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A Quick & Easy Harvest Apron
How many shirts or skirts have you ruined by pulling them up and filling with nuts, herbs, fruits, and vegetables? Likewise, reinforcement is needed for any buttonholes in thin fabric to keep buttons from pulling off through the fabric.
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Miniature Container Gardens Provide Indoor-Outdoor Fun
Remove any damaged or dead parts and trim the leaves if needed.The plants will need a transition period to acclimate from the outside to the inside temperatures, or vice versa. I just have to remember to bring them indoors once the temperatures start...
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For the Love of Luffa, or is it Loufah?
Sponges sliced into 1/2 inch rounds and positioned into soap molds, can be embedded with melt-and-pour soap, allowed to harden, to form scrubbing soap bars. Space hills 6 to 8 feet apart with tall, sturdy trellis for support of the heavy fruit (dead trees...
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A Day at Dave\'s Garden
I needed to do a little spring cleaning by the looks of the dust, get this placein here. I've already started someunder the lights upstairs. That cannot be good. I have beenrates on them, at least for me, are not the best.
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V for Victory - Victory Garden That Is!
Victory gardens---an idea that was lost to me. Our counterparts inand many other friendly nations also took part in the effort. What followed was the trend toward more flowers and less vegetable gardens.
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Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part I
They can grow whatever they wish be it flowers, vegetables or both. They weed, water and generally tend to the garden during the growing season. Community gardens come in all shapes and sizes.
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The Frugal Gardener: Money Saving Projects and Tips; How to Create a Small Water Garden
I didn't spray it solid, I just hit the worst spots and let some of the natural patina show through.My plants were in small containers from the nursery, so I opted to repot into larger ones.
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Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part IV
Many of their crops are greens of one type or another along with a variety of hot peppers. I guess gardening is a universal language. This community garden is located in Wayne, Michigan about 15 miles west of Detroit.
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Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part III
The garden has two sections, one to provide members their own produce and a “community” section which supplies fresh produce to a food depot.Several bee hives are in the garden for honey productionMany of the ash trees were lost to the Emerald Ash...
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Making a zen garden: Your garden is your spa
Here is how to add a serene stress relieving spot to your garden. Have you ever been in a garden and said, "This is so magical!"? Zen gardens require no water, minimal plants, but can rejuvenate your soul.
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Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part II
The second garden in my series on community gardens has a lot of historical significance behind it. I used to have a plot in this garden; I liked to go over early in the morning and work from dawn until 7:30-8 a.m. It was peaceful and I have had red-tailed...
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Container Gardening to The max
The well made ones from days gone by last forever. The one pictured in the photo belongs to DG member carrielamont.Over the years I have used many things to hold plants. I just couldn't bring myself to throw it out.Then, one day it hit me.
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Promises, Promises: My Gardening Resolutions
Once clean, store the tool by plunging it blade-side down into the oily sand to prevent rusting. So it looks like the "beer fridge" in our garage is about to expand its usefulness.
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The Frugal Gardener: Money Saving Projects and Tips; How to Make a Planter From an Old Chair
Our garden soil has a high clay content and isn't suitable for containers. I purchased it and two others for $1 each and I'm sure that most of the people who observed me loading them into my car were quite puzzled at what I could want with them.
El Segundo
Unorthodox Gardening Methods
The soil will settle once watered.Plant seeds or starts according to planting instructions. I use a tomato cage inserted in the soil for my cukes to climb on.I like to spray paint my crates but that's not necessary.The first step is to cut some landscape...
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Missouri Botanical Garden: Garden Structure
Despite many other visitors to the building, this area is very serene and private. Imagine the lilting tune from the little boy. Watch the light in your gardens to see how different it looks as the daylight changes.The Floating Onions were kept at the...
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Use cattle panels to build an arched trellis & hoop house
They may also work for the cattle panels!The anchors help hold the angle in place when the cattle panel ends are flexed into position between the two pieces of angle.Wire ties were used to connect and hold the sides of the cattle panels together, which...
El Segundo
Sun Clocks: Interesting TIME In Your Garden!
The more simplistic traditional sundials sold in garden centers do not tell time all that well (to me), but serve as a decorative reminder of a bygone era.I spent weeks searching through math-ladden web sites looking for a simple design, custom template,...
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Garden Resolutions: Next Year I Shall...
I could buy a lot of plants for what the beetender's suit costs.Scrutinizing the first item on the list, I realize seeds can be untrustworthy. I'm terribly allergic to bumblebee stings.
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Garden Bling Bling - Garden Art
Family and friends look at most gardeners with their garden art and always tend to say there is too much if there is anything at all. No one but you can know for sure. The more of these in your art collection the more dire the situation.
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Cantigny Gardens
The path winds through the prairie to a circular plaza with a statuary group representing the sacrifices of the military. Most of the displays are changed frequently, and the garden is always a scene of novelty and fun.This is the newest of Cantigny's...
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Wit and Wisdom: Gardening Commentary Through the Ages
By necessity, by proclivity, and by delight, we all quote.--Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) I enjoy hearing from my readers!All images are courtesy of Wikimedia unless otherwise indicated.
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A No-Wa-Wa Fountain for Your Garden
What is a "no-wa-wa" fountain? If you'd like to duplicate my terra cotta fountain, here are the items you'll need and where to find them:The terra cotta fountain I used is a fairly popular one, so you might find it at one of the larger garden centers...
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Spring Poems
Spring can start slow here, snow lingers and the wind blows chill sometimes well into May. Late in the season, I begin to feel a part of it all, down to the very small.: "March 1" "Equinox" "April Fool's Song" "Spring Ahead" "A thousand little spiders"...
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St. Fiacre, Patron Saint of Gardeners
Fiacre sought more solitude and left Ireland for France where he established a hermitage in a wooded area near the Marne River. If you see a statue of a saint in a garden, more than likely it's St. Francis with bird on his shoulder.
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Spring Cleaning in the Garden
Take your time, stop occasionally and breathe in the fresh clean air, enjoy the feeling of the sun's warmth on your face. They will help keep the soil moist in dry weather. That is atender new growth.
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Onions and Potatoes Grown in a Small Garden
The soil must be lightly fertilized. I worked very hard and managed to have a good onion harvest. Who would have guessed I would be growing onions and potatoes, together with other vegetables, in my own garden?
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