Bit Level B View bit level information . This mouthpiece is made of polished sweet iron which naturally oxidizes or rusts. Stainless steel 5" HBT shank with sweet iron low port comfort snaffle, copper inlay 5" mouth.
Harmless to horses, it has a sweet taste and promotes salivation. This mouthpiece is made of polished sweet iron which naturally oxidizes or rusts. Bit Level C View bit level information .
These bits have been designed to keep the horse comfortable during work, enabling them to perform at their best. These revolutionary, patented designs are based upon extensive research into the anatomy of the horse's mouth and how the bit is held in its...
Bit Level C View bit level information . 3/8” twisted sweet iron, 5” mouth with a dog bone snaffle. Extremely good if you need help getting your horse's legs underneath him and his rear end down.
Nicely balanced bit has short purchase and is a mild to medium bit. Can be ridden with a 4-rein to train. Three ring swivel shank pinchless, stainless steel bit, with black steel cheek rods and mouth.
Bit Level B View bit level information . This is a bit with a longer shank, so it will give you more leverage to maintain rate and body position in turns with speed. Stainless steel mouthpiece.
Bit Level B View bit level information . This mouthpiece is made of polished sweet iron which naturally oxidizes or rusts. Stainless steel western dee with 2 hooks with sweet iron low port comfort snaffle , copper inlay 5" mouth.
John Patterson (JP) world-renowned trainer and jockey developed the exclusive curved bar design to eliminate the “nutcracker” action of a regular snaffle, stopping the bit hitting the roof of the horses's mouth and allowing more room for the tongue.
Bit Level ALL View bit level information . A wonderful bit for older colts, young horses or any soft mouthed horse. Works well with any type martingale or draw reins. 3 piece twisted sweet iron wire with dog bone snaffle.
This creates a sweet taste in the horse's mouth and promotes salivation. This bit will rust when exposed to moisture. The double bar offset swept back stainless steel cheek has great balance, smooth leverage application, and quick release.
Bit Level C View bit level information . Ideal for finished, well-broke horses. Stainless steel 7 1/2" cheek with a copper inlaid ported chain mouthpiece. It also encourages the horse to break at the poll.
JP Korsteel provides utmost comfort so that your horse can achieve its best performance. JP Bits by Korsteel provide ultimate communication between you and your horse. John Patterson (JP), world-renowned trainer and jockey, developed the exclusive curved...
Cheeks are 6" with a 7/16" sweet iron snaffle mouth. This bit provides low leverage but adds some curb pressure for more control. Bit Level B View bit level information . Stainless steel.
5" smooth, sweet iron, 2-piece snaffle mouthpiece has a slight curve to the bars, allowing the bit to rest comfortably across your horse's entire mouth. Lifetime guarantee. Bit Level B View bit level information .
Bit Level A View bit level information . This mouthpiece is made of polished sweet iron which naturally oxidizes or rusts. Stainless steel western dee with sweet iron comfort snaffle wide barrel, copper inlay 5" mouth.
Applies pressure to the chin, bars, and corners of the mouth. The 5 1/8" mouthpiece is inlaid with copper to stimulate salivation, 3/8” in diameter, and curved for soft, evenly distributed pressure.
It is nice and soft, offering complete rate and body lift for turns. This is a bit for starting barrel training, or on horses that have a sensitive mouth that do not need much bit.
Harmless to horses, it has a sweet taste and promotes salivation. This mouthpiece is made of polished sweet iron which naturally oxidizes or rusts. Bit Level C View bit level information .
8 1/2" cheeks and 5" sweet iron mouth is 3-piece snaffle with copper roller to pacify the horse that tends to chew on the bit. Bit Level B View bit level information .
This is a nice bit to ride with. The weight of the rings also makes the bit very balanced. The O-ring is a great bit to start colts in and show them the basics of barrel racing. Bit Level A View bit level information .
The swivel shank feature enhances lateral control. The 8” cheeks give good leverage for control and are designed to keep the horse from lipping the bit. Bit Level B View bit level information .
Gag bits aid in lifting your horse's shoulders, allow more flex in turning, and provide more control at a higher rate of speed, making them popular for barrel racing and other speed events.
Bit Level A View bit level information . A very popular snaffle mouthpiece. 7/16” Sweet iron snaffle provides weight to increase feel to the horse. 3” stainless steel cheeks. Bent relief is very easy for the horse to pack.
The side pull action on the shank makes it easy for your horse to work without getting in its way and gives you a small amount of lift. Great for a horse that just needs some guiding around the turn or one that does not like a bit in its mouth.
This mouthpiece is made of polished sweet iron which naturally oxidizes, or rusts. Stainless Steel 5 1/2" MBL Short Shank with Sweet Iron Forward Tilt Ported Barrel (MB 36, Level 2-3) Copper Inlay.