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3-Tined Rake
Prices start at : 34 USD / 4.00 lbs

Once the metal has been heated to a red glow in the forge and then shaped over the anvil with a hammer, it is burned into the handle creating a long-lasting garden tool with absolutely no welds.
  • brand: Fisher Blacksmithing
Prices start at : 30.62 USD / 2.00 lbs

Features: • Anvil-type pruner • Forged aluminum handles and steel blades • All parts are repleaceable • Cushioned handles • 8.3 in. If you have an eye for quality but only have minimal chores, the FELCO 4 Pruner is an excellent choice.
  • brand: FELCO
Long Reach Hoe
Prices start at : 4.58 USD / 2.00 lbs

This gorgeous tool was made for those moments when you wish your arms were just a few inches longer to snag that pesky weed! The Flexrake Classic Long Reach Hand Held Hoe gives you more extension from one spot, which is much easier on your back, neck...
  • brand: Flexrake
Prices start at : 639 USD / 30.0 lbs

Technical Specifications (PDF) Grower's Tip: Designed for horticultural use, the LumiBar can be set to your preferred light intensity and color ratio for ALL stages of plant growth, including flowering and fruiting.
  • brand: LumiGrow
Azomite (0-0-0.2)
Prices start at : 17.35 USD / 50.00 lbs

For sixty years regional crop and livestock producers from central Utah have used Azomite to improve livestock and plant growth. A natural source of minerals and trace elements! Micronized Azomite is used in gardens as a re-mineralizer for soils and an...
  • brand: Azomite Mineral Products
Heat Mat Thermostat
Prices start at : 24.17 USD / 2.00 lbs

Excessive temperatures — too cool or too warm — will result in poor quality growth. The Hydrofarm Digital Heat Mat Thermostat allows gardeners to select and maintain optimum rooting temperatures for faster seedling or cutting growth.
  • brand: HydroFarm
Keeping the Harvest
Prices start at : 8.22 USD / 2.00 lbs

Paperback, 208 pages. With nearly 40 years in print, see why so many turn to Keeping the Harvest to safely and effectively store their garden bounties! This updated fourth edition book guides readers through canning and preserving fruits, vegetables and...
  • brand: Storey Publishing
Blossom Set Spray
Prices start at : 2.73 USD / 3.00 lbs

This product is NOT registered for sale in the state of California . Speeds Harvest — Increases Yields! Bonide Tomato Blossom Set Spray contains the biological grow power of Kinetin (a natural plant hormone) to promote blossom set and fruit development...
  • brand: Bonide
Citric Acid
Prices start at : 2.9 USD / 1.00 lbs

Canned tomatoes are your specialty, this ingredient should be on your supply list. It's more reliable than lemon juice and easier to use, too! Features: • Consistent, shelf-stable ingredient • Recommended for most tomato recipes by the USDA and other...
  • brand: Ball
Tulip Shoe
Prices start at : 16.5 USD / 3.00 lbs

New tulip pattern is designed exclusively for Sloggers by Los Angeles artist Lisa Miller. BLOWOUT SALE! Anyone who needs slip-resistance and style in a rain shoe gives Sloggers five stars for the marriage of serviceability and personality.
  • brand: Sloggers
TerraSport (SPF 30)
Prices start at : 14.99 USD / 1.00 lbs

Absorbs quickly without leaving a greasy finish and is fragrance free. All Terrain TerraSport Natural Sunblock (SPF 30) provides year round protection from the harmful effects of the sun.
  • brand: All Terrain
Organic Fish (2-4-1)
Prices start at : 13.95 USD / 12.0 lbs

See product label for specific instructions for lawns and other uses. You don't have to drive to the ocean to get deep nutrients that your plants can use now. Available in quart and gallon bottles.
  • brand: Neptune's Harvest
Pest Pistol
Prices start at : 4.85 USD / 1.00 lbs

The Pest Pistol Mini Duster is well-suited for applying insecticidal powders such as diatomaceous earth and boric acid. Benefits: • Built to last — virtually unbreakable! • Secure top prevents leaks for safe application • Easy to use — one-hand...
  • brand: Zephyr Associates
Fabric Staples
Prices start at : 2.28 USD / 0.75 lbs

Ideal for Securing: • Landscape fabric & plastic film • Protective garden netting • Floating row & grass seed covers • Burlap & tarps • Drip/ soaker hoses Size: 20-Pack, 1-1/4″ wide x 4″ long Purchase by the case and save! Please call 1-800-289-6656...
  • brand: Dalen
Ocean Forest
Prices start at : 13.85 USD / 45.0 lbs

100% Natural & Organic. Lightweight and well-aerated, it's the perfect all-natural mix for container grown plants! Available size: 1.5 cu ft Bag DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Fill the container with enough mix so that the plant is positioned at the correct height.
  • brand: Fox Farm
Bug Spray (100% Organic)
Prices start at : 5 USD / 0.75 lbs

Convenient size makes it easy to take along on any outdoor adventure! Benefits: • Deet-free • No artificial ingredients, parabens, GMOs or aluminum • Spray-on formula • Essential oils are powerful against bugs, but gentle on skin • No added...
  • brand: Bubble & Bee
Soybean Meal (7-1-2)
Prices start at : 8.12 USD / 6.00 lbs

Containers: Add 2-4 Tbsp per gallon of soil and mix thoroughly or mix 2-1/2 to 5 lbs per cubic yard. Mix into soil surface and water well. Grower's Tip: Recommended application for transplants is 1-2 Tbsp per hole; application rate for lawns is 5-10 lbs.
  • brand: Down To Earth
Worm Farm (4 Tray)
Prices start at : 74.25 USD / 15.0 lbs

Approximately 1,000 Red Wigglers and bedding material (shredded paper) are all that is required to get started. The presence of thread-like white worms (entrachyadids) in vermicompost indicates that the pH level of the system is too low (below 6).
  • brand: Sunleaves
Age Old Bloom (5-10-5)
Prices start at : 8.32 USD / 65.0 lbs

Soak roots for greater root mass and less transplant shock. Transplanting: Add 2 to 4 oz to one gallon of water. Dip roots in solution. Use 1 to 2 cups of solution for small plants, such as tomatoes.
  • brand: Age Old Organics
Arm Saver
Prices start at : 17.45 USD / 0.75 lbs

Available in Women's SM, MED, LG. Tired of long sleeves while doing yard work? Features: • A stretchy pull cord to cinch around arms or sleeves • Tough synthetic leather palms • Doubly reinforced thumb and pointer fingertips Custom made to fit a...
  • brand: Womanswork
Liquid Humus
Prices start at : 4.5 USD / 3.00 lbs

BLOWOUT SALE! For healthier, more productive soils… naturally! Medina Humate is a liquid humus for gardening enthusiasts that want to build the quality and structure of their soil without using harmful chemicals.
  • brand: Medina Lawn & Garden
Earth Juice Catalyst
Prices start at : 10.5 USD / 35.0 lbs

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Mix 1 to 3 Tbsp. The #1 additive for hydroponics & soil gardener's worldwide! Earth Juice Catalyst is a premium organic nutrient additive that contains enzymes, hormones, vitamins, amino acids, nutrients and surfactants to complete...
  • brand: Hydro-Organics (Earth Juice)
Rapid Rooter Mat
Prices start at : 16.1 USD / 3.00 lbs

Each pack contains 98 cross-cut planting sites that are ideal for propagating cuttings and germinating seeds. General Hydroponics Rapid Rooter Mat is a unique plant starter derived from naturally composted tree bark.
  • brand: General Hydroponics
Lean-To GardenHouse
Prices start at : 1199 USD

The major components of the Lean-To Garden House arrive pre-assembled, so you can put it together in no time. A mini-greenhouse for your deck or patio! The Sunshine Lean-To GardenHouse is designed to attach to the wall of your house or garage — any...
  • brand: Sunshine GardenHouse
Journal (Moleskine)
Prices start at : 15.95 USD / 2.00 lbs

We especially like the soft cover and elastic strap (attached) that holds everything in place. It doesn't get any better than a Moleskine Gardening Journal for documenting the success — or failure — of various vegetables, flowers and landscape plants.
  • brand: Moleskine
Smart Pots
Prices start at : 1.95 USD / 5.00 lbs

The best growing container anywhere! Patented Smart Pots are a truly innovative, inexpensive and practically foolproof way to grow potted plants. Better than black plastic planters, these soft-sided fabric containers prevent roots from circling and release...
  • brand: High Caliper Growing Systems
Prices start at : 22.14 USD / 1.00 lbs

BLOWOUT SALE! Your plants will be nitrogen-fixing powerhouses thanks to the microorganisms ( Paenibacillus polymyxa ) in Nitryx! Using available resources in the atmosphere, you'll see a reduction in external inputs while getting the advantage of lush,...
  • brand: Blacksmith Bioscience