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Hayloft Penstemon

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Penstemon digitalis Seeds
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / Packet

Foxglove Beardtongue is a pollinator magnet, attracting a wide variety of bees to the early summer garden, including honeybees, mason bees, bumblebees and even hummingbirds and butterflies.

36" tall

    • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
    • Soil Type: Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil
    • Mature Height: 36" tall
    • Soil Moisture: Dry, Average, Well Draining
    • Advantages: Hummingbirds & Butterflies, Multiplies / Naturalizes
    • Mature Plant Size: 36" tall
    Penstemon grandiflorus Seeds
    Prices start at : 4.95 USD / Packet

    Large-flowered Beardtongue, or Penstemon grandiflorus, is an extremely versatile wildflower, thriving in dry conditions, poor soil and full to partial shade. Bumblebees particularly enjoy the nectar of the Large-flowered Beardtongue.
    • Additional Information: A bumblebee favorite.
    • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    • Is It Storable?: Yes - You can store your seed in any cool (not freezing) dry place that is not subject to extreme temperature variations.
    • Full Sun: Yes
    • Native To: Midwest and Western United States.
    • Bloom Time: Early summer
    Penstemon Care And Maintenance – How To Grow Beard Tongue Plants
    Found in mountainous areas and their foothills, the herbaceous species is a temperate zone darling and thrives in most areas of the western United States. In my opinion, the remaining seed head has interest and appeal and I leave them until the rain smashes...
    \'Shrubby\' Penstemons
    However, they are not as hardy as some species. In fact, even in warmer climates they prefer some winter shading which makes a loose covering by boughs ideal. In my own wet growing area in Newfoundland, Canada, this group has proven to be among the easiest...
    El Segundo
    Southwest Adventures: Tribute to Tohono Chul Park
    This is an annual event and attracts hundreds of visitors. Subscribe to Tohono Chul's newsletter and you will receive notification of when the bloom will be. I have completed many a novel and done my best meditating here and though not an oak tree in...
    El Segundo
    Penstemon: An introduction to species and cultivars
    Here is a brief overview of this wonderful wildflower, straight from a Lay gardener's research journal. This is a little known genus of vast proportions that would be hard to comprehend in one sitting, maybe even one lifetime.
    El Segundo
    Prices start at : 1.48 USD / 0.25 lbs

    Keep moist for 4-6 weeks to ensure the best germination. For even distribution, combine with clean, dry sand at a ratio of 4:1 (sand to seed) and scatter by hand or mechanical spreader.
    • brand: Beauty Beyond Belief
    Waxyleaf Penstemon
    Prices start at : 2.13 USD / 0.25 lbs

    Thoroughly mix your seeds with 1 cup of sand. Pick a sunny site with rocky or sandy soil that is as weed free as possible. ( Penstemon nitidus ) Another pollinator favorite, these electric blue flowers will blow your mind and impress your friends! One...
    • brand: Native Ideals
    Procerus Penstemon
    Prices start at : 2.13 USD / 0.25 lbs

    Pick a sunny site with rocky or sandy soil that is as weed free as possible. Hand scatter this mixture onto bare ground. ( Penstemon procerus ) This showy flower has incredible stalks of small flowers ranging in color from deep purple to shades of blue...
    • brand: Native Ideals
    Gulf Coast Penstemon, Brazos Penstemon
    Prices start at : 7.99 USD

    Reseeds readily. A multitude of tall spikes of small purple foxglove like blooms are born in spring on this evergreen native perennial. Enjoys an average moist to moist soil with ample sunlight.
    • Grows To: 18-24''H x 16-20''W
    • Outdoor Light: Part Sun
    • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 7,8,9
    Penstemon Blackbeard
    Prices start at : 139.25 USD / Liner/72 Tray

    Attractive dark burgundy seed pods follow the flowering performance for extended seasonal interest. Blackbeard was a famous English pirate known for his black facial hair. Like all of our Penstemons, this one takes the heat and humidity in stride but...
    New York
    Red Penstemon
    Prices start at : 8.99 USD / 1 bareroot

    This native perennial grows 16-18 in. Tubular, crimson-red blooms are a beacon to hummingbirds and butterflies. Tall and is deer and drought resistant. Flowers in profusion from June to September.

    16 - 18 inches

      • Foliage: Narrow, glossy dark green foliage.
      • Pruning: After flowering, remove spent flower stems to ensure repeat blooming. Allow the foliage to die back.
      • Height: 16 - 18 inches
      • Comments: Great new perennial strain developed from a cross between a Mexican and a United States species. This compact growing penstemon is quite durable, has handled Winter temperatures as low as -13 degrees F., and does not seem to suffer in the summer heat and humidity. Because of its low-maintenance and compact-growth habit, it is a good choice for container gardening.
      • Spacing: 16 - 18 inches
      • Soil Requirements: Well-drained moist soil.
      Penstemon \'Dark Towers\' - Penstemon hyb.
      Prices start at : 6.00 USD / Each

      Bred in Nebraska, it shrugs off heat, humidity and severe winter cold and blooms like mad for months in late spring into summer. This cultivar of native penstemon has non-fading deep wine red foliage and a multitude of rosy lavender narrow belllike blooms...
      •  Deer Resistant
      •  Attracts Hummingbirds
      • Size: 1.5-3' h x 2.5' w
      • Sun: Full sun
      • Lifecycle: Perennial
      • Season: Spring to summer
      Blueberry Penstemon
      Prices start at : 9.99 USD / each

      Blooms: Spring-Summer. Height: 16-20". These big purple flowered Penstemon put on a terrific display of color all summer long. Loved by hummingbirds and butterflies these plants are drought, heat and deer resistant and are perfect in containers.
      • Zones: 7-9
      • Season Color: Summer
      • Spread: 16-20"
      • Deer Resistant: Yes
      • Max Height (feet): 20"
      White Wand Penstemon, Tube Flowered Penstemon, Prairie Penstemon, Beardtongue
      Prices start at : 7.99 USD

      This wildflower's popularity for bouquets has made it nearly endangered in some areas. Large spikes of pure white foxglove-like flowers are born over a long period through spring and often well into summer on this beautiful clump forming native perennial.
      • Container Size: 3.5 inch / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
      • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9
      • Grows To: 3-4'H x 18-24"W
      Wilcox\'s Penstemon
      Prices start at : 2.13 USD / 0.25 lbs

      Thoroughly mix your seeds with 1 cup of sand. Pick a sunny site with rocky or sandy soil that is as weed free as possible. ( Penstemon wilcoxii ) A native to the northwest, this bumblebee favorite produces beautiful blue flowers and loves rocky slopes.
      • brand: Native Ideals
      Nodding Penstemon, Loose Flowered Penstemon, Beardtongue
      Prices start at : 7.99 USD

      Provide this native Penstemon with a well-drained soil but it will do well in average garden soils with average moisture. Nodding Beardtongue flowers at the same time as our native Coreopsis and they bring out the best in each other when planted together.
      • pH Range: Acidic, Mildly Acidic
      • Container Size: 3.5 inch / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
      • Native To / Origin: US-South East and South Central
      • Outdoor Light: Part Sun
      Fuzzy-Tongue Penstemon
      Prices start at : 2.13 USD / 0.25 lbs

      Thoroughly mix your seeds with 1 cup of sand. Pick a sunny site with rocky or sandy soil that is as weed free as possible. ( Penstemon eriantherus ) This unique species is extremely drought tolerant and showy.
      • brand: Native Ideals
      Penstemon Elfin Pink
      Prices start at : 70.05 USD / Plant/25 Count

      Penstemons are very drought tolerant perennials that are easy to grow and are rarely bothered by insects or diseases. Bright pink, long, trumpet-shaped flowers are borne in profusion on thin spikes in early summer.
      New York
      Penstemon Prairie Dusk
      Prices start at : 69.10 USD / Plant/25 Count

      Penstemons are very drought tolerant perennials that are easy to grow and are rarely bothered by insects or diseases. Rose-purple, trumpet-shaped flowers are borne in profusion on thin spikes in early summer.
      New York
      Riding Hood Penstemon
      Prices start at : 8.49 USD / each

      Grows 18-24" tall and 18" wide in sunny garden areas. The extra large vibrant red and white flowers produced by Red Riding Hood are a big improvement over other Penstemons. Deer resistant.
      • Genus: Penstemon 'Little Red Riding Hood'
      • Max Height (feet): 18-24"
      • Zones: 5-8
      • Colors: Red, White
      • Plant Lighting: Full Sun
      Cha Chatm Lavender Penstemon
      Prices start at : 12.95 USD / 1-Quart

      The charming lavender blooms also make excellent additions to indoor arrangements. This Beardtongue grows spires of tubular flowers that are so big they dwarf the foliage, and yet the stems hold their picture-perfect form without any need for pruning!...
      • Genus: Penstemon
      • Light Requirements: Full Sun
      • Species: hybrid
      • Additional Characteristics: Butterfly Lovers, Flower, Hummingbird Lovers, Native
      • ppaf: PP#26,700
      • Uses: Baskets, Beds, Border, Containers, Cut Flowers, Outdoor
      South Carolina
      Rocky Mountain Penstemon Seeds
      Prices start at : 1.95 USD / (P) Pkt of 100 seeds

      Easy to grow in full sun and in fertile, well-drained soil, Rocky Mountain Penstemon can be direct-sown. But be sure to leave some on the plant -- hummingbirds and butterflies love this Penstemon almost as much as you do, and will visit your garden in...
      • Soil Tolerance: Normal, loamy
      • Uses: Cut Flowers, Ornamental, Outdoor, Wildflowers
      • Habit: Upright
      • Species: strictus
      • Light Requirements: Full Sun
      • Zone: 3 - 8
      South Carolina
      Cha Chatm Cherry Penstemon
      Prices start at : 12.95 USD / 1-Quart

      Very fast-growing, it attracts butterflies and hummingbirds by the dozen, and is visible from way across the garden. It is quick to mature and a tireless presence, so plant a few extra to use just for cutflower arrangements.
      • Plant Height: 24 in
      • Restrictions: Canada, Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
      • Habit: Upright
      • Bloom Color: Red
      • Plant Width: 22 in
      • ppaf: PP#28,163
      South Carolina
      Foxglove Beardtongue, Mississippi Penstemon
      Prices start at : 7.99 USD

      The wide throated tubular flowers were designed with bees and hummingbirds in mind. Foxglove Penstemon is native throughout much of the eastern US and somewhat drought resistant once well-established but plants generally have the best foliage and flowers...
      • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun, Part shade, Filtered shade
      • Soil & Moisture: Average, moist, to somewhat dry once well-established preferably acidic soils.
      • Container Size: 3.5 inch / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
      • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 4,5,6,7,8,9
      Twizzle Purple Penstemon Seeds
      Prices start at : 4.95 USD / (P) Pkt of 25 seeds

      Twizzle doesn't mind! A long-lived perennial in most climates, it makes itself right at home! Quite drought-tolerant once established in the garden, Twizzle sets masses of 1- to 1½-inch tubular blooms.
      • Bloom Size: 1 in
      • Zone: 4 - 9
      • Soil Tolerance: Normal, loamy, Poor
      • Bloom Start to End: Mid Summer - Early Fall
      • Additional Characteristics: Award Winner, Bloom First Year, Butterfly Lovers, Cut-and-Come-Again, Easy Care Plants, Evergreen, Flower, Free Bloomer, Hummingbird Lovers, Long Bloomers
      • Plant Width: 16 in
      South Carolina
      Penstemon barbatus, Twizzle Scarlet
      Prices start at : 5.99 USD / 1 Pkt. (50 Seeds)

      Aflutter with winged pollinators, gorgeous foxglove cousin thrives in full sun and well-drained soil. ‘Twizzle's tall, dreamy spikes—spangled with petite, zingy deep-red blooms—bring colorful sizzle to the flowerbed or patio container from early...
      • Genus: Penstemon barbatus
      • Bloom Season: Fall, Summer
      • Planting Time: Spring
      • Life Cycle: Perennial
      • Ornamental Use: Beds, Borders, Cut Flowers