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Green Velvet Boxwood

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Emerald Jewel Boxwood
Prices start at : 55.95 USD / #2 Container range: 1.2 - 1.8 gallons (5 - 8 liters)

This allows more light to reach the lower branches and the hedge is less likely to thin at the bottom. * Ideal hedge * Deer resistent * Very cold hardy When pruning boxwood into a hedge, make sure the bottom is left wider than the top.
  • Mature Spread: 2 - 3 feet
  • Growth Rate: Slow
  • Botanical Name: Buxus microphylla var. koreana 'Emerald Jewel'
  • Flower Color: Creamy White
  • Fall Color: Evergreen
  • Soil Type: Well Drained
North Star Boxwood
Prices start at : 33.95 USD / Quart Container

A plant doesn't attain that status without good reason. It has its preferences, of course, and does best in an alkaline bed. If your vision of a garden includes classic lines and timeless plants, you can't go off course having North Startm as your guide.
  • Foliage: Green
  • Fall Color: Evergreen
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun, Full Shade, Partial Sun
  • Soil Type: Widely Adaptable
  • Botanical Name: Buxus sempervirens 'Katerberg'
Wintergreen Boxwood
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

You can even try your hand at pruning one of these amazing Wintergreen Boxwoods into an adorable shape to catch the eye of guests and neighbors. Overall, Wintergreen Boxwood is a remarkable little evergreen ready to grace your home with its multitude...
  • Mature Spread: 2 feet
  • Botanical Name: Buxus microphylla japonica 'Wintergreen'
  • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
  • Fall Color: Evergreen
  • Flower Color: Cream
  • Soil Type: Widely Adaptable
Baby Gem Boxwood
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

When thinking about an evergreen for your own yard, it's hard to overlook this adorable, little gem. Boxwoods are certainly ornamental, but did you know that they're also a historic shrub?

20 - 24 inches

    • Mature Height: 20 - 24 inches
    • Mature Spread: 20 - 24 inches
    • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
    • Soil Type: Well Drained
    • Growth Rate: Medium
    Korean Boxwood
    Prices start at : 49.95 USD / #2 Container range: 1.2 - 1.8 gallons (5 - 8 liters)

    Deer and rabbit pose no problem for Korean Boxwood and it's relatively resistant to the major pests that usually bother Boxwoods. * Dense evergreen * Purple Leaves in Autumn * Easy to prune * Cold hardy
    • Foliage: Green
    • Sun Exposure: Full Sun
    • Botanical Name: Buxus microphylla koreana
    • Growth Rate: Slow
    • Mature Spread: 4 - 6 feet
    Winter Gem Boxwood
    Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

    Leave it to its natural beauty, prune as a hedge or create a one-of-a-kind attraction for your yard. Your Winter Gem Boxwood begins the spring with a light green tone, its small oval leaves gradually changing over to a rich dark green hue that is glossy...
    • Mature Height: 2 - 4 feet
    • Sun Exposure: Full Sun, Partial Sun
    • Mature Spread: 1 - 3 feet
    • Fall Color: Evergreen
    • Foliage: Green
    • Flower Color: Inconspicuous
    Green Mountain Boxwood
    Prices start at : 79.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

    Pyramidal boxwood would look outstanding in your border or as a topiary specimen. Your pyramid boxwood is a very fast grower when young, so you won't have to wait long to see results--which is certainly a big benefit over some other evergreen plants.
    • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
    • Fall Color: Evergreen
    • Foliage: Dark green
    • Mature Height: 3 - 5 feet
    • Botanical Name: Buxus x 'Green Mountain'
    Sprinter Boxwood
    Prices start at : 34.95 USD / #1 Container range: 2.3 - 3.7 quarts (2.5 - 4 liters)

    Plant several for a quick and low-growing hedge along your patio, or place a few in containers. Plant one today for a carefree performer that will quickly and reliably perform for you year after year.
    • Fall Color: Evergreen
    • Sun Exposure: Full Sun, Partial Sun
    • Botanical Name: Buxus microphylla 'Bulthouse'
    • Growth Rate: Medium
    • Mature Spread: 2 - 4 feet
    • Brand: Proven Winners
    Velvet beans, cultivating velvet beans, medicinal plants,
    Price : CALL

    Velvet beans have various medicinal effect and it is being sold at a whopping price of 45000 indian rupees per 1 kg in USA in form of drug. Please contact me. I am cultivating velvet beans.
    Boxwood Blight Invades U.S.
    The black streaks found on stems progress from the bottom of the plant up. New growth continues to develop on healthy stems, and often the root systems remain healthy and intact .Spores of the pathogen can sometimes be seen on the underside of the infected...
    El Segundo
    Boxwood Bush Diseases: Learn About Diseases Affecting Boxwoods
    It causes theirand drop, their branches to die randomly, and their wood and root crowns to form sunken cankers. Nematodes can't be eradicated, but watering, mulching, and fertilizing regularly can keep them in check.– Also known as volutella blight,...
    Common Boxwood Varieties: Learn About Different Types Of Boxwoods
    These types of boxwoods make a real statement and form neat hedges for privacy and screening.‘Dee Runk' may grow 8 feet tall with a slender profile of only 2 ½ feet.Highlander is another upright form with rapid growth of up to 24 inches per year, a...
    Fertilizer For Boxwood Shrubs: Tips On Fertilizing Boxwoods
    You also avoid burning the roots by using surface application for boxwood fertilizing.Don't use too much fertilizer since this can be just as bad as inadequate amounts. Leaves get smaller and thinner and may turn bronze in the winter if they receive inadequate...
    How to Prune Mesquite Trees
    The multi-trunked trees have low, dense canopies, so pruning is important to raise the canopy. Then, place your saw above the cut and cut down until you meet it. Finally, cut off the remaining stump close to the branch collar.Prune off branches that heavily...
    Santa Monica
    Boxwood Care – How To Grow Boxwood Shrubs
    Older boxwood care will include thinning limbs to allow sunshine to reach the inner the most common pest one must deal with when caring for boxwoods. It is best tobefore planting boxwood.
    What Is Boxwood Blight: Boxwood Blight Symptoms And Treatment
    Scrub them thoroughly with soap and water and dry them before putting them away.Destroy or dispose of boxwood clippings. Take these precautions when working around boxwoods and pachysandra:Stay away from box and pachysandra plants when they are wet.Clean...
    Trimming Boxwood Bushes – How And When To Prune Boxwoods
    Boxwood, like most shrubs, needs a cleaning out of dead or twisted branches that can be harmful to the bush. Boxwood bushes simply don't need much care when compared to other landscape shrubs.As with all shrubs, you should be asking when the best time...
    Boxwood Watering Tips – How And When To Water Boxwoods
    Read on to learn about watering a boxwood and when to water boxwoods.Water a newly planted boxwood shrub deeply and slowly to ensure the roots are thoroughly saturated. If the soil is dry at that depth, it's time to water again.
    Korean Boxwood Care: Growing Korean Boxwoods In The Garden
    While the plants are drought tolerant, it's important to provide regular irrigation during the first season after transplant. This helps the roots to establish. You'll need to find a location with moist, loamy soils.The shrubs' evergreen foliage needs...
    Biostrate Felt Micro Greens Kit
    Prices start at : 23.95 USD / 1 Each

    Simply moisten the sheets, let excess water drain and place into tray. Then sprinkle seeds to the desired density onto the mat and mist. For Felt refills, see Biostrate 185 Felt. Great for growing micro-greens, this lightweight, pH balanced, bio-based...
    New York
    Biostrate Micro Greens Collection
    Prices start at : 32.95 USD / 1 Each

    Great for growing micro-greens, this lightweight, pH balanced, bio-based textile absorbs and retains water while providing an inert environment for dense healthy root development .
    New York
    Boxwood Winter Protection: Treating Cold Injury In Boxwoods
    The elegance and formality that boxwood hedges lend to a landscape is unmatched by other shrubs, but in many locations they suffer badly in the winter time. Are iconic shrubs, but they're not perfectly suited for all climates.
    Volutella Blight Boxwood Treatment: Learn About Volutella Blight Control
    Prune the diseased boxwood to improve air circulation, light penetration and overall growing conditions. Use sharp tools to prevent scratching and tearing plant tissue. Alternatively, dispose of debris in a tightly sealed plastic bag.
    Boxwood Shrub Pests – Tips On Controlling Boxwood Insects
    They then hatch in May with another generation on the way in 2-3 weeks. Naturally occurring predators and parasites can aid in controlling the population. There is one population per year., apply the same insecticides mentioned above in early May when...
    Rooting Boxwood Bushes: Growing Boxwood From Cuttings
    Open the bag daily to mist the stem and check the soil for moisture. After about three weeks, give the stem a little tug once a week to see if it has roots. Stick the lower end of the cutting where the leaves were removed about two inches into the rooting...
    Why Are There Yellow Or Brown Leaves On Boxwood Shrubs
    When root rot becomes serious, it'll manifest as yellowing leaves that curl inward and turn up, and the plant will grow poorly. Really serious root rot may move into the crown, discoloring the wood near the plant's base.freestar.queue.push(function()...
    American Boxwood
    Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 1 pcs

    A small bit of annual pruning, fertilizing and mulching will be more than enough to keep your shrub happy and healthy all year long. The American Boxwood is also an interesting individual specimen.
    • Drought Tolerance: Good
    • Sunlight: Full Sun, Partial Sun
    • Mature Width: 8-10 ft.
    • Spacing: 3-5 ft.
    South Carolina
    Fort Mill