This easy-to-apply products maintains natural skin moisture while relieving soreness. Minor cuts, bruises, chapping, skin irritation, wind and sunburn all contribute to cow discomfort.
It can be administered intravenously at 8-12 hour intervals. Treat calcium deficiencies in cattle, including milk fever, with AGRIpharm Calcium Gluconate 23%.
Keep cows mastitis-free with Pfizer E. Coli can take a heavy toll on herd health and profitability. Clinical mastitis caused by E. It protects with a regimen of just three shots, and has an excellent record for safety and efficacy.
✓ Three shot program - dry off, 30 days later and 10-14 days post-calving
✓ Aids in reducing clinical mastitis from E. coli
✓ Excellent record of safety & efficacy
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 5 x 2 x 2 inches.
Zelnate DNA Immunostimulant is a novel, non-antibiotic technology that enhances the animal's natural defenses against BRD. Zelnate is the first licensed immunostimulant that aids in the treatment of BRD associated with Mannheimia haemolytica.
✓ Easy-to-mix instructions
✓ For vetrinary use only
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 6.19 x 3.81 x 1.6 inches to 6.2 x 3.9 x 1.7 inches depending on size selected.
✓ Has a unique code that mimics infection, causing the animal's immune system to recognize Zelnate as foreign, jumpstartint the innate immune system in cattle
No hazardous fee applies to the Triodine-7. Triodine-7 for topical application to disinfect superficial wounds, cuts, abrasions, insect bites and minor bruises. More stable than 7% iodine, yet will not crystallize, therefore cannot be used to manufacture...
Lightweight with a non-slip grip. 7" overall length. ARS Hoof Trimmers are a professional quality tool for goat hoof trimming. ARS Hoof Trimmers offer powerful scissor action for easier trimming.
The restraint tube adjusts to fit lambs and kids of different sizes. Simply slide lamb or kid into restraint tube, and both of your hands are free to perform tasks. The Sydell lamb and kid restraint stand makes vaccinating, ear tagging, docking and castrating...
Cutting on its side instead of its face, the Herd Boss disc does not require a chopping motion to remove hoof material, so it reduces the usual strain on your hands, wrists, shoulders, and back.