Fistulosa) A favorite of hummingbirds and bees. Use fragrant dried leaves for tea and potpourris. Medicinal: Used by several Native American tribes as a carminative. Flowers of varying shades of lavender may be added to salads.
Annual Sow seeds in peat pots or cell packs, press into soil but do not cover. Danebrog Laced Breaded Poppy Latin name: Papaver somniferum A striking white cross is planted firmly in the center of the crimson flowers and each petal is fringed, with lacy...
Seeds may also be used for food or feed, and this is the best variety for dehulling. Mounding soil around base of stalks helps keep plants upright. 95 days for seed. Adapted to cool, high desert areas, but can be grown elsewhere.
Books on gardening as well as many catalogs carry general information on growing seeds. My contact info is inside. I have been a seed savers for 40 years. Our seeds are packaged in original art packets, hand folded with 100% recycled paper.
(Hungarian Blue) (Papaver somniferum) Beautiful bluish-purple flowers give way to attractive pods filled with poppyseed for baking. Stake seed heads to prevent seed loss. USDA Certified Organic.
Everyone who see it in your yard, calls it by a different name. If the pods are allowed to open and pour out their seeds, you will find many new plants next year. It's understandable if you are a little confused about exactly what to call it.
The smooth leaves are 1-3 in (2.5-7.6 cm) long and arranged opposite each other along the stem. Numerous cultivars are available commercially including one with bright yellow flowers.
I do not use chemical pesticides and prefer organic pest control and the use of predatory insects. Press onto soil surface as the seeds require light to germinate. Sow Painted Daisy seeds outside 2 weeks before the last frost.
Excellent cut flowers for bouquets. Double blooms in 7 colors: white, pink, rose, peach, crimson red, sky blue, and medium blue on 3 ft. USDA Certified Organic.
Thin seedlings when they are 2-4 inches in height, with the final spacing of the plants 12 inches apart. Include them in your greeting cards. Excellent for borders and unequaled as cut flowers.
Because of their reseeding habit, these flowers are often considered a perennial. Canterbury Bells A favorite of gardners for hundreds of years. Sow seed outdoors in late spring or fall in a sunny to lightly shaded location with well drained soil.
For giant- sized heads, space the plants at least three or four feet apart, but for production of seeds, space them more closely. We carefully select our produce varieties for excellent taste and quality.
My contact info is inside. I have been a seed savers for 40 years. I hand pack each order and drive from the farm to the post office to ship your order. I am available by e-mail or phone to answer any growing questions as well.
Sun: full
Height: 2 ft
Flowers: BLue -occasionally a white or deep purple one . They bloom May june and bloom for about 2 to 3 weeks
After a killing frost, remove plants and add to the compost pile. Use in mixed beds, borders and hanging baskets for an eye-catching display or cut and use fresh or dried in bouquets.
Pinch off spent blossoms on a regular basis — or use them as cuttings in flower arrangements — to extend the blooming period. After a killing frost, remove plants and add to the compost pile.
Grows to 12-18 inches tall in a full sun garden. Zinnia Flower Seeds - Profusion Series - Double White - 100 Seeds - Zinnia elegans x angustifolia -- Non-GMO - Hybrid - High Germination Rate -- Seeds For: Flower Gardening -- Days to Full Maturity: 54-70...
Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 9.00 x 9.00 x 1.00 Inches
This lovely flower can grow up to 3 feet tall with gold, and yellow blooms that are 3.5 to 5 inches across. Marigold Flower Seeds - Cracker Jack - 2 g Packet - Tagetes erecta -- Non-GMO - Open Pollinated - High Germination Rate -- Seeds For: Flower Gardening...
Model: 18755
Manufacturer Part Number: 18755
Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 9.00 x 9.00 x 1.00 Inches
Harvest flowers when blooms are 2/3 open. The flowers keep for months, great for indoor color after fall frosts. Standard tall strawflower with mixed colors: yellow, bronze, crimson, white, and shades of rose.
Lacks the common astringent odor of other marigolds. Petals change from mahogany-red to orange-red as they mature. [Found outside an old Muslim school in Tashkent, Uzbekistan in 1992.
Some Native American tribes used this herb to treat snake bites. HAPPY PLANTING !! I have these planted in several areas of my garden. The butterflies LOVE them. Add a light application of organic fertilizer to the planting hole.
[Selected by Merlyn and Mary Ann Niedens of Illinois.] Beautiful 5-7 in. USDA Certified Organic. Rogue out the occasional tall plant to keep your border neat. Golden yellow flowers are borne on 30 in.
One of the original varieties that started Seed Saver's Exchange and the whole heirlooms movement.] Beautiful deep-purple flowers with a ruby throat that can climb 15 ft. Reliably self-seeds here on our central Virginia farm and at Heritage Farm in Iowa.