More than 10 females are pregnant and good condition.interested person can call 9088012324 More than 10 females are pregnant and good condition.interested person can call 9088012324.Farm location is in bihar
The best piglets are registered as breeders and the rest are sold as feeders. This is a docile breed which produces excellent healthy pork. We can be reached through the Old Oak Farm website at or our Facebook page.
The wood is predominantly straight grained and coarse textured. Red Oak has a somewhat less attractive figure than White Oak due to smaller rays Description: Red Oak heartwood is similar to other oaks and coloration runs from a light tan to pink with...
Fb : instagram : (at)persiantruffle E-mail : phon number & telegram: +989021009092 (11% discount for purchases over 20 kg) * Warranty conditions: If approved by lack of quality after receipt of the order without returning...
This burl is very dark and has been coated with clear varnish, the wood grain and unusual form of the burl will make an outstanding finished piece. I didn\'t take exact measurements but it\'s approx 2\' x 3\' x 4.5\' across the top.
Because in most countries the Prices are so High in otherwise we are lucky in Morocco especially in the East We enjoy eating Truffles from February till April every year Truffles or Terfess in Arabic or Truffes in French are edible body of fungi in the...
Was a healthy tree, large straight limbs, large trunk. Tree felled in storm on 7/28, in NJ looking to sell, will need to pickup / cut, good access to tree long bed log loader not a problem.
PICKUP FUEL JUMP TANK WITH PUMP, L Shaped, Fits In Front Or Behind Or Below Tool Box, Fits In Bed Of Pickup, Approximately 50 Gallons, 30" Wide, 25" High, 31" Deep
>>>THIS UNIT IS CURRENTLY RENTED>>> STOCK #D491 Monthly Rental $1,840 - DOT & License Plate Included Rent To Own $3,680/Month - 20% Down - 8 Months You Own It! Nationwide Delivery Available 1997 Polar 9200 Gallon Tanker, Steel Frame, Tandem Axle