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St. Joseph\'s Lily, St. Joseph\'s Hardy Amaryllis, St. Josephs lily
Prices start at : 7.99 USD

This is one of the very best and hardiest Amaryllis for the garden and readily multiplies into a mass of bulbs. The combination of the brilliant red flowers, spicy fragrance, and its unbelievable toughness makes it a bulb without equal".
  • Grows To: 2'H x 2'W
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 7,8,9,10,11,(6?)
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun, Part shade
  • Container Size: 2.25 inch T / 9.7 fl.oz. / 287 ml
Noisettes: An American Rose with a French Name
Noisette Roses have thin, fragile petals. It has a marvelous fragrance, which to me is very important in a rose.'. Many of them are known as climbers, and some can attain heights of more than 20 feet!When I began collecting roses, the Noisettes appealed...
El Segundo
Italian inspiration in the vegetable garden
Kale will thrive again when the days turn cool, and make mild, tender leaves for fall and winter soups. Pole Romas wil need support to about seven feet and bear mounds of beans if harvested faithfully.
El Segundo
Perennials demystified
It is one of the most basic pieces of information given in perennial descriptions, right up there in importance with sun exposure and moisture needs. In fact, some favorite perennials, like hostas and ferns, are used primarily for their foliage.Perennial...
El Segundo
The \'Ole Home Place
Before you do that, stop a minute and think... Have you ever driven by an abandoned house and wanted to investigate the gardens? Leaning against the barn there is a hoe, pick axe, hand plow and other rusty tools that have not been used in decades.
El Segundo
The Story of Iris Part 5 - Historical Versus Modern
What do you find funny? This goes for style, colors, plants, and yes, even the iris they choose to fill their space with. They may have come from the living, or may be from the grave of the dead.
El Segundo
Growing Rugosa Roses
Pour into sterilized jars and seal. They have been so extensively planted along most of the eastern seaboard of the United States, many people mistakenly believe them to be indigenous.
El Segundo
Does Money Grow On Trees?
It would start out with him chuckling, as if I had said something funny. Once the spending started it was like a slow leak. He was not someone who acquired things. Then he would continue “the joke” with a series of teasing questions that were funny...
El Segundo
Stunning Historical Iris
Bred by Schreiner in 1971 this blue tall bearded iris will keep reminding you of the blue spring sky.- Bred by Jones in 1976, 'Peachy Face' is a stunning light orange intermediate iris.
El Segundo
Focus on the Florida Native Lupine
It is quite likely the plant will die if one digs and transplants it. If planting in the spring, soak seeds in water overnight, then plant no deeper than one quarter inch.Although Lupines grow in poor soil, they are a bit persnickety about their home.
El Segundo
The Green Bean that\'s an Open Pollinated Wonder: The Kentucky Wonder!
The seeds can be direct sown, about 1-1/2” deep with rows 3' feet apart. As a southerner, I usually cook the beans in a pot of water (just enough to cover) with crispy salt pork or bacon, plus salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.
El Segundo
The Race for the Cherries: Royal Anne, Black Heart, & Wild Black Cherries
This tree is the bane of farmers with cattle as the dead leaves contain a form of cyanide that can prove fatal if eaten by most animals. A few friends living in opposite directions of the county, called within minutes of each other to say that their sweet...
El Segundo
In Flanders Fields the Poppies Grow
That is why we garden isn't it? I am a Business Administrator for a church and on any given day I can receive many visitors. Considering today is Memorial Day, I am pleased to share with you one such discovery of a beautiful flower that has such meaning...
El Segundo
Spinning, Dancing Gourds: Cute Fall Decor, Child\'s Toy and Mini Birdhouse Ornament
Use the search term "spinning gourds" and you can call up videos of gourds and kids in action.Grow dancing gourds for a fun, easy, and space saving gardening project for kids. Drill a hole through the neck.
El Segundo
My Rose Article
At last count, I had in the vicinity of 260 plants of 40 different varieties, a rather insane number. Their numbers were added to over the years and when I took my first survey of all that we had, there were 21 different varieties, both species roses...
El Segundo
The History and Uses of Winter Squash
It's best to hunt their orange eggs laid on the undersides of leaves and mash them. Wrapping the base of the vines in foil or applying an approved insecticide to the base of the vines will help control them.
El Segundo
Savoy cabbage
To me Savoy cabbage is the queen of cabbages. Once the heads have been cut it is best to remove the stalks as well otherwise they will continue growing and use up valuable nutrients from the soil.Remove eight good looking outer leaves from the cabbage.
El Segundo
Granny\'s Hat, Flip Flops and Spade (A Memory)
Her name will be different but to most in the area, she is simply Granny. On a warm sunny afternoon in many gardens around the world, you will find grannies of all shapes and sizes relaxing in the midst of flowers great and small.
El Segundo
The Medlar - Strange Fruit, What\'s Inside of You?
Poking a hole in the fruit and sucking out the bletted (let's not say rotted) flesh spitting out the smooth seeds is one way to experience the unique taste of Medlar.They can also be cooked into jellies and jams as they are high in pectin.Medlars like...
El Segundo
A Tale of Two Hollyhocks: The Galena Hollyhock
Is it the majesty of the stalks that can grow as tall as eleven feet (as mine are now)? We know we cannot take our garden with us and we know the next owner may not appreciate the rogue geraniums or perhaps even hates roses and will consequently rip them...
El Segundo
Popular Farmers\' Market Heirloom Vegetables
But the large, vigorous, potato-leaf vines are more disease resistant than other many heirlooms. Top This article contains excerpts from “A Taste of Yesterday” by Andy Tomolonis.
Heirloom Farm & Garden
These seeds sprouted new plants each season that were similar in appearance and taste to their parents. The joy in growing your own food is the joy in savoring its delicious flavor and in providing good food for others to enjoy.
Family, Friendships and Flowers
Now, I'm not one for holding on to things when the need is gone, and it was time for the farm to pass into different hands. The yard was respectable, but nothing special. Mom sold the family farm where we grew up, and I found Dave's Garden on the internet.Dave's...
El Segundo
Antiques of the Flower Garden
The easiest way to do this is to collect cuttings or seeds of heirloom flowers from family members or friends. Antique flower varieties are as popular as antique furniture. Some flowers require more sun than others.
El Segundo
Getting To The Root Of Things. The Rutabaga: Its History, Uses, and Culture
They are generally sold with the foliage trimmed, and a coating of paraffin to prolong their shelf life. In warmer parts of the south, sow them in August or September, so that they can use the cooler autumn months for their growing season.
El Segundo
How Old is the Rose
Layers of memories. Few flowers can be found as often in 8,000 years of recorded history as the rose. The oldest roses in recorded history are painted on a fresco at the palace of King Minos, who in Greek mythology was the king of Crete.
El Segundo
A Tale of Two Hollyhocks - The Priscilla Hollyhock
Bloom, I commanded the plants. We have her flowers to gaze and reflect upon and we have her story to be told and retold to the generations ahead of us.Image credits: End Illustration Copyright © Anna Alter 2008, thumbnail image was taken by the author...
El Segundo