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Garden Flower Seeds For Sale In Tacoma

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Narcissus Narcissus sp  Mix
Price : CALL

* All Narcissus species have a central bell-, bowl-, or disc-shaped corona surrounded by a ring of six floral leaves called the perianth which is united into a tube at the forward edge of the 3-locular ovary.
  • Height: 1ft
  • Common Name: Narcissus
  • Species: sp
  • Variety: Mix
Four O\'Clock Seed \'Don Pedros\'
Prices start at : 3.60 USD / Packet (2g, 19 seeds)

Most seeds are naturally grown. Note: Medicinal uses of herbs mentioned in our store are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The fragrant flowers are pollinated at dusk by large hawk moths and sphinx moths.
Flower Seeds-Zinnia, Peruviana Red-Organic
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / 0.5g

Appropriate for historical gardens, mass plantings, rockeries, or natural settings. Peruviana) [Pre-1700. Introduced 1992 by SESE.] Flowers of uncluttered simplicity and antique elegance.
Flower Seeds - Aster, Crego Giant Mixed Colors
Prices start at : 2.25 USD / 0.1g

Excellent cut flowers. Tall plants up to 3 ft. Very popular old favorite with large showy blooms in a mix of six colors.
Flower Seeds-Bachelor\'s Button, Blue Boy-OG
Prices start at : 2.50 USD / 0.5g

Tall and are especially suited for backs of borders. Plants are 30 in. USDA Certified Organic. An old favorite for cut or dried deep-blue flowers.
Lemon Queen Sunflower 50+ Seeds
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / 50 seeds - Lemon Queen

I try to grow all plants organically or hydroponically whenever possible. We spend thousands to isolate and net our plants so your seed grows true and is not crossed. Extremely durable and weather resistant.
Love Lies Bleeding
Prices start at : 2 USD

Use in mixed beds, borders and hanging baskets for an eye-catching display or cut and use fresh or dried in bouquets. Also known as tassel flower, Love Lies Bleeding ( Amaranthus caudatus ) grows 3- to 4-feet tall and yields dangling rope-like flowers...
  • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
Organic Pink Lemonade Honeysuckle Seeds
Prices start at : 16.49 USD / 60 Seeds

Fruits: Bright red darkening to purple/black in autumn, 5-10 mm (0.1-0.2 in) in diameter, ripening in late Summer or early Fall. Native Honeysuckle is a very showy vine with unusual foliage and bright flowers that turn brown, tan, reddish or even orange...
Dried Flower Seed  Nigella Love-in-a-Mist Mix
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / 0.2g

USDA Certified Organic. Mixed flowers in shades of blue, pink, white, and purple, averaging 1-1/2 in. An old-fashioned flower from southern Europe sometimes called Fennel Flower because of its nutmeg-flavored seeds.
Pride of Madiera 25+ Seeds $3.99
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / 25 seed

Spike like clusters of bluish purple flowers standout above the foliage. Echium fastuosum-Echium candicans is also known as pride of Madeira.This half-hardy biennial is a showy, evergreen, perennial plant that can reach up to 8 ft tall and 10 ft wide.


    • Lifecycle: 3 (0: N/A, 1: annual, 2: perennial, 3: biennial)
    • USDA Zones: 9 to 11
    • Container Planting: no
    • Heirloom: no
    • Other Names: Echium candicans
    • Sun: Loves full sun
    Night Tobacco (Organic)
    Prices start at : 2 USD

    Also called white shooting stars, Night Tobacco ( Nicotiana sylvestris ) yields large 3- to 4-inch, trumpet shaped flowers that release an intoxicating scent at twilight. Plants grow up to 5 feet tall and make a nice addition to gardens where their fragrant...
    • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
    Cardinal Climber
    Prices start at : 2 USD

    Hummingbirds and butterflies can't resist! Cardinal Climber Vine ( Ipomoea sloteri ) has brilliant bright-red flowers on attractive emerald-green vines. Blooms from early summer until frost and will climb 10- to 15-feet if given support.
    • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
    Night Scented Stock
    Prices start at : 2 USD

    Small aromatic flowers — in shades of pink, purple and white — grow on hardy 12- to 18-inch tall plants. An old-time favorite with a glorious aroma! Night Scented Stock ( Matthiola longipetala ) blooms in the late afternoon and evening releasing one...
    • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
    Moon Flower & Pearly White Morning Glory Mix
    Prices start at : 1.50 USD / 20 Seeds

    It produces large white flowers. Welcome Morning Glory - Moon Flower and Pearly White The Moon Flower is a robust climber. Happy Planting !! Leave your worries in the dirt as you pull the weeds.
    Flower Seeds-Amaranth, Love-Lies-Bleeding-OG
    Prices start at : 2.50 USD / 0.15g

    USDA Certified Organic. Stake plants for best display. Good fresh or dried. Crimson tassels up to 24 in. Long "drip" from these showy plants.
    Flower Seeds- Aster, Powder Puff Mixed Colors
    Prices start at : 2.75 USD / 0.1g

    Excellent cut flowers for bouquets. USDA Certified Organic. Double blooms in 7 colors: white, pink, rose, peach, crimson red, sky blue, and medium blue on 3 ft.
    Calendula \'Erfurter Orangefarbigen\' Seed
    Prices start at : 3.00 USD / Pkt. (0.5 g, 92 seeds)

    Most seeds are naturally grown. Note: Medicinal uses of herbs mentioned in our store are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Also used as a food color, natural dye, and substitute for saffron.
    • Propagation / Germination: Direct sow or transplant after last frost. Germinates in about 14 days at 65F. Matures in about 85 days.
    • Sun: Full sun
    • Pests and Diseases: None noted.
    • Height: 18
    • Heirloom: no
    Babies Breath Seeds - Heirloom ~ Non-GMO
    Prices start at : 1.95 USD / babies breath 25

    They originated in Eurasia, Pacific Islands, Africa, and Australia. Babies breath is a member of the carnation family of flowers, Caryophyllaceae. If you wish to purchase a single item please contact me.
    Flower Seeds - French Marigold, Spanish Brocade
    Prices start at : 2.50 USD / 0.5g

    Yellow and gold petals splashed with red flecks. An old favorite of the Brocade class.
    Thumbelina Zinnia Flower 200+ seeds
    Prices start at : 3.99 USD / 200 seed - Thumbelina Zinnia

    They are perfect for edging or container growing. Thumbelina Zinnia-(Zinnia elegans)-These elf sized zinnias only grow to a height of 6 inches. Saving a dollar or two is not worth it! We can show proof we isolate!
    Jasmine Tobacco (Organic)
    Prices start at : 2 USD

    Plants grow 3- to 4-feet tall and release their sweet aroma on warm summer evenings. A fragrant summer-time favorite! Jasmine Tobacco ( Nicotiana alata ) is an ornamental flowering variety with showy long-tubed, 3-inch blossoms.
    • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
    Flower Seeds-Tithonia, Yellow Torch-Organic
    Prices start at : 2.75 USD / 0.4g

    Orange discs surrounded by yellow petals. Flowers are 3 in. (Mexican Sunflower) USDA Certified Organic. A color breakthrough, the first yellow-flower Tithonia.
    Sweet William Flower Garden Seeds - Double Mixture - 1 g Packet - Annual & Perennial Mix - Flower Gardening Seed
    Prices start at : 3.99 USD / each

    Sweet William Flower Seeds - Double Mixture - 1 g Packet - Dianthus barbatus -- Non-GMO - Open Pollinated - High Germination Rate -- Seeds For: Flower Gardening -- Days to Full Maturity: 105-112 -- Perennial -- USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-8 -- Mountain Valley...
    • Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 9.00 x 9.00 x 1.00 Inches
    • Brand: Mountain Valley Seed Company
    • Model: 18785
    Zulu Prince
    Prices start at : 2 USD

    They'll tolerate poor soils but do best in well-drained prepared beds with lots of organic matter. Remove the spent flowers to extend the flowering season into the fall. (Annual) Learn How to Grow Daisies here.
    • brand: Seed Savers Exchange
    Flower Seeds - Larkspur, Giant Imperial Mixed Colors
    Prices start at : 2.25 USD / 0.3g

    For tall borders in a rainbow of colors and shades of reds, white, and blue. Flowers may be used for arrangements, either fresh or dried.
    Flower Seeds-Cosmos, Bright Lights Orange-OG
    Prices start at : 2.50 USD / 1g

    USDA Certified Organic. Plants flower until frost. For tall borders, sturdy 6 ft. A vibrant orange selection from Bright Lights.
    Flower Seeds - French Marigold, Tashkent #1 - Organic
    Prices start at : 2.75 USD / 0.5g

    The plants are so fragrant they sweeten the air on a hot summer day. Petals change from mahogany-red to orange-red as they mature. Introduced 1999 by SESE.] 24-30 in. Lacks the common astringent odor of other marigolds.