Very good poly skids. We have over 50 combines and 100 heads in stock. Give us a call today! 20 foot - NO PAYMENT FOR 1 YEAR! Hydraulic Fore/Aft, Oil Bath Gear Box, Auger and Floor in great shape.
Fancy Full Finger Auger 918 Flex Head - No Payment for 1 YEAR! Very good poly dividers and poly skid plates. We specialize in high quality used John Deere and Case IH combines and heads, we keep over 40 combines and 80 combine heads in stock.
Very nice poly dividers and poly skid plates. We have over 40 900 series JD heads available, no matter what size or model, give us a call. We specialize in high quality used John Deere and Case IH combines and heads, we keep over 40 combines and 80 combine...
We have over 70 John Deere corn and grain heads available. This 6 row corn head is ready to work. Nice poly, very good rolls and chains. This corn head is ready to work. Let us know what you are looking for, let us be your Head Connection! We also have...
This will be one of the nicer IH 843 corn heads you will see. Don't let the age scare you, this is one nice piece. Low financing available! We also have over 20 different CIH combines available! Give us a call today with any of your combine needs!