MILLED LUMBER/LUMBER FOR CONSTRUCTION Panels, beams, cant ,Oak paneling ,Appalahcian hardwood logs ,Hardwood Veneer Logs and Saw Logs,White oak- North American Cherry maple and oak veneer logs ,Various Species of Hardwood Lumber,Hard Maple .
DAF can significantly help reduce environmental... We manufactor a recycled, tiber free, fiber-reinforced, durable alternative to plywood. Ideally suited to replace & outperfrom not only hardwood, but plywood & oriented strand board in various applications.
I noticed on many occasions, a great deal of old growth timber was being bulldozed or burned during... It appeared to me this was a tremendous waste of natural resources, especially considering the high cost of quality hardwoods in lumber yards.
In addition, we host quality Buffalo Hunts and produce some of the finest buffalo meat in the country! We currently have 1 million plus hardwoods for bulk sale. We also offer well-trained, quality horses with excellent bloodlines.
A small portion was planted with sugar cane for a few years in the 1990s. Our farm is approx. 33 hectares with more that 80% dedicated to coconut palm. We are currently in the process of adding hardwoods and fruit trees.