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How to Extract Juice From Lemon Grass
When the water comes to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 90 minutes to 8 hours, depending on how strong you wish the flavor to be.Strain the juice into a pitcher. Rinse the lemongrass under the tap to clean it.
Santa Monica
How To Turn Your Grill Into A Smoker
The recipe ideas are endless, and best of all, it's easier than you think. For example, fattier meat cuts generally smoke better because they are more tender. Be sure to keep the food over the water pans, which causes the indirect heat, and not over the...
How to Extract Fructose From Plants
Repeat the process of extracting the juice from the pulp at least one more time.Put the juice in a pot on a stove. Stir the pulp and water for several minutes with a metal stir stick.Line a different glass container with a paper filter.
Santa Monica
Harvesting Prickly Pear Fruit: When And How To Pick Prickly Pear Cactus
This will break down the fruit but it is still useful to make juice or a preserves. You may have seen them in your local produce market – those plump pinkish red fruits with characteristic scars from thorns.
How do I Make Lemon Grass Tea?
It is particularly good for alleviating digestive ills in children.Fresh lemon grass steeped in boiled water makes a calming herb tea.Remove the outer leaves from two freshly cut lemon grass stalks.
Santa Monica
Cayenne Salve for Pain Relief
Sunflower oil is especially nice to use, but you can also use olive, avocado, sweet almond, or any other light oil that you like or have on hand. If you're using powdered cayenne pepper instead, use 4 or 5 teaspoons of spice per 1 cup of oil.
7 Safety Tips for a Controlled Burn
Where those don't exist, you must create them, either by plowing to expose soil or mowing and removing brush and perhaps wetting mowed grass. Here are safety tips. But in those days of sparse populations, more room for error existed.
Choose the Best Dutch Oven for Your Needs
This was very common in hearth cooking in early America.” A cast-iron Dutch oven is an item on many farmhouse kitchens' wish lists—the breads , the stews, the desserts and the cooking-experiment options are endless.
Coconut Honey Balm
(If you're pregnant, nursing, on medication or have chronic health conditions, check with a health care provider before using essential oils.) « More of The Craft Hub » Tags beeswax , coconut oil , honey
DIY Itchy Stix for Bug-Bite Relief
The Label File Here are the labels. Pour a high quality oil, such as olive or sunflower oil, over the plant matter until you almost reach the top, leaving a little room for expansion.
Care Of Sweet Peas – How To Grow Sweet Peas
If you are growing climbing sweet peas, have your trellis in place before planting the sweet pea seeds so that you don't damage the roots by trying to install it later. You can still find fragrant varieties, often labeled as “old fashioned” or “heirloom,”...
Mint Chocolate Lip Balm
Sunflower or olive oil 1/2 T. If using full-sized chocolate chips, try four or five. If you'd like a softer lip balm, remelt and add more oil. Regular sticker paper tends to peel off of slick plastic tubes.
The Basics Of Pressure Canning
Step 2 Wash, rinse, drain your canner body, and set it on the largest burner on your stove. We unveil the process so you can move past your fears and put up home-preserved food. This is normal.
Geothermal Systems Keep Turkeys Comfy
Geothermal systems use the constant 55 to 65 degrees F of the soil a few feet beneath the surface to regulate the temperature of a liquid flowing through buried tubing. Using Xu's system, a turkey farm can be both more economical and better for the environment...
Food Safety Bill Harvests Senate Victory
The approved version of the food safety bill provides clear directives to improve food safety without compromising resource conservation and environmental stewardship goals. The food safety bill will continue to the House, where it needs to pass (or be...
Christmas Traditions - Part 2
12 and ending on Christmas Eve. Send it to: Santa North Pole Anchorage, AK 99530-9998 In the meanwhile, write a letter to your child as though you were Santa. Place that stamped envelope in a larger stamped envelope addressed to: North Pole Postmark Postmaster...
Kid Ready: Preparing Katy the Goat for Birth
Your cooperative extension agent can tell you if there's a selenium deficiency problem where you live. Hey, guess what? Mom thinks, what can it hurt? Then they'll be protected for about six weeks, until their own immune systems mature.
Do You Need Weed-Control Without Chemicals? Try Flame Weeders
If you seed your carrots and flame a day or two before they germinate, there should be many fewer weeds for carrots to compete with.” Flame weeders come in a range of human- and tractor-powered models.
How to Freeze and Preserve Sweet Corn
It isn't as candy-sweet as the super sweets and has a nice corn flavor. He always has plenty and it saves valuable garden space at my house. It will have a brighter yellow look as opposed to a 'buttery' look.
El Segundo
Blueberries for new growers - learn along with me
Perhaps I did not do enough reading on the care of blueberries at the time. Before that, all flowers should be removed so that the plant's energy goes into root growth and strengthening the plant.
El Segundo
Culturally and Historically Significant Flowers: Columbines
They are surprisingly easy to start from seed and winter sow effortlessly. The columbine referred to as the Rocky Mountain columbine or Colorado columbine is the one with lavender blue petals and a white center.There's nothing quite like coming across...
El Segundo
How to Freeze Black-Eyed Peas or Cowpeas
Bring it to a rolling boil over high heat.Dump the black-eyed peas into the boiling water and cook them for two full minutes.Pour the cooked peas back into the colander to drain out the hot water.Place the drained black-eyed peas immediately into a large...
Santa Monica
How to Make Yogurt at Home
Recipes Using Yogurt Put your homemade yogurt to use in recipes like these. If you're using soy milk, heat the liquid to 110 degrees F, add the starter, and let it incubate at 100 degrees F until it sets up as yogurt.
7 Tips for Beating the Winter Farm Blahs
Garner giggles from your kids by: serving popcorn for breakfast, setting up camping gear in the living room for a fun sleepover or hosting a formal dinner fit for royalty, princess and knight costumes encouraged.
Lavender: Beat Stress and Embrace Spring
If you'd like, take this dead growth into the house and burn small bits at a time in an incense burner. I leave mine free to come back out on old wood in the spring each year. Simply clip away the dead growth to allow the new shoots to have access to...
New Year\'s Resolutions for Gardeners
Attract beneficial insects such as lady beetles, green lacewings, and beneficial wasps to your garden to help control the "bad bugs." Appreciate and encourage the anoles, toads, spiders, and other creatures that help control the pests.
El Segundo
From Sugar Cane to Cane Sugar
In order to do so we are going to pay a visit to the sugarcane factory of Le Gol, in the Southern part of Reunion, near the town of Saint-Louis. We are almost reaching the end; the next step is boiling or crystallization where sugar will indeed turn into...
El Segundo