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Power Equipment Purchasing Options
Joel Dufour, owner of Earth Tools, Inc., in Owenton, Ky., grew up using two-wheel tractors on the family acreage and helping his dad sell them to other small farmers. Agricultural tires come in a variety of treads and sizes, in standard bias-ply design...
Angora Goats: Equipment and Shearing
All goats appreciate a dry place to get out of the hot summer sun, cold and wind, but Angora goats aren't as hardy as other breeds. America's first Angora goats came from Turkey in 1849.
Weed-Control Goats
Vegetation control is a great way for goats to satisfy their natural urge to browse while helping keep brush fire risk and herbicide use to a minimum. In the Western United States, the use of goats for weed control is becoming popular.
Turn A Piece Of Wood Into The World\'s Simplest Wagon
Once you've chosen a piece of wood, you'll need to drill holes in two adjacent corners. You don't need fancy equipment to lift heavy objects around the farm—a simple piece of wood will do.
Infographic: Equipment Selections for Spring Farm Maintenance
Think about the task ahead and the tools you need to get the job done. Choose the right piece (or pieces) of farm equipment to complete your spring farm-maintenance chores with help from this guide.
Essential Tools & Equipment for the Small Farm
Don't make the mistake of buying every little thing you see. Unlike their single-wheeled cousins, they are sturdy and steady over uneven ground (as well as through mud or snow) and they are just plain hard to tip.
Ag Bites: Hire Goats to Control Weeds on Your Farm
You might also discover that goats can be rented for weed management, so rather than adding to your own livestock, bring in a neighbor's goats for a short-term brush-management project.
Remember Your Farm Equipment When Spring Cleaning!
Spring cleaning on a farm requires a lot of time and effort—much more than cleaning a closet—but the satisfaction of having all your equipment ready for the coming summer makes it more than worthwhile.
Small-Farm Tillage And No-Till Equipment
Kunz Engineering's Model 543 43-inch wide, ATV-friendly Till-Ease chisel plow and cultivator combination is equipped with five, 13.5-inch cutting coulters, electric lift, rigid shanks for maximum penetration in hard ground situations, two weight racks,...
13 Snow-removal Tools for 2012
View the slideshow below to find the best plow, snowblower, ATV attachment or other equipment to help relieve your snow burden. Tags attachment , Lists , snow-removal equipment , snowblower , snowplow
Water Garden Supplies: Tips On Backyard Pond Equipment And Plants
There are a number to choose from depending on its size. Not if the pond freezes solid, which could easily happen if it's small and your winters are bad. Koi are popular, but they need an air pump to add oxygen to the water, and will have to be fed every...
Getting Attached To Your Equipment: A Primer On Tractor Attachments
Rotary Cutters If you're looking to tackle a significant amount of mowing and you aren't overly concerned about a finished appearance, the rotary cutter—aka a brush hog or bush hog—is the implement for you.
Use Online Classified Sites to Stay Within Your Farm Equipment Budget
But generally speaking, a farm can benefit from judicious use of the site, as ours has. But also realize a couple of truths about the farm supply store before attempting another go at it.
Lawn Mowing Equipment: What Are The Different Kinds Of Lawn Mowers
They can be gas or electric powered, manual or self-propelled, or available in ride on models. They may have 2-6 of these rolling blades which are usually turned by the axle of the mower's wheels.
Must Have Gardening Tools – Learn About Common Garden Tools And Equipment
The two most common being the lawn mower and weed eater.– Among the most essential of all tools for the homeowner is a good quality lawn mower. There are many options to choose from, so it pays to shop around before making a decision.– A weed eater...
The Easy Way to Grow in Heavy Clay Soils
Ideally you want a ratio of 30:1. When I first became interested in gardening and joined Dave's Garden, my yard was all "small green things" mixed with a little grass growing in heavy, wet clay soil.
El Segundo
Beginner Beekeeper Q-and-A: What Equipment Do I Need to Get Started?
The hobby of beekeeping is rife with strange contraptions and doohickeys that look unusual to someone who doesn't know how to use the items in the right context. What's a smoker? As a beekeeper, you learn something new every year, for as long as you keep...
Hyacinth Plant Flopping: Tips For Supporting Your Top Heavy Hyacinth Flowers
Don't worry, there is a silver lining. In addition, hyacinths prefer to be kept a bit on the cool side, around 60 F. Avoid planting bulbs in overly warm weather. Top heavy hyacinth flowers cause the stem to flop over while in full bloom.
Pioneer 500: Fun, Compact and Ready for Your Farm\'s Heavy Lifting
I had a blast trying out this model, so if you're in the market for your farm's first UTV, I encourage you to check it out. I could go on about the other specs, but you can check those out for yourself on the Honda Powersports website ).
Help, My Sedums Are Too Heavy: Tips For Supporting And Pruning Sedum
Pinch off the new growth near the soil and it will form a more compact stem and thicker growth.Pruning sedum succulents that are growing in low light conditions may help them form a sturdier stem.
A Farmer\'s Guide To Buying A Welder
An arc is created between a spool of electrically charged wire and the base metal, which melts the wire and creates the weld; the wire is automatically fed into the weld at a preselected speed, allowing for longer, cleaner welds.
How To Farm With Horses
However, here are some things we do know about the cost of keeping draft animals that you should consider: Draft horses multiply. In Draft Horses and Mules: Harnessing Equine Power for Farm & Show (Storey, 2008), authors Gail Damerow and Alina Rice write,...
Sprayer Selection
I have two 4-gallon backpack sprayers and several handheld sprayers plus the use of a 25-gallon UTV-mounted sprayer and a 110-gallon trailered sprayer. Manual spray systems use lower-cost piston pumps, while diaphragm pumps common to motorized spray systems...
Rough-cut Mowers
Pulling into a field or pasture overgrown with brambles and brush with a hay mower is a recipe for damage. Land Pride even makes a hydraulic-motor-powered cutter that mounts on the loader arms of a skid steer.
5 Tools You Need As A Beekeeper
Despite our best efforts to be sensitive, gentle and considerate, stings are an inevitable part of keeping bees , and it would be prudent to protect the delicate tissues of the face.
6 Questions To Ask When Buying A Snowblower
On the small end, some have a clearing width of two feet or less; on the long end, some large snowblowers can clear a path more than 40 inches wide. The benefits of an electric snowblower are obvious—for example, they don't have a gasoline engine to...
Tools for Tight Spaces
Having someone else bale your hay comes with certain risks, too. IHI Star's line of mini-haymaking tools includes mini square balers, mini roll balers and the Star Haymaker tedder and rake.