NEW Decals will be applied to it prior to Shipment., Single Rear Axle Brakes and Fenders Tricycle Front End with Fenders Tie Down Pkg Telescoping Tongue with 2 5/16 Ball coupler Has Tandem Rear Brakes Ribbed Tires
Fescue is an environmentally friendly grass requiring less maintenance. Fescue beautifies your landscape while providing a natural environment that's child and pet friendly. If you are looking for a superior turf that can handle regular use, resist drought...
✓ 500 Sq. Ft. of beautiful, high foot-traffic sod
✓ Adapts well to diverse conditions
✓ Fescue sod/grass - easy to install, easy to maintain
For best results, apply in evening or early morning. Avoid applying product under windy conditions. For ground application, mix 1 part NUTRIPLANT AG with 200 parts water (1 quart in 50 gallons of water).
Go Local - Buy Local - Choose Harmony. This cool season grass is widely used and highly adaptable. Perennial Ryegrass is an adaptable residential sod/turf grass designed for all-around living and use.
✓ Fine blade dense turf
✓ 500 Sq. Ft. of attractive, disease-resistant sod
Of sod once established. Go Local - Buy Local - Choose Harmony. It beckons you to take barefoot walks across its plush carpet of densely packed blades. When you're seeking a thick blanket of deep green to make a striking appearance in your yard, you'll...
✓ Water requirements: medium to low once established
✓ Zoysia plugs ordered in fall/winter will arrive dormant and won't be in full color until warmer weather returns
✓ Thrives in hot weather
✓ Grows into a beautiful minimal maintenance lawn - mature plugs are already producing runners
St. Augustine is broad-bladed and medium-green in color. St. Augustine establishes quickly and easily. This grass can tolerate heat and humidity and also has a tolerance for partial shade.
✓ Orders delivered to customer's home
✓ Grows into a beautiful minimal maintenance lawn - mature plugs are already producing runners
✓ Water requirements: medium once established
✓ 36 plugs spaced 15 in. from center provides coverage for 64 sq. ft. of sod/turf once established
St. Augustine establishes quickly and easily. This grass can tolerate heat and humidity and has a tolerance for partial shade. Whether you're looking for a grass to blanket your yard or you need a versatile option for commercial use, St. Augustine is...
✓ Orders delivered to customer curbside
✓ Broad blade dense turf
✓ Great for high traffic areas
Product Width (ft.): 4 ft
Growth Habit: Creeping
Hardiness Zone: 10 (30 to 40 F),8 (10 to 20 F),9 (20 to 30 F)
The slow vertical growth of Centipede means less mowing, its thick lateral growth crowds out most weeds and it requires very littler fertilization. Centipede has low fertility requirements and is well adapted to sandy, acidic soils.
✓ Orders delivered to customer's home
✓ Centipede plugs ordered in fall/winter will arrive dormant and won't be in full color until warmer weather returns
✓ Centipede turf - easy to install, easy to maintain
Bluegrass sod is deep green to blue in color, finely textured, and when properly cared for can develop a tightly knit turf. Bluegrass is truly a bare foot grass at its finest. This product is sold in pallet increments of 500 sq.
✓ Water requirements: medium once established
✓ Easy to maintain
Hardiness Zone: 3 (-40 to -30 F),4 (-30 to -20 F),5 (-20 to -10 F),6 (-10 to 0 F)
Go Local - Buy Local - Choose Harmony. It beckons you to take barefoot walks across its plush carpet of densely packed blades. This product is sold in 2- 18 pack trays of grass plugs in a box.
Traffic/Wear Tolerance Level: Medium
Best Time to Plant: Fall to Spring
Recommended Space Between Plantings (in.): 0
Hardiness Zone: 10 (30 to 40 F),7 (0 to 10 F),8 (10 to 20 F),9 (20 to 30 F)
Returnable: 90-Day
Absorbs impact, tolerates wear and resists weeds: Yes
Bermuda is a resilient sod / turfgrass variety - designed for active, outdoor living. Cultivated for its aggressive rooting characteristics, Bermuda reaches deep into the soil to provide a dense, thick carpet that blankets your lawn while withstanding...
Of sod once established. Go Local - Buy Local - Choose Harmony. This grass declares Game on when it comes time for play and recreational activities with family and friends. Bermuda is a resilient sod/turf grass variety - designed for active, outdoor living.
✓ 36-Count plug trays of impressive, handsome, ultra-tough sod
✓ Absorbs impact, tolerates wear and resists weeds
Go Local - Buy Local - Choose Harmony. It is a minimal maintenance, slow growing, creeping grass. Centipede is a warm season turf grass with a medium to light green color. Centipede has low fertility requirements and is well adapted to sandy, acidic soils.
✓ Seasonal dormancy
✓ Centipede turf/grass - easy to install, easy to maintain
OLAJ INVESTMENT.We offer effective service with utmost accuracy worldwide.You can contact us for all your needs in Africa. We are exporter of Kola nut,Bitter Kola,Palm Oil,Cotton Yarn,Sugar,Bitter Leaf,Ginger e.t.c.We are pose to meet customer's satisfaction.
Rich loamy soils are required for the cultivation of most ground covers but a few grow best in sandy, dry a shrubby, evergreen ground cover that grows 8 to 12 inches high and spreads by rhizomes to form a dense carpet of rich, dark green foliage.
1, 2, 3, 5 oz bags. 10 pound minimum The grays are just starting to flush. $6000 USD plus shipping. Prefer to sell to one buyer. Fresh available as long as the season lasts. Packed in vacuum seal bags.