Pups are being raised with goats and other farm animals in Tenneessee. Dam is Works Sophie of pinto color 120lb. Sire is Works Chaos with a blackmask and fawn color coat at 127lb. Pups are being raised with goats and other farm animals.
Puppies are with goats now. Will be ready to go march 1 2010 Will sell to good home for $300 each. Puppies born dec. Mother is pinto in color Father is fawn with black mask. Two for one specials.
Wormed and 1st shots given and will be vet checked. They are great with my children and are being raised on our horse farm with two other large breed dogs, and all of our cats! We are located in the Chattanooga area.
All of our dogs are raised in the barn with the livestock,(never kenneled) Vacc and Dewormed, (Vacc with top of the line vacc. Raising working anatolian shepherds our breeding purpose is to raise a sound working dog, free of genetic defects, with a great...
Call us or visit our website We are 2 hours South of Nashville, TN and 2 1/2 hours North of Birmingham, AL. 3 females and 2 males available, 6 weeks old, $350.00, AKC registered, parents on premises, raised with goats
You can visit our website. We have Anatolian Shepherd puppies for sale in Saint Joseph, TN - about 2 hours South of Nashville and 2 1/2 hours North of Birmingham. They make excellent livestock guardian dogs or family protectors.
Excellent with goats and sheep. Priced right These pups are from great pure-breed stock which is used on a working goat farm. Full-Blood puppies. I have 4 that are 12 weeks old, 6 that are 8 weeks old and 6 that are 6 weeks old.
Email me or call. Will keep coyotes away from hyour livestock. Anatolian Shepherds for sale. 100 dollars per dog without papers.. They have been with goats all their lives.
Make sure to do research on this breed, and how it might fit your lifestyle before finding a responsible breeder with available puppies. The puppies in this litter are from AKC Registered parents and can also be registered with the AKC.
✗ I will take the puppy back under all conditions
✗ Written bill of sale with responsibilities for the buyer and the seller
AKC registerable, age appropriate shots and worming; Dew claws removed; One year health guarantee on genetic defects; CH/Grand CH Parents; See website at: www.castlehillbullmastiffs.com for more information.
✓ Health guarantee for the puppies
✓ Written bill of sale with responsibilities for the buyer and the seller
Males: 1
Breed: Bullmastiff
Date of birth: 08/12/2018
Sire: GCH CH B' Mew Southern Son OFA24F OFEL24 (WS47840001)
Make sure to do research on this breed, and how it might fit your lifestyle before finding a responsible breeder with available puppies. The puppies in this litter are from AKC Registered parents and can also be registered with the AKC.
✓ I will take the puppy back under all conditions
✓ Puppies are permanently identified and enrolled
✓ Health guarantee for the puppies
✓ Heath screens have been performed on the sire and dam
Males: 2
Health: *Puppies will have all worming and vaccinations performed by a veterinarian.
Not only do they have some of the best lineage it is possible to have in the bullmastiff world, they have excellent temperaments. Our kids love this breed just as much as we do. If you would like to see more pictures of past and present puppies, you are...
✓ Health guarantee for the puppies
✓ Written bill of sale with responsibilities for the buyer and the seller
Health: Puppies will be wormed each week after 3 weeks old. They will get their 6 weeks shots and health exams from our vets office.
Sire: Bullstock,S Dragon Slayer (WS55294702)
Puppies are permanently identified and enrolled: No
Make sure to do research on this breed, and how it might fit your lifestyle before finding a responsible breeder with available puppies. The puppies in this litter are from AKC Registered parents and can also be registered with the AKC.
✗ Heath screens have been performed on the sire and dam
Make sure to do research on this breed, and how it might fit your lifestyle before finding a responsible breeder with available puppies. The puppies in this litter are from AKC Registered parents and can also be registered with the AKC.
✓ Health guarantee for the puppies
✓ Written bill of sale with responsibilities for the buyer and the seller
✓ I will take the puppy back under all conditions
Breed: Boxer
Sire: CH Blue Monday's Hill Billy Bone (WS43057506)
If interested in a future litter I am taking reservations. Currently Working on fathers championship. I will work with a Loving family to help them take home a quality puppy just contact me if interested in one of my puppies.
✓ Heath screens have been performed on the sire and dam
✓ I will take the puppy back under all conditions
✓ Health guarantee for the puppies
✓ Puppies are permanently identified and enrolled
Dam: Lamaruska Pride Of Justin (WS56926501)
Health: They will come with all shots and dewormings. A one year written health guarantee Lifetime suport for all puppies. Available after Labor Day weekend. Parents are both DM negative.
We are dedicated to reducing diseases and genetic issues historically associated with Bernese Mountain Dogs. Asa and Nala are full blooded DNA tested Pedigrees provided AKC Certified www.facebook.com/tashiepups
✓ I will take the puppy back under all conditions
✓ Health guarantee for the puppies
✗ Puppies are permanently identified and enrolled
✗ Written bill of sale with responsibilities for the buyer and the seller
She is 8 weeks old and can go home with you this weekend! She will have a big broad chest, perfect lean, muscular body and large block head. Like our fb page Carter's Boxer Babies for additional litters and available pups.
If interested text me at 9017673706, we have 7 boxer puppies.. Will come w/CKC reg, 1shots and deworming along with vet check up.. Tails and dewclaws are docked.
And loves to run.. With or with breeding potential free to contact us at or 423-999-7971 Nabba registered He is very outgoing puppy and needs a home where he can run and play hike camp swim anything fun with kids also would be great!! priced 1500 to 2000...
Snowball is a AKC registered while boxer that has been raised inside our home. Both Mother & Father live in our home as well. Contact Joe @ 423-207-0225 for more information.
Prices are 1500 to 2000 depending on purchase interest in pet or breeding. Please feel free to contact us at or 423-999-7971 Nabba Registered. He is right there by your side you cant miss him lol..
BIG red brindle male in his prime! Sired by a Grand Champion. Would like to keep him as our pet, but it would be a great disservice to the breed to neuter this beast.Call/text 4094204692
BIG red fawn male with black mask in his prime! Breeds Naturally and has a very sweet temperament.Call/text 4094204692 No longer breeding...working full-time.
He is handled daily with my children.. Are you looking for a nice big body male that can be your family guardian.. He will make a great family companion.. Please feel free to contact us at or 423-999-7971 Nabba Registered.
If interested text me at 9017673706, we have 7 boxer puppies.. Will come w/CKC reg, 1shots and deworming along with vet check up.. Tails and dewclaws are docked.
If interested text me at 9017673706, we have 7 boxer puppies.. Will come w/CKC reg, 1shots and deworming along with vet check up.. Tails and dewclaws are docked.
If interested text me at 9017673706, we have 7 boxer puppies.. Will come w/CKC reg, 1shots and deworming along with vet check up.. Tails and dewclaws are docked.