Now it's time to execute a "groundbreaking" plan to turn a sixty square foot patch of backyard into a plant-able plot with as little labor as possible, and just in time for spring.
A slit cut through all the layers to form the buttonhole will have a tough time ripping any further. Altering a pre-made apron is a quick and easy craft with very little sewing and would be a great project for kids with a little help from an adult.I spent...
You can make your miniature accessories, buy ready-made, or collect a few random small items that match the theme of your miniature garden. Just as your tropical houseplants cannot be taken outside in cooler weather, some outside plants will need winter...
There are so many uses for this sponge-filled novelty. You will have to decide which works best for you:Make a shallow cut down the length of the shell immediately after harvest, and peel.Cut 1/2 inch off the bottom of the gourd and allow the inside to...
Putting up your own vegetables and fruits is a good step towardWhat a day it has been!! My tummy is full and the critters are all snoozing in front of thebook, curl up in front of the tv and see if there is a movieI hope you've enjoyed this trip through...
They passed out booklets on how to plant the garden, care for the garden, and how to cook and use the fruits of their labor.. The idea was simple.Every person would plant all they could in order to take the pressure off the national food supply.
From that point on it's the resident's responsibility to maintain their plots throughout the summer. They can grow whatever they wish be it flowers, vegetables or both. I want to show you a few of my favorites in this series.
In the next week or so, I'll probably add another plant or two to reduce the amount of surface water exposed to the sun. Be sure to check the curing time on whatever brand of sealer you use.Of course, if you have a liner or water-tight contaner, that...
I guess gardening is a universal language. They have the seeds, plants and most importantly the knowledge they have brought from their native land. In my many visits to this garden I don't think I've seen anyone younger than 70 years old in this garden,...
It stands in the middle of urban Detroit. The first piece of property was taken over for the expansion of a mega casino in downtown Detroit. The classes have been full since they began in 2005.There are over 50 community gardens in the Detroit Metropolitan...
Then there is the material you are going to use for the frame to keep your sand in. Old equals interesting and wisdom.his, in my opinion, is found in some of the best gardens. It is a sense of mystery.
There are 2 tool sheds located on site for tools and other equipment. The garden is used by students for research as well as local residents to grow organic vegetables and flowers.Welcome to the Uof M Dearborn Organic Community Garden.Recycled good are...
Sure, the neighbors might shoot you a few strange looks, but who cares? It has had an interesting life so far. The tubs from old wringer washing machines make excellent planters to contain invasive, yet lovely perennials.
The result: more died.Maybe I'm not fit to grow orchids, I don't know. I will not mourn the loss of the three Indian Hawthorn bushes that were moved to the side yard.My landscaper warned me these lovely shrubs may not make the trip from the front yard...
Come join them and show off your own Frugal Gardener Finds.Safety first. The rust was simply surface rust and only added to the effect.Cassidy places the terracotta pot in the resulting hole and it fits like a glove.
Cover with 3 to 4 inches of soil-compost mix. Do not allow the bales to dry out. Once the bales become saturated, they are extremely heavy and very hard to move. I also think it would be fair to say that the majority of them garden in the traditional...
Small touches in the home garden often make the difference between a nice garden and a garden with real character, never lacking at MoBot.This palm is striking against the geometric patterns of the Climatron.
I like Kentucky Wonder green beans which require a taller trellis than I care to climb. I experimented with an arched trellis made with concrete re-mesh wire and metal fence posts for my tomatoes and pole beans last year.
The analemmatic clock can be created with an outer offset row of hour markers to represent DST (see diagram below).An analemmatic sun clock is versatile. I am sure you can think of countless ideas for your sun clock, or sundial!All photos in the Public...
That ought to do it! Next year's garden will be scrumptious, undoubtedly worthy of a magazine cover.Looking again at #4, I am reminded that watering is my least favorite gardening duty.
This might be a stove, fridge, sink, toilet, heater, scrap lumber, or bathtub. The more of these in your art collection the more dire the situation. Do you have more plants or more garden art?
The Four Seasons garden also changes with the seasons, as symbolized by the statues of the Seasons in the niches of the black iron fence.Here are a few of the flowers featured in the formal garden beds in mid-July.The path leading from the upper formal...
I enjoy hearing from my readers!All images are courtesy of Wikimedia unless otherwise indicated. Why are quotations so popular? I've arranged them in categories, with each category representing some basic aspect of gardening.Questions?
The term "no-wa-wa", perhaps a tad cutesy, originated several decades ago in a contest by Steve Gander, a local Iowa boy, who grew up to become one of the top rodeo event promoters in the U.S.
Spring can start slow here, snow lingers and the wind blows chill sometimes well into May. That doesn't stop the birds from singing and the grass from greening, or me from putting it all into words.
1, yet others August 1, 18, or 11. The monastery grew fruits and vegetables to feed the hungry and cultivated herbs and flowers to use in healing the sick. Born in Ireland in the 7th century, Fiacre was raised in a monastery.
I leave about 5 inches as a reminder of where they are and as a bit of support for the new growth.(pictured right), among others. Theyusually come through the winter here looking pretty rough.