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Goat Vs Cow

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Keeping Goats as Companions
Pygmy goats breed year-round, which means kids are available at any time of year. There's something about goats that makes them great to be around, even for other four-legged creatures.
All About Pack Goats
“Goats are the ultimate off-road animals for packing,” she adds. “Goats must be tame and friendly, which is why most people use bottle-fed kids for pack goats. According to Miller, just about any goat can do the job.
Raise Goats On 1 Acre Or Less
Think big—dinosaur big. Plan for at least 200 to 400 square feet of roaming space per animal for small breeds and twice that for larger breeds. Parasites And Other Health Issues Goats aren't native to North America.
Weed-Control Goats
Weeds are tasty to most goats, which are natural browsers. Some goat owners have started their own small businesses, hiring their goats out to land owners and even government municipalities for vegetation control.
3 Tips For the Best-Tasting Goat\'s Milk
You may need more or less salt depending on the hardness of your water. Remember, no cooling technique can cover bad genes or improper milk-handling practices. It won't work as fast and does require more water, but it takes up less space and will do in...
Goat Stats
Use these quick facts to better understand how your goats operate. Tail: short and bare underneath; usually points upward Ears: hanging or upright, depending on the breed Eyes: rectangular pupil, good night vision.
Myotonic Goats
Now we have 49 registered breeders and more than 700 registered goats. TexMasters are significantly Myotonic with just enough Boer to add a bit of faster growth. Raising and understanding Myotonic goats.
Chicken Vs. Goat Manure: Which Is Best?
Also, be judicious about application: When over-applied, the phosphorus can bind up other elements, making them unavailable. My goat manure I directly apply early to the soil for the spring garden and at the end of summer for the fall garden.
Colostrum for Your Livestock Bottle Babies
There are lots of good reasons to raise bottle-baby livestock, including mine: It's a relatively inexpensive way to add popular genetics to my breeding stock, the youngsters raised this way are friendlier and more easily handled than their dam-raised...
Sew a Goat Harness for Pulling
Attach opposite end to a quick snap using a cinch knot. Turn under each end 2 inches, and sew to the centers of the hip drop and rear shoulder strap. Turn under each end 2 inches, and sew to a welded ring.
Goat Health How-To: Injection And Drenching
If your goat needs IV medicine, it's probably best to let a vet handle it. For any drenching, the most important thing is to keep the goat's head relatively level. The only other real prep we do before an injection is to clean off the top of the medicine...
When To Breed Young Dairy Goats for Milk
They say fat builds in her udder and this reduces her udder capacity later on. Due to their larger size, single kids can be a problem for a young, immature doe to deliver. Also, you must feed them very carefully so that they can continue growing while...
Can This Goat Pass as a Reindeer?
Montgomery Ward distributed 2.5 million copies of the booklet in its first year of publication. It came out in 1964 and has aired nearly every year since. I think I do! Maybe not Rudolf, though, because my nose is the wrong color.
Mm-mmm, Milk!
She can put a tiny bit on her cereal, but that's all because drinking milk makes her sick. Dr. Evershed, archaeologist Julie Dunn and their helpers used modern scientific techniques to analyze 81 unglazed pot shards dating from 5200 to 3000 B.C. Because...
5 Flies Bothering Your Goats—And How To Stop Their Bites
Chemicals don't repel them, so to save your goats grief, keep them indoors during prime midge feeding time. Bites are painless at first, but within 8 to 12 hours, tissues swell and an intense itch sets in.
For Hardy Dairy Goats, Look To The Swiss Alps
Toggenburg Just chaos/Wikimedia Commons First imported from Switzerland to America in 1883, Toggenburgs arrived in the states before other northern European breeds and are considered the oldest goat breed in the U.S. In the years that followed, large...
Protect Your Goats From CAE
Any joint can be affected, but the carpal joint appears to be most commonly affected. Dairy goat Caprine arthritic-encephalitis (CAE) virus was initially reported in the early 1980s from young goat kids with neurologic symptoms resulting from encephalitis,...
Meet Sweetie, the Pygmy Goat
As soon as you get home from the sale barn, go straight inside and wash your hands, then change your clothes and don't wear them again until they've been laundered. If you go to—and especially if you buy at—sale barns there are things you really should...
Nutrition Matters: What To Feed Your Dairy & Meat Goats
Another tip they provide it to feed your goats on a regular schedule and weigh your goats' feed at least once a week so that you know how much your goat is eating. As with feeding cattle for milk and meat, the ideal goat diet depends on your farm management...
New Kids: Esme and Jimmy
They are 3/4 LaMancha and 1/4 Nubian , like Uzzi and me, but they look like LaMancha kids. Mom says their ears are cute, but Uzzi and I think their weird ears, wattles, skinny build and really long legs make Jimmy and Esme look like space aliens.
Fecal Egg Counts: Why & How to Do Your Own
Following the directions precisely is important to getting an accurate reading. I'm just going to start with this grenade of an opinion: If you are worming your goats without doing fecal egg counts or having them done by your vet, you are doing it wrong.
Goat Farming Business Plan
Tags business plan Business plans are an essential part of starting any farming endeavor—even, or perhaps especially, goat farming. Selecting Your Goat Breed bentancourt/Flickr You will have to choose between fiber, dairy and meat breeds before getting...
The Birds and Bees—Goat Edition
Bucks in rut are hard to ignore, and the ladies love it! We also spray thin streams of urine along our bellies, on our front legs and chests, and into our mouths and beards until we're sticky, then we sniff ourselves and flehmen.
7 Medicines For Your Goat First-Aid Kit
As a rule, given plenty of fresh air, clean water and appropriate food and shelter, goats are easy keepers. Banamine This pain reliever is great to have on hand for accidents if your vet will agree to it.
It\'s About Goats - Part 2
Instead, we position ourselves a few feet apart while facing one another, rear onto our hind legs and then swoop forward, down and to the side to smash our heads or horns against those of our opponents.
Crazy Goat Lady
So when the videos are ready for viewing, please go see my studly self in action and vote for our crazy goat lady mom. Visitors will vote for their favorites and the grand-prize winner will get $5,000! Josh asked Mom what she would go if she wins the...
Working Animals On The Farm: Goats
Reinforce desired behavior with treats so that the goat looks forward to its training sessions. It also reduces aggressive behavior in the animal. A goat's lifespan mirrors that of a large-breed dog, so it can be well worth the time and effort to train...