This bull is out of a registered gelbviech & black angus cow he has been vet checked & classified as a excellent breeder w/all shots -ears deticked tric tested & ready to turn out with your cows this is a really nice bull he is put up & a little heavy...
The following Registered Purebred and Balancer Gelbvieh Bulls are for Sale. We have several high quality bulls with Genomic Enhanced EPDs that are qualified under the Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program (TAEP) for Balanced, Terminal and Calving...
Asking $2500 firm Call 417-339-7632 or call or text 417-263-1265. 20 month old virgin gelbvieh bull. He is out of a registered Sire and a top quality commercial cow. He has not been pampered.
He was born on 03/10/2016. He passed the breeding exam with a 96. He is also very gentle and will come up to you with feed, will also let you touch him. I have a registered Gelbvieh Bull for sale.
We have bulls priced from $2000 - $2250. We have black purebred Gelbvieh and Gelbvieh x Angus 18 month + bulls available now. All of these bulls have been semen checked, BVD tested, vaccinated, and are ready to go to work! We have both 18 month old bulls...
They have moderate Birth Weights and are above average for the Gelbvieh Breed on weaning and yearling weights. Three Red Gelbvieh Bulls For Sale. They are 17 months old as of July and have passed a BSE.
I am asking $2500 firm. Has had a breeding soundness exam. He has not been grain fed and pampered. 20 month old virgin gelbvieh bull. His scrotal was 40 cm. He is out of a registered gelbvieh bull and a top quality commercial cow.
Have calves on sight as well as replacement heifers out of this bull if interested in getting a closer look at his genes. Registered Red Gelbvieh Bull, Proven herd Bull, good epds, great disposition.
4 purebred black polled 3 year old gelvbieh cows with balancer calves at side. Great milking, perfect udder, easy keepers, calm disposition. FREE DELIVERY WITHIN 400 MILES!!! Full TMR feed, current vaccine program, full mineral program.
Pricing for our bulls is starting at $3000 each. We, at The White Buffalo Ranch, are dedicated to producing cattle for the real world with calving ease, growth and maternal excellence.
32, $1,250 take your pick. Angus/Gelbvieh f1 Balancer Open Heifers; Weaned, wormed, vaccinated, Very Gentle, 650-700lbs, ready to breed this fall. The kind of cattle you can be proud of and profitable.
BKGC ETHAN 34B1 (AMGV1304811) is a red PB94 Gelbvieh bull born on 12/21/14. His carcass traits are:YG -.39, CW 24, REA .27, MB -.24, and FT -.09. His production numbers are BW 76 lbs., WW 524 lbs., and YW 982 lbs.
Girs were used to put the red colour and higher Zebu content into American Red Brahmans. The Gir are very social cattle and spend a lot of time licking, touching and leaning on each other.
Well taken care of herd of 36 cows that are either bred or have a calf with it. Also available: 4 ft pasture wire, t posts, water tanks, custom built calf creek feeder with roof, 5 new rolls of barbed wire.
Two registered black gelbvieh and balancer bulls. Balancer is 17 months. Have had all shots, have BSE papers, and wormed. Full blood gelbvieh was is 22 months. Asking 2500 for 22 month and 2000 for 17 month.
40 cows red & black, gilbvie red angus Running age cows Start calving March 1 Breed to Judd Ranch Bull out of Kansas Also have the bulls for sale Complete dispersal
Thirty-three first calf, Fall heifers with first calves by their side. Bull calves have been knife-cut and Ralgro implanted. Angus bull (low birth weight, Gardner breeding) has been in with heifers since November 20th and sells with the cows.
Home raised 2016 Balancer 2 year old Bull FOR SALE $2,500 DOB February 2016. Dams are registered Red Angus and Sires are registered Gelbvieh PB94. Dam is registered Red Angus and Sire is registered Gelbvieh PB94.