covered in purple-pink flowers in June and July. Ht. 25-30cm/10-12in. This cultivar is also known (incorrectly) as ´Golden King´.
  • Botanical Name: Thymus x citriodorus 'Villa Nova'
  • Duration: Perennial
Coral Springs
Prices start at : 15.00 USD / Plants / ea

Anyone who has had the good fortune to savour -- thin pancakes with a spicy curryleaf-drenched filling -- will know how wonderful this herb is. It is also a feature of Cambodian, Loatian, Thai, Indonesian and Malay cuisines.
  • Uses: Culinary
  • Duration: Perennial
Coral Springs