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Garden Seeds For Sale In Chesapeake

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Broccoli Seeds - Green Goliath - Organic
Prices start at : 9.50 USD / 28g

The blue-green central head has tight buds. Good fresh or frozen. Plant for spring or fall use. USDA Certified Organic. Limited supply -- order early! One of our favorites. Developed for home gardens, it matures over a three-week period.
Bhut Jolokia Yellow Seeds 10+
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / bhut yellow

The yellow variety has a light citrus taste and low ghost pepper level of heat. Plants get about 3 + feet in height. We are a Certified Naturally Grown urban family farm. We save our own seed stock which is isolated and Non-GMO.
Shintokokiwa Cucumber Seed
Prices start at : 3.50 USD / Shin25 sE CUC

The shipping on our orders also includes the processing and handling charges which is also less or equal to most seed companies. Our seeds are packaged in original art packets, hand folded with 100% recycled paper.


    • Height: 10 ft
    • Container Planting: yes
    • Fruit: 10-12 inch dark green, burpless, sweet .
    • Propagation / Germination: easy
    • Water: yes
    • USDA Zones: 7 to
    Parsley \'Forest Green\' Seed
    Prices start at : 2.25 USD / Packet (1.3g, 584 seeds)

    Most seeds are naturally grown. Please see a qualified medical practitioner for diagnosis if you have a health problem. Upright foliage helps keep leaves clean. Holds well in heat and drought without discoloration.
    • Spacing: 9 inches
    • Height: 12 inches
    • Container Planting: yes
    • Other Names: Curled-leaf parsley
    • Heirloom: no
    Organic Cucumber Magnolia Seeds
    Prices start at : 16.99 USD / 60 Seeds

    Pests and Diseases No pests or diseases are of major concern but occasionally bothered by scale as are other Magnolias. The soft, durable, straight-grained wood is similar to yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera).
    Okra Seeds - Stewart\'s Zeebest
    Prices start at : 6.25 USD / 28g

    Stays tender up to 7 in. Tall plants produce lots of long, slender, curved green pods without ribs. [Louisiana heirloom.] 7 ft.
    Organic Healthy Rubel Blueberry Seeds
    Prices start at : 16.49 USD / 140 Seeds

    Consistently outranks any other blueberry in antioxidant concentration - none beat it! Uniformly dark-colored fruits have a wild berry taste and appear in loose clusters. I guess being raised by an earth-friendly, and overly environmentally aware family...
    Coreopsis Seeds
    Prices start at : 3.50 USD / Pkg of 30+seeds

    I also sell live herb, veggie starts and perennial plants - locally only - if interested, please contact me for more information, as I do not ship live plants! Most of my plants are priced from $1 (veggie starts) and up...I will be at the City of Dallas,...
    Organic White Great Northern Beans
    Prices start at : 19.49 USD / 4 Ounces

    Also used as a 65 day shell bean. Average Count per Ounce: 90 to 100 beans per ounce. Plants are semi-vining and prolific. Start Direct: Yes Soil pH: 6.0 to 7.2 (Slightly acidic to just above neutral).
    Organic Fraulein Rhubarb Seeds
    Prices start at : 17.99 USD / 60 Seeds

    Life Cycle: Perineal, and can be left in the ground between seasons. Sun: Full to partial sun. Sweet, with a pleasing tartness. Harvest late fall to early winter. Pies, candies, and preserves using Rhubarb have permeated the culture around the plant.
    Heirloom Calendula Flower Seeds Non-GMO
    Prices start at : 1.95 USD / calendula

    Just plant the free seeds and donate a portion of the harvest to your local homeless shelter or food bank. Thanks! Organically Grown, Heirloom, Non-GMO Seeds and Herbs. Please feel free to ask if I have enough of any seed of your choosing.
    Tomato Seeds - Atkinson - Organic
    Prices start at : 2.75 USD / 0.16g

    (Indeterminate) [Introduced 1966 for hot humid areas by Alabama's Auburn Univ.] An excellent producer of 6-10 oz flattened globular red fruit on vigorous plants with heavy foliage.
    Hard Red Wheat whole seeds / berries/ grains
    Prices start at : 5.00 USD / Rush_Shipping_10

    Many favor hard spring wheat over winter wheat for it's somewhat higher protein value (and stronger gluten). Excellent Germination Rate. 1 ounce = 400 seeds 50 Grams = 405 seeds 1 Pound = 6,400 seeds For sale from beekeeper: Raw Whole Honey, Natural Beeswax,...
    Cucumber - National Pickling
    Prices start at : 1.50 USD / 25 Seeds

    Days to germinate: 7-14 Depth to sow: 1/2" Seed spacing: 2 -3" when planted in a row. Days to Harvest: 55-60 Sow after all danger of frost has past. Keep fruits picked regularly to keep plants producing.
    Pumpkin Seeds - Seminole, Larger Fruited
    Prices start at : 2.75 USD / 3g

    Introduced 2014 by SESE.] An interesting strain of Seminole, with fruits up to 8-9 lbs., along with Seminole's usual vigor. Alabama grower Tim Fields measured a vine up to 36 ft. Moschata) 95 days.
    Beet Seeds - Bull\'s Blood - Organic
    Prices start at : 6.25 USD / 28g

    [1840, French variety.] Famous for its mild, dark leaves -- usually harvested young for salad mix before the roots have even matured. Flattened round roots, but the leaves are the real attraction -- their reddish-purple color comes out most strongly in...
    Organic Ka-Bluey Blueberry Seeds
    Prices start at : 20.99 USD / 140 Seeds

    These berries stay tender-crisp and sweet, making for excellent fruit salads and summer desserts. Medium-sized berries are also just right for baking - not too big to use for your favorite pancake and muffin recipes.
    Peter Pepper Yellow Rare 10 seeds $3.99
    Prices start at : 3.99 USD / 10 seeds

    We spend thousands to isolate and net our plants so your seed grows true and is not crossed. Beware of backyard seed sellers that do not isolate their peppers from cross pollination.
    Watermelon Seeds - Sugar Baby - Organic
    Prices start at : 2.50 USD / 2g

    [1959.] Icebox-sized, 6-8 in. Melons with a hard rind which turns green-black when ripe. Handles drought well. 6-10 lb fruits with red flesh and small seeds. Consistently reliable and widely adapted, a good space-saving variety.
    Brussels Sprout Seeds - Catskill (Long Island Improved)
    Prices start at : 2.50 USD / 2g

    Compact plants, about 20 in. Produces large sprouts 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 in. Widely adapted variety. [1941.] Still the best garden variety for sustained production. Diameter, closely packed on the stem.
    Trinidad Scorpion Large Pepper 10+ Seeds
    Prices start at : 4.99 USD / Tscorplarge10seed

    We spend thousands to isolate and net our plants so your seed grows true and is not crossed. Beware of backyard seed sellers that do not isolate their peppers from cross pollination.
    Brain Strain 7 Pot Pepper 10+ Seeds
    Prices start at : 4.99 USD / Brain10seeds

    We spend thousands to isolate and net our plants so your seed grows true and is not crossed. Beware of backyard seed sellers that do not isolate their peppers from cross pollination.
    Cherry Tomato - Matt\'s Wild Cherry - 25 seeds
    Prices start at : 1.10 USD / mwc25

    (USA) It is hands down my favorite currant tomato. Prolific is the first word I think of when I hear this name. Matt's Red Cherry produces thousands of 1/2-inch, fruity, red currant tomatoes.
    • Heirloom: yes
    • Height: 6 ft.
    • Container Planting: no
    • Diameter: 6 ft. if staked
    • Fruit: 1/2 inch sweet red globes
    Organic Dakota Rose Watermelon Seeds
    Prices start at : 17.99 USD / 32 Seeds

    To be safe, wait at least two weeks past your absolute last frost date. The better the soil, the better the Watermelon. Organic Dakota Rose Watermelon Seeds Citrullus lanatus Sweet Dakota Rose, Description: The Organic Sweet Dakota Rose Watermelon is...
    Tomato Seeds - Super Choice - Organic
    Prices start at : 2.75 USD / 0.16g

    USDA Certified Organic. Hobart Pearson.] Tall (7 ft.) vigorous vines yield 1 to 1-1/2 lb. Classic beefsteaks with wonderful flavor and texture. (Indeterminate) [KY heirloom from Rev.
    Green striped zebra tomato seed
    Prices start at : 3.50 USD / 25 seeds

    The shipping on our orders also includes the processing and handling charges which is also less or equal to most seed companies. My contact info is inside. Bears a long time. I have been a seed savers for 40 years.
    • Height: 5 ft
    • Sun: full
    • Diameter: 3 ft
    • Lifecycle: 1 (0: N/A, 1: annual, 2: perennial, 3: biennial)
    • Spacing: 4 ft
    • Heirloom: no
    Pepper seed (sweet) -  Doe Hill Golden Bell
    Prices start at : 3.05 USD / Packet (0.45g, 55 seeds)

    Most seeds are naturally grown. Please see a qualified medical practitioner for diagnosis if you have a health problem. This should be a garden mainstay: it is dependable, early, and productive.