The Chuckles rose is a hardy Canadian-bred shrub rose that can be grown as a small bush or used as a flowering hedge. The blooms carry 11 petals each. This plant also is great for cut flowers.
Men in particular seem to be drawn to red roses. Ah, the classic red rose. There are also climbers in both of these classes. Just don't buy a rose only because it's beautiful.That said, let's start with that classic single red rose that I believe is the...
Consequently it only had a few blooms. It has no scent to speak of (very mild), but blooms all summer with very little care. Planted late in the season, it was still small, but I optimistically bought an obelisk for it to climb.
It is one that particularly struck me from a thread. Let's have a look at some of the favorite orange roses discussed by our members.Several of our regular members on the Rose Forum are, fortunately, big fans of orange roses and also fantastic photographers.
Yellow roses bring light to your garden. Feel free to post your favs in the comments section below. So why did I choose this one? Contrary to what many folks think, mini roses are just as hardy as their bigger cousins, this one zone 6b-10b.Well, these...
And some of the most beautiful roses. There is something regal about a purple rose. There is a strong citrus scent. With a fragrance like myrrh and anise, the 3.5" to 4" blooms have 40 petals.
Trees are also present with some huge linden trees, cedars, walnuts, apple trees, all hosts to numerous birds and squirrels. She has spent many years in Great-Britain and is therefore fluent in English, a not so common thing in France and much appreciated...
Looking at different choices for paths, I chose flagstone to coordinate with the stone wall.1) 'Dublin Bay' on the main arbor 2) The gated arbor in place 3) T he dry-stacked stone wall/the flagstone pathEvery garden should have some kind of focal point.
Gardeners working together can get this serious problem under control.Sources used in this article and for more information on rose rosette. Your neighbor's heirlooms are in just as much danger as the cheap hybrids the big box stores sell for just a few...
Well don't throw in the towel just yet. From here you can branch out to other roses that will also do well in your area.Starting a rose garden can be overwhelming. Have you actually gone through with your impulse only to have a rose languish through the...
This rose in its very survival was the perfect representation of hope in a world where it is needed so desperately by so many.I went on to read about the efforts of Dr. William C. This amazing rose is now in dozens of Tucson gardens and various other...
The cutting has to be as long as possible, preferably with 7 or 8 nodes, because half of it will be buried inside the ground. But even a shorter cutting can grow well and develop roots under a plastic bottle, with only one condition as long as it's in...
In England old apple trees at the far end of an orchard are often selected as suitable trees for growing roses through. They usually range from 12 to 15 feet in height. They may have interesting foliage or hips or fruits that prolong their seasonal interest.
You can see in the photo below that one of those roses was a fairly typical pink cabbage rose, the other a more unusual dusky type.Somebody told her that the latter was called the coffee rose.Although its flowers are certainly dark, they are more maroon...
There is a house that fronts the property where he lives and will continue to do so as long as he wishes, after which it will belong to his son, Keith, who will move it.Most of the research that has produced approximately 500 new roses, the majority of...
The others are pictured below; 'Barkarole', aka 'Taboo', and 'Baccara'. I knew it was a popular theme in romance and mystery novels, probably poetry also. If you are interested in seeing how popular the black rose is in today's society, just do a web...
The 'Helen Hayes' rose grows up to 4 feet tall and is resistant to most common rose problems; however, it is susceptible to mildew. She won three Tony awards, two Oscars an Emmy and a Grammy.
Or, if one prefers a rose that can both climb and easily be trimmed into a lovely hedge, one option is to plant the Scotch Briar Rose. They make for some thorny security that doubles as a tasty treat.
My plant is so vigorous that its canes often threaten to block the stairs to the deck. When I saw the first bloom forming on my new rose, I couldn't wait to shove my nose into it. We've planted them in much shadier locations in our parents' yards, and...
Pickup by noon. Flood tables with stands and reservoirs, pumps, analog timers, digital timers, two 20lb co2 tanks, co2 controller, high density 8 foot fluorescent banks, 2 foot fluorescent bank, ...
I just folded them around the tea and stapled them shut with a cotton string. I added a bit of honey after my initial taste test and was quite pleased with the results and intend to experiment with other teas now!
All-America Rose Selections is a designation given to roses that have passed a very rigorous evaluation.These evaluations are conducted at 20 AARS trial gardens throughout the country.
As I didn't know anyone who knew anything about old roses, I went to the library.It turned out that the mid-1990s, when I was discovering old roses, was a time when many people were rediscovering old roses and there were several books and organizations...
My birthday is November 20, and I did my annual birthday walk around in my yard. Did a double take. It was a special gift, you see, it has a history that just keeps right on giving.I did not get it planted until mid September, what with one thing or another...
One area of design we may not notice is on dinnerware. A rugged wild plant, this rose grows wild on coastlines and sand dunes and is commonly called beach tomato, sea tomato, saltspray rose and beach rose.
The ancestors of the family of the rugosa rose originated on the sandy beaches of northern China, Japan and Korea. They are drought and salt tolerant, because they evolved along ocean shorelines where they were exposed to sandy, dry soil and salt spray.