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Crude palm oil
Price : CALL

Crude Palm Oil Parameter Specification Parameter Specification Free Fatty Acid (as Palmitic) 5% Max Moisture + Impurities 0.50 % Max Iodine Value (Wijs Method) 51.0 Min Cloud Point (Celcius) 3.5 R - 3.5 Y Melting Point (Celcius) 45 - 50 Max Min Order...
Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur
The Mighty Oak: Our National Tree
It became official in 2004 when Congress passed a bill and the President signed it. Campers often bring firewood with them into campgrounds and parks. By fall most of the tender grasses, forbs, and plants that are eaten in spring and summer are but a...
El Segundo
The Lesser-known Hardy Ericaceous Shrubs, Part 1: Andromeda to Gaylussacia
Ericaceous shrubs are among the most important plant families for providing ornamental shrubs. However, there are a host of lesser-known ericaceous shrubs which can make admirable companion plants for rhododendrons and the like.
El Segundo
The Lesser-Known Hardy Ericaceous Shrubs, Part 2: Ledum to Zenobia
Since many are evergreen and have leaves that turn bronzy, reddish or purple-tinted in cold weather, they can provide needed garden interest in the dull days of winter. So as you can see, in zone 6 and colder, there are a host of ericaceous, acid-loving...
El Segundo
Dawn Redwood, Metasequoia glyptostroboides
The genus Metasequoia was thought to be extinct for millions of years. Trees in the American West do best when planted near a body of water. Young trees in a mild climate can grow 4 to 6 feet a year when young.
El Segundo
Winter-Blooming Shrubs: The Short List
You may not be outside with the spade and pots of annuals but the garden can still be enjoyed by adding a few plants that bloom in winter. As the final blooms of summer fade and the brilliance of fall slowly drifts away on the breeze; our thoughts turn...
El Segundo
Fall foliage is not just for trees: \
Gro-Low stays at a resonable one to two foot height. This species has some of the best scarlet red autumn color out there. Grow the cheerful chokeberry in most any reasonable garden situation, but do give it sun for the best fruit and foliage show.
El Segundo
Magnolia denudata tree seeds
Price : CALL

Newly harvested, high germination rate. It is the official city flower of Shanghai. It is similar to other magnolias in that it likes rich, moist soil and should be planted in a location where it is protected from elemental extremes.
Ornamental Grasses: Beautiful and Easy Companions
Additionally, in spring before new growth begins, the old stalks must be cut back to about 4 to 6 inches. A beautiful privacy screen, a refreshing wash of greenery, and so easy to maintain.
El Segundo
The best trees for a cactus and succulent garden
The perfect tree does not drop many leaves and provides both summer and winter protection from the sun and cold; it is not too cold-sensitive for my climate and is drought- and heat- tolerant.
El Segundo
Make a Dooryard Garden
Plant according to your personal style.Some photos courtesy of and Do you prefer a cottage garden or a symmetrically formal garden? They will be glad to help you.Perform an internet search on the plants best suited...
El Segundo
The Skeleton in the Garden
(I usually cut back perennials to about 3 inches; this gives me a visual locator before they start to grow again in the spring.): Step back and look at the house and buildings. Grasses, especially, can be either a finenoticeable when the tree has leaves...
El Segundo
Tree Care - Only you can prevent tree abuse!
Sometimes, we call in professionals to help with landscaping of our homes, or are involved in commercial landscaping of some type. Furthermore, the strapping used is nearly impervious to degradation, being the same type used for attaching shade fabric...
El Segundo
Woody Plants for Acidic Soils
Do not tightly wrap broad-leaved evergreen shrubs in burlap, as is often done with other evergreens, such as yews or cedars. The idea is not to warm the shrubs, but to protect them from excessive wind and sun.
El Segundo
Offer Chinese White Pine seeds
Price : CALL

The Chinese White Pine (Pinus armandii; family Pinaceae) is a species of pine native to China, occurring from southern Shanxi west to southern Gansu and south to Yunnan, with outlying populations in Anhui and Taiwan; it also extends a short distance into...
Strawberry Tree (Arbutus unedo)
As a member of the Ericaceae (heath) family, it claims such relatives as blueberry and azalea. Moderate salt tolerance makes it a good choice for people who must deal with salt-laden winds or de-icing salts.
El Segundo
Introduction to the Coral Trees (Erythrina species)
But it's the flowers themselves that are the main attraction with this species.They are such a brilliant color and amazing shape, though many species have different shaped flowers.Some have remarkable radial symmetry, some grow sparsely along a flower...
El Segundo
Lords And Ladies Plant Care – Tips On Arum Maculatum Propagation
The berries are particularly poisonous, so if you have young children or pets, you may want to avoid growing this plant in the garden altogether.That being said, serious harm rarely comes from ingesting Lords and Ladies, as the taste is so unpleasant...
What Is Pilosella Fox And Cubs: Facts About Fox And Cubs Wildflowers
Follow your eyes down for facts about fox and cubs plants.starts out as a rosette and develops lance-shaped leaves with stems covered in dark hair. You can dig out clumps of the plant too, as it spreads by stolons.
Perfect Potentilla
I have them scattered every 10 feet or so throughout my gardens. The pretty flowers begin in June and continue until first frost. They will need shelter from direct sunlight for the first month or so.
El Segundo
Shrubby Hydrangea for Northern Gardeners
A few even have the added value of excellent fall colour. Hydrangea have two types of flowers. Most selections have flowers that are affected by soil pH but plant breeders have selected some forms that retain their pink, purple or blue colour regardless...
El Segundo
Loropetalum, Saucy Cousin of Witchhazel
It is best to plant loropetalum in a place where no pruning is necessary. The pretty little shrub that you purchase at the nursery may give you grief in later years if it is poorly sited.
El Segundo
Cogongrass in the Southeastern United States: Looks can be deceiving
Doing a bit of research before you plant is always a good idea.Top right photo used with permission, John D. Like the kudzu vine, this caused more harm than good.Cogongrass tends to grow in thick circular patches.
El Segundo
The Beauty of Weigela
Among the purple-leaved selections, more work needs to be done to increase the floral colour range among that group, since only pink to purplish-pink flowers are available at the moment.
El Segundo
The Spectacular Flowering Dogwoods
One of the most showy and long-lasting flowering trees for temperate gardeners are the flowering dogwoods. Florida), fdetroch ('Stellar Pink'), Gustichock ('Lustgarten Weeping'), lauriwilson ('Cherokee Sunset'), paigeplants ('Rainbow'), passiflora_pink...
El Segundo
Viburnums, Dependable Landscape Shrubs
Viburnums as a species are tolerant of many different growing conditions, but almost all of them grow well in moderately fertile, well-drained soil in full sun to partial shade. Take advantage or this regional resource.
El Segundo