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Grindelia Stricta

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Italian Cypress Tree Seeds - Cupressus sempervirens, Stricta - 25 Seeds
Prices start at : 3 USD / each

Used in Italian gardens, formal landscapes and framing.Soil Type: Prefers full sun and well-drained soil.Zones: 7 to 9Germination Range: 20-40%Stratification Requirement: none required Italian Cypress(Upright with Narrow Form)(Cupressus sempervirens,...
  • Brand: TreeSeeds
  • Plant Category: Trees
Bulb Air Plant Terrarium Kit
Prices start at : 35.00 USD

The Tillandsia Stricta is known for it's wide foliage and bright green foliage. Terrarium features white natural gravel with deer moss and one of our larger more popular air plants, the Tillandsia Stricta.
  • Tillandsias are extremely tolerant of dry and hot conditions. They do not require a root system.: Yes
Apothecary Jar Air Plant Terrarium Kit
Prices start at : 59.00 USD

The kit includes three air plants: TIllandsia Filifolia, TIllandsia Setacea, and TIllandsia Stricta. Kit also includes deer moss for a soft backdrop. The combination of wispy foliage and the strong wide foliage of the Tillandsia Stricta give the terrarium...
  • Tillandsias are extremely tolerant of dry and hot conditions. They do not require a root system.: Yes
Tall Desk Air Plant Terrarium Kit
Prices start at : 49.00 USD

Terrarium kit includes 3 air plants: Tillandsia Kolbii, Tillandsia Setacea, and Tillandsia Stricta. Entire kit includes glass terrarium, 3 air plants, deer moss, and river rocks. The combination of all three air plants creates an assortment of textures...
  • Tillandsias are extremely tolerant of dry and hot conditions. They do not require a root system.: Yes
Zen Garden Terrarium Bowl Kit - Small
Prices start at : 29.00 USD

Each terrarium arrives with only the finest zen garden sand perfect for creating your own designs and art. Kit also includes decorative crane figurine for placement within the sand.
  • Tillandsias are extremely tolerant of dry and hot conditions. They do not require a root system.: Yes
Respiratory Rescue- Lung Compound
Prices start at : 12.95 USD / 1 oz. bottle

It contains anti-microbial, expectorant and immune stimulating herbs. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Bottle with dropper. *Herbs have been used effectively for centuries, but they are not regulated by...
Santa Cruz
Sticky Curlycup
Prices start at : 2.13 USD / 0.25 lbs

Its sticky involucre will teach you what an involucre is! Seed: Sept – Dec Bloom Height: 6 – 18″ Sun: Full Sun 200 Seeds / Covers 10 sq ft PLANTING DIRECTIONS: The best time to plant native wildflowers is during the fall, winter, or early spring.
  • brand: Native Ideals
Italian Cypress: A Tall, Dark Italian
The rigidly vertical trees seen in landscaping are mutations that have been saved and propagated for centuries. These are sometimes referred to as variety 'Stricta' or 'Fastigiata'.
El Segundo
Monarch Butterfly Wildflower Mix
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / (P) Pkt

These butterflies cannot stay where good sources of food aren't readily available. Combine this mix with various Milkweed species and a few fruit-producing plants, add a very shallow birdbath for muddying, set out mushy fruit as a special treat now and...
  • Resistance: Disease Resistant, Pest Resistant
  • Light Requirements: Full Sun
  • Soil Tolerance: Clay, Normal, loamy, Poor, Sandy
  • Moisture Requirements: Moist, well-drained
  • Bloom Start to End: Mid Spring - Late Fall
South Carolina
Oxalis- the most evil weed of succulent and cactus cultivation
It is one of the most annoying and difficult weeds to control in a cactus and succulent collection (and probably any plant collection for that matter). In fact, it seems to prefer it.The next method of Oxalis removal tried, at least from smaller pots...
El Segundo
What Are Other Animals & Plants That Live by Wolves?
From the cold taiga to the subtropical desert, wolves adapt easily to a wide range of habitats and face few threats apart from mankind.Gray wolves (Canis lupus) once enjoyed the largest habitat range of any predator, but are now mostly confined to the...
Santa Monica
Hermannias:  Honeybells and Doll Roses
However, the photos do present a lovely example of how hermannia petals can curl into "doll roses."Although Hermannia verticillata occasionally is available from greenhouses which sell tropicals, acquiring other members of the family could be tricky.If...
El Segundo
Research Position
Conferences attended /Abstract published: 1. Deepa (2003) “In Vitro propagation of Dendrobium aqueum Lindl - An endemic orchid using synthetic seeds-Seed Research, India (in press).
4 Herbs to Look for During Spring Foraging
Ramp up your foraging expeditions with these springtime plants. I've seen recipes for wood sorrel sauces to accompany seafood, wood sorrel tarts, wood sorrel smoothies and more. It can be identified by groups of eight delicate, lance-shaped leaves whorled...