Derma GeL Spray ensures a uniform porous barrier of protection against bacterial attack and foreign contaminants while maintaining skin moisture. Swiss Formula | Reduction of Healing Time | Insect Repellant Feature Derma GeL Animal Skin Care Non-Aerosol...
The crush cup provides the most convenient way of crushing medication tablets. The Pill Crusher allows you to grind equine medication, going from pills to powder in no time. Mega cup does not include pill splitter.
The bit portion is a tube into which you inject the paste. Just slip the Easy Wormer bit into the horse's mouth. Hidden videography has shown that some horses can hold paste in their mouths for up to 12 minutes then spit it out when nobody's around.
They combine the effects of cooling and massage therapy to effectively treat strains, ligament damage, and tendon damage. Ice-Vibe benefits Everyday wear and tear on joints can be managed with daily use of the boots, and rehabilitation can be achieved...
Also use as an antiseptic for minor cuts, scrapes, and abrasions. Bigeloil Liquid Gel Topical Pain Relief Gel, the "professional's ointment", is now available in a convenient gel form.
Easily applied because it sticks only to itself. Breathable design applies controlled compression without constricting. Individually packaged rolls Sweat and water resistant. Tear to length by hand.
Note: For extreme cases of swelling associated with heat, always consult a veterinarian prior to treatment. After removal of wrap, massage at least four times daily with Corona Veterinary Liniment.
No liniment is needed. Designed to be used with standing bandages. Designed to reflect the horse's own body warmth, it creates a soothing, infrared thermal heat, which can help alleviate pain associated with inflamed muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints.
For full product descriptions, see #18238 Easyboot Trail Original, #15627 Magic Cushion Hoof Packing, and #12122 Vetrap 4” roll. A great kit to have on hand! Magic Cushion is ideal for use after a workout or before and on each day of an athletic event...
Epsom Salt Poultice can be covered with cotton or a wrap. Apply to painful or swollen muscles, legs, and joints. When using Epsom Salt Poultice as a hoof care agent, cover with a wrap or boot and let it draw for 36 to 48 hours.
Helps reduce swelling and pain during recovery and can be used as a blister. Repeat process on succeeding days until the skin shows signs of cracking or scaling. Reducine Absorbent is used as an aid in the temporary relief of minor stiffness or soreness.
Contains Benzalkonium choride. Apply as often as needed. Eliminates 99.9% of bacteria and fungus that cause itching and lesions on contact. Gentle to the skin, non-toxic to animals and humans.
It has a spine of 29", drop at wither is 16", center is 14", and back is 15". Great for training or competing. Great to use on any horse, but especially when wanting to speed up warm up time, or dealing with a cold-backed horse.
As thermal energy within the tissue increases, blood flow to that area increases by up to six times. It is best suited for treatment of Temporomandibular Dysfunction, providing pain relief and increased blood flow.
A cost effective veterinarian recommended therapy for the treatment of chronic everyday pain in horses. Formulated for daily use on hard to "block" areas like hooves, hocks, stifles, whorlbones, shoulders, etc.
The addition of new herbs provides protection against stress-induced gastric ulcers and allows horses to increase muscle mass in response to exercise. Optimal results may be obtained by dividing the dose before and after exercise.
Contains aloe vera. Will not burn or affect open wounds. Minimizes Appearance of Scars Micro Tek Equine Gel Maximum Strength is a fast acting, anti-microbial concentrated gel that eliminates fungal, viral and bacterial skin problems on contact and continues...
Once wraps have dried, they can't be reactivated. If the wrap is still moist, it may be re-wrapped for additional poultice time. Activate the poultice by soaking it in water for 15-20 seconds.
Relieves asthma symptoms that include wheezing or sneezing by boosting the body's natural healing system. Administer 2 ml three times daily orally or in the water.
Ointment is yellow (amber) in color. Apply topically for the treatment of surface bacterial infections, wounds, burns, and cutaneous ulcers in horses. Provides antibacterial activity against a wide range of bacteria.
ElastoWrap reduces the risk of constricting blood flow and helps reduce edema. ElastoWrap easily tears by hand in any direction. ElastoWrap is a safe, elastic adhesive conforming tape.