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How Far Apart Do You Space Leyland Cypress Trees?
However, if the size or shape needs more control, Leyland cypress are adaptable to pruning when used for hedging. Growing best in USDA Hardiness Zone 7, it can withstand temperatures no less than 0 degrees F and is adaptable to most soils.When used as...
Santa Monica
Cypress Tree Varieties
Though it it is found naturally on rocky slopes and walls of canyons, the Arizona cypress grows well when used in gardens. These are quite tall trees, growing up to 100 to 150 feet in height.
Santa Monica
The Best Time to Plant Fruit Trees in Wisconsin
The average American eats about 65 apples each year, and many of them come from Wisconsin. Choosing when to plant your fruit trees is just as important as choosing the right cultivar.Wisconsin apple trees grow in back yards and commercial orchards.Northern...
Santa Monica
How to Remove Cherry Tree Roots
Exposing the roots makes them easier to remove, and also helps you know how much work you have to do.Break into the bark on the roots with a sharp shovel or spade. Repeat spraying and cutting away the roots until you have removed them all.
Santa Monica
Types of Chinese Trees
Nondescript flowers and small cones in clusters of three or more appear on this evergreen. A Katsura tree's crowning glory occurs in autumn, when its 4-inch-long leaves burst into vibrant hues of crimson, yellow and orange, making this an outstanding...
Santa Monica
How to Kill Borers in Aspen Trees
Borers are destructive insects that burrow into the bark of a tree, leaving behind small, round holes. These pesticides typically contain the ingredient permethrin or Sevin (carbaryl).Put on gloves, a dust mask and safety glasses.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Lily Pads
Underneath the surface of the water, the stem of the water lily anchors the lily pad to the bottom of the lake or pond. Cover the potting soil with 1 inch of gravel.Place the grow box into your decorative pond or aquatic garden.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Sugar Baby Watermelons in Containers
Container growing maximizes garden yield by creating garden spaces where plants cannot be grown in the ground. Line the bottom of the pot with a screen or a 1/2- to 1-inch layer of gravel to slow soil erosion.Fill the remainder of the pot with a high...
Santa Monica
4 Best Mowers for Your Yard and the Environment
Since they do not have a combustion motor tThe battery charge will not last forever, and if you have a large yard, you may need to do it over several re-charges, or purchase several batteries.The cost of purchasing one of these battery mowers is higher,...
El Segundo
When & What Do I Spray on Plum Trees?
If you have a lot of trees to spray or if your trees are too tall for the spray from the handheld pump to reach every surface, use a motorized sprayer.Put on protective clothing before you begin working with plum tree spray.
Santa Monica
How to Save a Dying Willow Tree
These branches steal important nutrients meant for the rest of the tree.Remove any branches that have become infected with a fungal disease by cutting them off near the branch collar.
Santa Monica
How to Care for a Dying Weeping Willow Tree
Don't build it up around the trunk, as this may lead to rot.Remedy root rot by increasing soil drainage. This enables the willow tree to absorb nutrients from the soil without competition.
Santa Monica
What to Do When Trees Have Been Hit by a String Trimmer
Filling a cavity caused by the wound might help, but it rarely does, and it is an expensive solution. If you do have some weeds sneak through the mulch or grow right up next to the trunk, remove them by hand rather than with a trimmer.
Santa Monica
How Do Palm Trees Survive Hurricanes?
In general, this reduces the tree roots' ability to hold up the tree. They are often overlooked as ornamental palms because they are not as attractive in their youth as other palm trees.
Santa Monica
How Big Do Cedar Trees Get in Diameter?
Some of these trees -- most notably the western red-cedar of the Pacific Northwest, one of those "false" cedars -- can grow to impressive diameters.All three species of true cedar grow to be relatively stout.
Santa Monica
Pollen Vs. Seed Cones
In order to prevent excess seed loss due to animal and bird predators that may wish to feed on the fruit of the yew, this tree has adapted itself so that its fruit is toxic and the seeds are left undisturbed.Cone-bearing conifers, or pinophyta, are classified...
Santa Monica
How to Trim Queen Palm Tree Trunks
Sever the cluster branch close to the trunk, but never gouge into the trunk material. Cut close to the base of the frond but not so close that the trunk tissue is gouged. Never remove green healthy fronds.
Santa Monica
Facts of the White Pine Tree
During the tree's first 10 years of life, growth is slow, but between 10 to 20 years of age the tree's growth rate speeds up. Deer can easily damage or destroy seedlings from foraging activities.
Santa Monica
The Growth Rate of the Sylvester Palm
Although drought-resistant, Sylvester Palms will also grow better if they receive regular water. Also known as a Wild Date Palm or India Date Palm, this showy tree is one of six species in the genus "Phoenix."At maturity, the Sylvester Palm reaches up...
Santa Monica
How to Make a Palm Tree Smooth
All palm trees belong to the family Palmae. In more humid climates, they may become a permanent part of the palm. Pruning close to a palm tree's trunk is dangerous. Leave the base or boot of the palm frond attached to the tree.
Santa Monica
Can Cypress Trees Be Cut in Florida?
A highly prized timber tree for centuries, a cypress tree also provides a habitat for a variety of wildlife species, flood control and water quality improvement. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency evaluate all...
Santa Monica
How to Trim a Dead Orchid Stem
As long as you provide water, bright filtered light and the right temperature range, your orchid will bloom. Look carefully at the spent flower stem. After the orchid finishes blooming and the flower stem is completely dead, it should be carefully pruned...
Santa Monica
Growth Rate of Lucky Bamboo
Rooted cuttings may be transplanted if the roots are already established, while tip cuttings require three to four weeks and nodal cuttings must be nurtured for four to five weeks.
Santa Monica
The Difference Between a Male & Female Pecan Tree
Pecan trees are monoecious, which means the tree produces both male and female flowers for reproduction.Pecan trees produce both male and female flowers, however, only the femal flowers produce pecan nuts.Male flowers on the pecan tree, or catkins, produce...
Santa Monica
The Parts of Trees and Their Functions
As the tree develops a number of central taproots grow and the root system becomes a fibrous root system with many branches supporting and feeding the tree.Once the water and minerals pass through the roots and reach the trunk, they're carried up through...
Santa Monica
How Big Is a Lemon Tree?
Lemon trees reach an impressive height for a cold hardy tree. Lemon fruits, when fully ripe, are oval, with a nipple apex on both ends and usually 2 3/4 to 4 3/4 inches long.The lemon tree's root system depends on how the tree was planted.
Santa Monica
How to Kill Tree Stumps With Roundup
You may also want to wear a pair of goggles and a mask.Cut your tree stump as close to the ground as you can. You want the stump to be completely saturated with the Roundup.Clean your paintbrush immediately after using it in the Roundup.
Santa Monica