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Ginger Lily Bulbs

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Claude Shride Martagon Lily
Prices start at : 29.98 USD / Bag of 3

The name 'Turk's Cap' is used to describe any lily with sharply recurved petals that create a sort of 'hanging lantern' shape. Botanists have changed that to Lilum lancifolium , but that doesn't stop most people (including us) from using the old name...
  •  Full Sun
  •  Containers
  • Mature Plant Size: 48-72" tall (4-6 feet)
  • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Planting Depth: Plant 6-8" deep
  • Additional Information: Lilies like their feet in the shade and faces in the sun so keep them happy by planting behind or amongst other perennials for a dramatic effect.
Sunny Morning Martagon Lily
Prices start at : 29.98 USD / Bag of 3

The sunny colored downward facing flowers fit neatly between other plants and also make a great addition to patio pots. Perfect for bouquets. Martagon Lily Sunny Morning has up to 50 flowers per stem that are golden-orange with dark spots.
  •  Full Sun
  •  Cut Flowers
  • Mature Plant Size: 2-3' tall
  • Light Requirements: Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade
  • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
  • Flower Color: Red, Orange
Mona Lisa Oriental Lily
Prices start at : 17.98 USD / Bag of 3

The stunning yellow bi-colored lily shown with red daylilies and gladiolus is the popular Asiatic Hybrid, 'Grand Cru'. (See lily groups below.) Photo A is the old favorite, orange Tiger Lily, (See lily groups below.) one of the best for wild meadows since...
  •  Containers
  •  Half Sun / Half Shade
  • Soil Type: Loamy Soil
  • Bulb Spacing: 8-12" apart
  • Bloom Time: Mid to late summer
  • Planting Time: Fall
Manitoba Morning Martagon Lily
Prices start at : 29.98 USD / Bag of 3

This lily is perfect for patio pots, growing in between shrubs, and makes a colorful border. Excellent for cut flower. Martagon Lily Bulbs Manitoba Morning produces up to 50 blooms per stem with flowers that are reddish-pink with light creamy yellow centers...
  •  Attract Butterflies
  •  Cut Flowers
  • Common Name: Martagon Lily Manitoba Morning
  • Bulb Size: 14 cm
  • Soil Type: Loamy Soil
  • Soil Moisture: Moist/Wet, Well Draining
Albomaculata Calla Lily
Prices start at : 14.98 USD / Bag of 1

And unlike the tall native plant (up to 3 ft.) this is the white one that's about the same size as the bright colored selections. They enjoy being root-bound. Everyone loves the pristine white calla.
  • Flower Size: 3-5" flowers
  • Additional Information: Perennial in zones 8-10. Annual in zones 3-7.
  • Common Name: Albomaculata Calla Lily
  • Botanical Name: Zantedeschia Albomaculata
  • Foliage: Green upright foliage with white specks.
  • Full Sun: Yes
Picasso Calla Lily
Prices start at : 14.98 USD / Bag of 1

They thrive in full sun and can be planted both in the garden and in containers. They enjoy being root-bound. Picasso's bi-color blooms create bold, unique color in the summer garden.
  • Plant Type / Life Cycle: Annual
  • Soil Moisture: Average, Well Draining
  • Mature Plant Size: 16-24" tall
  • Botanical Name: Zantedeschia Picasso
  • Planting Depth: Bulbs/Tubers should be planted 3-4" below the soil line.
  • Light Requirements: Full Sun
Super Gem Calla Lily
Prices start at : 13.98 USD / Bag of 1

Many people grow callas in patio pots, which can be brought in before frost arrives. This makes callas 'tender bulbs' in most of the country, and they'll have to be lifted out of the ground and stored indoors come fall.
  • Foliage: Green upright foliage.
  • Rabbit Resistant: Yes
  • Mature Height: 14-18" tall
  • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Flower Size: 3-5" flowers
  • Days to Bloom: Blooms in 70-112 days. (10-16 weeks)
Tequila Sunrise Calla Lily Mix
Prices start at : 32.98 USD / Bag of 3

Many people grow callas in patio pots, which can be brought in before frost arrives. This makes callas 'tender bulbs' in most of the country, and they'll have to be lifted out of the ground and stored indoors come fall.
  • Foliage: Green upright foliage with white specks.
  • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Mature Plant Size: 14-20" tall
  • Soil Moisture: Average, Well Draining
  • Full Sun: Yes
  • Bulb Size: 14-16 cm
Mango Calla Lily
Prices start at : 13.98 USD / Bag of 1

Set against its deep green, spotted foliage, 'Mango's tubular blooms are a delightful way to add warm color to the garden. If you haven't grown callas, you may be surprised that these bulbs create a sizable plant.
  • Bulb Spacing: 3 bulbs per sq. ft.
  • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Bulb Size: 14-16 cm
  • Bloom Time: Mid summer until frost
  • Common Name: Mango Calla Lily
  • Botanical Name: Zantedeschia Mango
Nashville Calla Lily
Prices start at : 13.98 USD / Bag of 1

Graceful and extraordinary, this variety grows slightly shorter than other calla lilies, making it a perfect choice for garden edges and patio containers. If you haven't grown callas, you may be surprised that these bulbs create a sizable plant.
  • Bulb Size: 14-16 cm
  • Foliage: Green upright foliage with white specks.
  • Planting Time: Spring / Summer
  • Common Name: Nashville Calla Lily
  • Soil Type: Clay Soil, Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil
  • Cut Flowers: Yes
Purple Rain Calla Lily Mix
Prices start at : 32.98 USD / Bag of 3

Gardeners in areas that receive frost will want to dig the bulbs up at the end of the season and store them for the winter. They enjoy being root-bound. This mixture is a great way to start growing Calla Lilies; plant all three bulbs next to each other...
  • Foliage: Green upright foliage.
  • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Additional Information: Perennial in zones 8-10. Annual in zones 3-7.
  • Rabbit Resistant: Yes
  • Bloom Time: Mid summer until frost
  • Advantages: Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant, Easy to Grow, Cut Flowers, Containers
Best Gold Calla Lily
Prices start at : 13.98 USD / Bag of 1

If you haven't grown callas, you may be surprised that these bulbs create a sizable plant. The common white one* is Zantedeschia aethiopica , and like all callas, it's hardy in the US only in Zones 8 through 10.
  •  Cut Flowers
  •  Easy to Grow
  • Soil Moisture: Average, Well Draining
  • Bloom Time: Mid summer until frost
  • Soil Type: Clay Soil, Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil
  • Botanical Name: Zantedeschia rehmannii violacea Best Gold
Orange Blend Calla Lily Mix
Prices start at : 32.98 USD / Bag of 3

Many people grow callas in patio pots, which can be brought in before frost arrives. This makes callas 'tender bulbs' in most of the country, and they'll have to be lifted out of the ground and stored indoors come fall.
  •  Deer Resistant
  •  Neonicotinoid-Free
  •  Containers
  • Botanical Name: Zantedeschia Orange Blend Mix
  • Mature Height: 14-20" tall
  • Plant Type / Life Cycle: Annual
Nerine Lily
Prices start at : 14.98 USD / Bag of 3

(Nerine bowdenii) Also known as Guernsey Lily, it's both deer resistant and fragrant. In Europe, this one is sometimes called Jersey Lily, since it is associated with the famous English actress.
  • Advantages: Deer Resistant, Fragrant, Cut Flowers, Containers
  • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Light Requirements: Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade
  • Bulb Spacing: 3 bulbs per sq. ft.or plant 6" apart.
  • Planting Time: Spring / Summer
  • Mature Plant Size: 12-18" tall
Salsa Calla Lily Mix
Prices start at : 32.98 USD / Bag of 3

Sometimes the clumps grow 36' high. Salsa Calla Lily Mix is a colorful combination or pink, yellow, and white callas all set against mix and match green foliage. The bulbs are irregular, sort of like ginger roots, and several can be planted in the same...
  •  Deer Resistant
  •  Neonicotinoid-Free
  • Soil Moisture: Average, Well Draining
  • Bulb Spacing: 3 bulbs per sq. ft.
  • Planting Depth: Bulbs/Rhizomes should be planted 1-2" below the soil line.
  • Foliage Color: Green
White Florist Calla Lily
Prices start at : 16.98 USD / Bag of 1

Most of the very colorful callas are a separate species, C. Growing Callas: Callas are native to South Africa, and today they're not only easy to grow, but available in a literal rainbow of colors.
  •  Rabbit Resistant
  •  Neonicotinoid-Free
  • Soil Type: Clay Soil, Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil, Moist/Wet Soil
  • Flower Color: White
  • Mature Height: 24-36" tall
  • Bulb Spacing: 3 bulbs per sq. ft.
Odessa Calla Lily
Prices start at : 13.98 USD / Bag of 1

Odessa brings dark rich purple blooms to the summer garden. They enjoy being root-bound. If you haven't grown callas, you may be surprised that these bulbs create a sizable plant. When you pair the blooms with its bold, speckled leaves, this variety has...

20-24" tall

    • Flower Color: Almost Black
    • Planting Depth: Bulbs/Tubers should be planted 3-4" below the soil line.
    • Mature Plant Size: 20-24" tall
    • Flower Size: 3-5" flowers
    • Mature Height: 20-24" tall
    • Plant Type / Life Cycle: Annual
    Pink Rain Lily
    Prices start at : 19.98 USD / Bag of 25

    Popping out of the ground after summer rains, these tender perennial bulbs are pollinator friendly and as adorable as can be. Their clear pink blooms resemble miniature versions of their close cousin, the Amaryllis.
    • Foliage: Green grass-shaped foliage.
    • Bulb Size: 6 cm
    • Additional Information: Perennial in zones 8-10. Can be grown as annuals in zones 3-7. Native to Texas.
    • Botanical Name: Zephyranthes robusta Pink
    • Bulb Spacing: 9 bulbs per sq. ft.
    • Mature Height: 6-10" tall
    Storing Gloriosa Lily Tubers: Caring For Gloriosa Lily In Winter
    Is an exotic looking flower that grows on vines reaching up to 12 inches high in the right conditions. These shallow pots should be stored in an area where temperatures stay between 50-60 degrees F.
    Growing Wood Lilies: How To Care For Wood Lily Plants
    These bulblets are baby bulbs, designed to spread the plant underground.The other way to propagate wood lily is through seeds. Today, though, this plant is considered rare and on the way to becoming endangered in the wild because so many people have picked...
    Asiatic Lily Propagation: How To Propagate An Asiatic Lily Plant
    A quicker method to increase your stock of these plants is by division. Keep them lightly moist and give young plants 14 hours of light per day. Try reproducing Asiatic lilies in any one of these ways for a fun, interesting project that will yield more...
    Growing Tiger Lilies: Information On Growing And Caring For Tiger Lily Plant
    Proper soil preparation results in healthier tiger lily plants that produce more and bigger blooms.Tiger lily care involves little work after plants are established, as they are somewhat drought tolerant.
    Potted Lily Plants – Tips On Planting Lilies In Containers
    Then simply overwinter them in a frost free greenhouse, cold frame, shed or basement. Fill your pot 1/3 of the way full with the sandy potting mix and pat it down a little. Plant only the bulbs that look healthy.– Proper drainage is very important for...
    Companions For Lilies In The Garden: Plants That Grow Well With Lilies
    Lily bulbs are soft and tender, and the strong, aggressive roots of other plants can pierce these bulbs, damaging or even killing them. Lilies also will not come up in the spring if weeds or plants are too dense above the bulb.
    Oriental Lily Plant Care – How To Grow Oriental Lilies In The Garden
    Orientals also thrive in cooler regions and can tolerate less than ideal soil conditions.To answer the question, “what is an Oriental lily,” we first need to concede what a true lily is.
    Caring For Easter Lilies: How To Plant Easter Lily After Blooming
    ) are traditional symbols of hope and purity during the Easter holiday season. Let's learn more about planting and caring for Easter lilies outside.Caring for Easter lilies properly while you have them indoors ensures a strong, vigorous plant that makes...
    How To Grow Lilies: Information On The Care Of Lily Plants
    If they are planted in the shade, the stems will stretch and lean towards the sun. This lily will grow almost anywhere. Growing lilies from bulbs is a favorite pastime of many gardeners.