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Post-frost Garden
I'm trying to extend things as long as possible without having to keep them in the pantry or fridge. The tiny heads on them aren't as big as they've been in previous years, but I think there will be enough on my three plants for a few meals.
Lawn Mower Exchange Program a Success
The county is already applying for additional grant funding for 2012, with plans to fund 100 exchanges next spring. From an environmental perspective, it's also a decidedly un-green activity, with EPA data showing that one gas mower sends 87 pounds of...
What Are Post-Emergent Herbicides: Using A Post-Emergence Herbicide
The post-emergent information on the packaging will tell you the method and rate of application, as well as warnings and other important details regarding the product use. What are post-emergent herbicides and how can they keep your garden beds looking...
What Is Ethylene Gas: Information On Ethylene Gas And Fruit Ripening
What is ethylene gas? In commercial environments, farmers use liquid products that are introduced pre-harvest. This is due to the ethylene gas that some fruits give off. Perhaps you have heard it said not to place your newly harvested fruits in the fridge...
Upcycled T-Shirt Headband
I find a good headband can keep the hair off your face and neck as you work in the garden or enjoy other summer outdoor activities. Summer is quickly approaching, and with it will undoubtedly come lots of heat and humidity.
Power Equipment Purchasing Options
With that range of power sources to select from, he's confident he can meet a customer's needs, including budgetary, once they have been identified. There can also be a surprising degree of overlap from one type to another.
6 Permaculture Power Plants
“The roots of Taraxacum officinale accumulate a wide variety of minerals, which are then made available to those who live nearby or consume it. Several edible mushrooms, including oyster and shiitake, can be cultivated in shady spots by inoculating...
Broken Hydraulic-powered Loader
It's great for all kinds of jobs, but it really shines at moving snow. Hydraulic power is one of the greatest of on-farm labor savers. The override kicks in to protect the pump from overheating.
Growing Power\'s Vertical Farm
I see the decade of 2010 as potentially explosive for what Will calls ‘The Good Food Revolution,'” Growing Power Board President Jerry Kaufman says. Growing Power is hoping the structure will be allowed to sit on its already-thriving, historic, 2-acre...
Power to the People
According to the United Nations, in spite of the global recession, 2008 was a banner year for investments in renewable energy. Whether for heat or electricity, we all need power, but we don't have to rely on the grid to get it.
My Post-Frost To-Do List
I stopped picking my pole and runner beans a few weeks ago to allow enough of them to reach maturity so I can harvest the seeds. « More Dirt on Gardening » Tags garden chores I'm particularly fond of Winter Density lettuce for fall and winter harvests.
Kentucky\'s First Solar-Powered Hospital
On top of providing energy, the panels will also be used educationally for local students. This is enough energy to power eight to 10 homes annually. Estes says, “We've built our organization on forward-thinking innovation.
Growing Power Creates 150 Jobs
“To do this program right, we will need three times this amount. “Milwaukee is a world leader in urban agriculture,” says Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. Growing Power's proposal, called “Growing Capacity for the Green Economy,” was made in February...
Trees Beneath Power Lines: Should You Be Planting Trees Around Power Lines
The average state spends about $30 million a year trimming trees away from power lines and in utility easements. While they are part of your property, these utility easements are intended for utility crews to have access to power lines or power boxes.
Method of Gas Exchange in a Fungus
When a fungus produces mushrooms or other growths, they exchange gas with the atmosphere just as plants do.Some types of fungus grow in very specific relationships with only life forms.
Santa Monica
4 Steps To Build A Simple, Effective Garden Fence
Attach the mesh wire to the wooden posts using fencing staples; zip ties can be used to attach it to the metal T-posts. If you deal with deer issues like I do, here's the design I built—perhaps it will work for you, too.
Trellis Designs for Berry Bushes
A 30-inch piece of post is screwed to the top middle of each post to make a "T" shape. A double cross trellis is made with 18-inch crossbars at 5 feet or the top of the post and another at 3 feet with canes growing inside the two wires for extra strength.
Santa Monica
Why You Need a Post-Hole Digger
Or you're building a fancy trellis for your garden and want to put a couple of large posts in the ground. They're Easy To Use Some augers can be heavy and difficult to control, requiring more than one person to use.
What Gas Do Green Plants Give Off?
At the same time, humans produce carbon dioxide as byproduct of breathing and plants use carbon dioxide in photosynthesis."Shelter" is Copyrighted by Flickr user: Richard0 (Richard OUTRAM) under the Creative Commons Attribution license.All plant life...
Santa Monica
Peanut Storing: Learn About Post Harvest Peanut Curing
Improper curing will result in molding and spoilage.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });once the foliage yellows in late summer to early fall.
A Burning Question: Why Grow a Gas Plant?
Dictamnus, commonly known as a gas plant, is an interesting specimen to include in your perennial garden. Once I mention some of the unique characteristics of the plant, however, which gave it the common names "gas plant" and "burning bush," visitors...
El Segundo
How to Replace Old Fence Posts by Hand
Step 3: Modify the Hole After you have removed the old post from the ground, you will have a hole that is roughly post-shaped and can be reused for your new post. There are multiple reasons your farm's fence posts can break down, but one thing is clear:...
Use A Tractor To Remove Stubborn Fence Posts
It couldn't have been any easier! Thanks to Little Mo, a hard and time-consuming task became as simple as could be in a matter of moments. Being a person that thrives on routine, I was initially reluctant to change plans, but the time-saving potential...
Less Pruning, More Power, with Electophobic Cultivars
Also, the lack of downed power lines is safer for power crews and civilians. Correspondingly heavy rooting on the power line side allows them to grow near power lines but not blow over onto them in windstorms.
El Segundo
Farm Fence Styles
Non-tensile electric-wire fencing is not a good choice for perimeter fencing, though it can be used to divide pastures and for temporary fencing that is moved regularly. Welded Wire Fencing Welded-wire fencing is less commonly livestock fields.
Indoor Hyacinth Care: Caring For Hyacinth Houseplants Post Flowering
Don't touch your hyacinth until the spring. Once the leaves are dead, cut the entire plant back to soil level, so only bulb and roots remain.Move your pot to a cold, dark space. When most of the flowers are brown, cut the entire flower stalk off.
Tips For Harvesting Apples And Post Harvest Apple Storing
Unless the temperature dipped below 22-23 degrees F. For example, apples will ripen earlier if there is a mild, sunny spring which kick starts the tree's fruiting cycle early. (-2 C) depending upon the sugar content.