MVP BP 2 Horse Slant Load W/ Dressing Room Standard Features Include: Dexter EZ Lube Torsion Axles Electric Brakes On Both Axles Brake Away Kit w/Battery Aluminum Mod Wheels ST225/75R15 Radial Tires LR-D Spare Tire All Aluminum Frame .050 Exterior Aluminum...
MODEL YEAR CLEARANCE MVP 3 Horse GN Slant Load w/Dressing Room Standard Features Include: Dexter EZ Lube Torsion Axles Electric Brakes On Each Axle Break Away Kit W/Battery Aluminum Mod Wheels ST235/80R16 Radial Tires LR-D All Aluminum Frame .050 Exterior...
The tack room is large and very adequate. It has always been sheltered never set out in the weather. Reason for selling going back to a 4 horse trailer. The refrigerator was recently replaced (2018) old not cooling well.
EXTERIOR -8' Wide -7'6" Tall -hydraulic jack -Drop down windows on head & hip side -Mangers -Hay rack & ladder -Generator box W/4.0 Onan gas generator on top -40/60 Rear tack with Blanket bars, Brush Tray, Bridle hooks -Lined & insulated horse area -Air...
$1,000 or best offer. Gooseneck, 17' interior, front escape door, step-up in back with double doors. Located in Elizabeth, AR for sale as is/where is. Fair condition stock trailer for sale, see detailed description below for details.
Double fixed axel. Model A11P1SA1. No apparent leaking or visible holes. Tires about 60%. Leafspring suspension. Included whatever info I could read. Also had side door, did not try to use.
9 - 1997 Dorsey 48 x 96 Reefer Thermo King SB III Max + 15 - 18K Hrs - Storage Units Double E Track - Road Side Stainless Steel Swing Door - Aluminum with Stainless Steel Nose, Doors & Rear Case Floor Type Alum Duct, CM-Post 12\"/12\", Door...
Tralier for cattle size around 8 x5 feet with 4 wheels and slide in door and ramp. I am loking for a second hand stock tralier in good condition with a gade and sliding door with ramp any where in victoria
$4,500.00 Kingston, Ontario. Well built silver aluminum plated gooseneck. Wide, 7 ft high. Tack/change room with light. 23 ft long, 5 ft. 3-horse slant load, can be converted to stock.