Tow Body is a Hubbard - Some new bottoms have been welded into tool boxes , they are useable but the body has significant rust damage ... 50 Ton Boom - Dual 40,000 Lb Winches , 250 Ft of New 3/4" Cable on Drums - NRC 50 3 Stage Under Reach Wheel Lift...
Meritor Wabco System, Power Locks, Tilt Wheel Top Roof Fairing Truck has STRONG rubber all around. 1 yr 100K Warranty, 60 Day buyers assurance from Freightliner!! A/C, 6x4
1 Yr 100K Freightliner Warranty with 60 day Buyers Assurance! Can convert to 13 speed, Tilt Steering, Power Windows & Mirrors, A/S Dump In Cab 5th Wheel Release! Number of Beds: 2
Nice 2011 Freightliner Cascadia, Detroit DD13 410hp 10spd Fuller. TAYLOR AND MARTIN AUCTION Tunica, Mississippi A/C Condition: Good, A/C, Differential Lock, 6x4, Number of Beds: 1 Miscellaneous CASCADIA...