Quality A/B/C sawmill running production, extremly defects sorted out Measurement after KD on narrow side, produced from logs diameter 2 A - 3 A, KD to approx 8% M.C. (+/- 2%), 100% PEFC certified
We can make different grading, we have big capacity in production and good stock. Dear Sirs, we can offer Black walnut lumber Unedged steamed, fresh cut and KD ome. Please contact me to f.brotto@latifoglia.it regards Fabio brotto - Translated with google
Next PL ready in few days 2x40' 65mm ready for shipment in Feb and 2 x40' 75mm ready End Feb 1 load ready as per below, you will note good width and lengths.
Unedged Oak ABC grade, min 10% A - KD 10% +/-2% - Ukraine origin 26 x 300mm wdr x 2.1m longer, heavy 3m Price: Eur 495 /m3 CIF Volume: 1x40' per month Offer subject to final confirmation
Width: 300+ mm
Volume: 1 40'Container Spot - 1 time
Moisture content: 10 +/-2 %
Grading system: European grading rules
Incoterm: CIF - goods sold with transport included to a certain place.