Between fence line cleanup and firewood making, there is plenty of cutting to be done. We'll cover more on that in my next entry. I also do a quick check of my clothing. << More Shop Talk >>
And then you can incorporate them into your Christmas traditions! Try julebukking or putting out shoes for Sinterklaas. Harvest a Christmas tree from nature. Sinterklaas and his horse visit Dutch and Belgian children on Dec.
Thomson Learning, Inc.;2006. This year's contest attracted 1,730 entries, and the DG tradition continues.Dave's Garden administration keeps all the photos entered since 2001 available online, so that members can go back and revisit them.
We animals depend on you. Don't hold your goat's tail—we don't like it! Hold the thermometer in place until it beeps. Dirty-blue membranes are a symptom of an uncommon disease of sheep, cattle and goats called bluetongue.
Some of the things to consider are: Type. That accounts for a lot. She once bought a horse to retrain that ran full speed through a fence and somersaulted over Mom when he landed. Choose a quiet, easygoing horse ; they require less feed than nervous,...
(Also check out Hobby Farm ‘s link-garland templates .) You more advanced crafters can make your own Christmas wreaths. Burn pine incense—that's what Mom and Dad do. Craft homemade garland.
Mom and Dad took Meegosh in the house. After Dad left for work, Mom bedded our huts extra deep with straw and put blankets on the old horses. Mom milked Latifah's colostrum—that's the antibody-rich first milk that mothers make—and took it inside.
Make a hole with stick or pencil to take each cutting. It is usually recommended that cuttings be taken from half hardened wood and be about 5-15 cm long. To strike cuttings of(fern-like) foliaged Acacias is more difficult as the tiny leaflets tend to...
Check out Martok's blogs for more bugs, too. Tiny wasps and hover flies darted around my blossoming winter savory. I wonder what grows on your farm? And what a buggy world I found! Hundreds of garden spider hatchlings, each about the size of a pin head,...
There's a fourth for us ruminants, like goats, sheep and cows: rumen movements (how many times our rumens contract per minute). For instance, a newborn foal's normal temperature can be 99.5 to 102.2 degrees F and its heart can beat at least 60 times per...
Get a pool! A wading pool, that is (if you don't already have a big one). When Mom and Dad are finished outdoors, they soak in the pool they bought for the sheep and my goat friends to drink from while they're in the yard through the day.
In fact, those tender young leaves are delicious chopped into salads, soups, or anything you use celery in. Well, lots of veggie plants have edible leaves. My grandmother reared her children during the depression when the philosophy of waste not want...
In pears, this structure is referred to as accessory tissue because it is not part of the actual ovary. Surrounding the numerous seeds is the ovary wall. This part of the fruit is not edible.With many other fruits such as lemons and peaches, the edible...
(They are eating their share of hay [LINK: /crops-and-gardening/hay-feeding-14792.aspx] or pasture [LINK: /crops-and-gardening/grasses-pasture-plants-25470.aspx] by now.) I continue with one 16-ounce bottle for about two weeks, then eliminate the bottle...
Valued for its resistance to diseases such as black spot and rust it is endangered as a wild plant. It has been hybridized and is now sold as Knock Out Roses.Moss Rose Detail of Moss "Fluffy" Rose Virginia Rose bowlMany other American potteries featured...
Http:// Today we will go for a second stroll in the same area and see what else we can discover. A previous article introduced the typical garrigue environment and plants as well as a water-color artist...
The roasted bones will give your turkey soup even more flavor. Otherwise, the vegetables will be overcooked and soggy and the starches will soak up too much liquid. Then add in the leftover meat, herbs and lemon/lime juice, season and heat thoroughly...
We prefer certain tastes, especially bitters, and we're selective about what they eat. Our sense of touch is also acute. That's because our ancestors were mountain goats. Then she's less likely to be scared and run away.
As many as 50, but usually less than a dozen secondary tillers sprout from the lowest nodes on the primary tiller. They are long and ribbon-like with pronounced veins, which is typical of grasses.
While you're waiting for baby to be born, collect the stuff you'll need, like a big crate, a human-baby playpen or a collapsible exercise pen for dogs, bedding (fluffy straw for a pen in the barn or pieces of blankets and old towels for a crib in the...
The long, often strap-shaped ray flower petal is called a ligule. Underneath the composite flower head is a series of green, pointed structures called bracts or phyllaries. The pistil extends down into the flower, ending in the flower's ovary, which will...
Today is my birthday! I asked Mom if I could blog about my favorite subject. It recognizes eight breeds: Nubians, Alpines, Saanens, Sables, LaManchas , Oberhaslis , Toggenburgs and Nigerian Dwarfs .
Records show that Governor Winthrop of the Connecticut Colony acquired a flock of Southdown sheep in 1646. Perhaps our lambs are their descendants. Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grazed sheep on the White House lawn.
The ovules are what turn into the seeds if fertilized. It includes the ovary, stigma, and style. This is from Greek and Latin for "house" and "woman." Pistil is a carpel or group of fused carpels forming the female reproductive part of a flower including...
I caught Tica up and moved her to the next pen, then whisked the adorable ducklings into a hay bucket and transferred them into their new “nest.” As inevitably happens whenever I move moms and ducklings, Tica became frantic.
Finally baby's head and feet are out up to his shoulders. He was big but Mom and Shebaa got him out just fine. However, you need to help this baby get born as fast as he can. His mom gives a last big push and out he comes.