The fork is part of a line of high-quality, long-lasting tools. The solid stainless steel construction, ash wood handle and leather hang strap make it durable and ideal for long-term use.
Prices start at : 49.99 USD / DeWit RH Dutch Hand Hoe
Heirloom quality. Oiled Ash handle. Lifetime warranty. Slice weeds off at the base. Hand- forged with the finest boron steel. Total length 10.5”. Drag under mulch to cut weeds without disturbing mulch.
Prices start at : 36.99 USD / DeWit Perennial Planter
Heirloom quality. Lifetime guarantee. Most versatile two-hand tool for planting and separating perennials. Hand-forged with the finest boron steel. 21inches in length. The original perennial planter.
Heirloom quality. Oiled Ash handle. Lifetime guarantee. Slice weeds off at the base. Hand- forged with the finest boron steel. Total length 10.5 inches. Drag under mulch to cut weeds without disturbing mulch.
The Weed Puller is part of a line of high-quality, long-lasting tools. Solid stainless steel construction with ash wood handle and leather hang strap is balanced to reduce the effort and stress of planting.
Made in USA. anything you purchase from us proves unsatisfactory, we will either replace the item or refund the purchase...
When ordering, please note in remarks the name of your growing tray manufacturer (eg, Myers, Dillen, ITML, etc). Specific charges will be displayed during checkout.Used with #7335 Precision Vacuum Seeder.
Guaranteed a lifetime! Head 8" l X 1" w, Total Length 15.5", 0.5 lbs. Makes chores quick and easy. Constructed of tempered boron steel with (renewable FSC) ash hardwood handle. Works great in rock gardens and for digging out deep roots.
Made in the USA. Great for making seed furrows and detangling roots too. Made of premium stainless steel for years of use. This tool helps you get at weeds around rocks, in-between deck slats and patio pavers.
Bag of 200. anything you purchase from us proves unsatisfactory, we will either replace the item or refund the purchase price.
Specific charges will be displayed during checkout.If anything you purchase from us proves unsatisfactory, we will either replace the item or refund the purchase price. Sandstone colored.
Saving a dollar or two is not worth it! We can show proof we isolate! We spend thousands to isolate and net our plants so your seed grows true and is not crossed. Beware of backyard seed sellers that do not isolate their peppers from cross pollination.
Wide double rows (two parallel rows of beans planted 12 to 14 inches apart) are the most space-efficient way to grow beans; you may incorporate an arbor/arch/latticework if you desire.
USDA Certified Organic. Fruits borne in clusters of 4-12. Lovely served with pesto. (Semi-determinate) [Developed 1983 by Tater Mater Seed.] Ripens yellow-green, resembling large Muscat grapes.
Sun: Full Sun Sowing Method: Indoor Sow Days to Maturity: 80 days Height: 30 inches Spread: 24 inches Husband and wife operation gardening and saving seeds. CAUTION: Use rubber gloves or clean hot peppers under running water to avoid skin burn from the...
Marigolds are bright, successful annuals that thrive in summertime flower gardens around the country. Crackerjack marigolds are a particularly large cultivar, with growth up to 3 feet and large, 4-inch orange and yellow blooms.
55 day Determinate. Golden Nugget is an heirloom that stays short enough to grow as a patio plant. 25 seeds per pack. The uniform, compact plants never exceed 3 feet tall and produce loads of fruit even under the most adverse conditions.
This is the largest, most attractive variety of bunching onion. Less winter-hardy than Evergreen though perennial as far north as USDA zones 4-5. Produces thick white, cylindrical stalks 5-6 in.
Please feel free to ask if I have enough of any seed of your choosing. Just plant the free seeds and donate a portion of the harvest to your local homeless shelter or food bank. Thanks! Organically Grown, Heirloom, Non-GMO Seeds and Herbs.
Corn - Blue Jade BABY BLUE JADE CORN is a delightful heirloom that is one of the only sweet corns that can be grown in containers. Plants grow 2-3' high. Forget all the sugar enhanced varieties -- if you grow at home for home use, just pick immediately...
USDA Certified Organic. Excellent flavor. [Taiwanese variety.] Shiny deep lavender fruits can grow to 2 x 11 in. Disease-resistant variety and high yielding, producing over 20 fruits per plant in our garden.
All seeds sold were grown in 2017 for the 2017 and 2018 planting season. Matures 90+ days after planting. Pods have a medium thick flesh that measure 2.5 to 3 inches long and .75 to 1 inch wide.
Http:// anything you purchase from us proves unsatisfactory, we will either replace the item or refund the purchase price.
We are continually selecting and adapting our varieties to a changing environment. Certified organic, northern-grown, open-pollinated, vegetable seed! We are professional seed growers.
Propagation / Germination: Days to Germination: 8-10 days
USDA Certified Organic. Strongly recommended to market growers and home gardeners alike. (Indeterminate) [Developed by IL grower Merlyn Niedens.] Produces heavy crops of 6-8 oz fruits on 4-6 ft.
Jamaican Red is a medium thick flesh squash type pod measuring up to 1.5 inches long by 1.5 inches wide. Matures from green to red. All seeds sold were grown in 2017 for the 2017 and 2018 planting season.
Please see a qualified medical practitioner for diagnosis if you have a health problem. Our vegetable seeds do especially well in hot, humid climates where vegetable production can be difficult.
Sun: Full sun
Container Planting: yes
Heirloom: no
Propagation / Germination: Germinates in 7 to 14 days at 70 F. Direct sow or transplant after last frost.