2013 Hart (2) horse slant load bumper pull trailer with a tack room that is carpet lined, has bridle hooks, removable saddle racks, brush box and a spare tire. The horse area has an interior height of 7' tall x 7' wide x 14' long, drop down windows at...
Rear ramp with dutch doors. Gray and burgundy stripe. Carpeted 2 saddle storage, brush tray, bridle hooks, windows in nose, window in camper door and on opposite wall. Escape door at head of each horse.
This feature makes it perfect for hauling in different conditions. This is an awesome trailer in very good condition. They can also be locked with a key from the outside. It is pictured above with the window closed.
Need inexpensive as possible. Need small horse trailer for one horse. Good Shape trailer. Driving to Arkansas from Kentucky and back with 14 hand tabiano.
Maplelawn 2 Horse Gooseneck Trailer, straight load with ramp, 4' dressing room. Very good condition. Asking $4800.00 Please email for picture. Extra high, spacious and bright inside.
2008 gore gooseneck horse trailer with dressing room used 2 times in very excellant condition used 2 times just like new 2008 gore gooseneck trailer 37' long, head to head, side load,back ramp,escape door, electric wench, dressing room.
Front and rear tack rooms. CM is white, has drop down window on head side and sliders on but side. Both have 1 stud excape doors Sundowner has new tires, drop down windows both sides and rear ramp.