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Fragrant Flowering Plant Evergreen Plant For Sale In Orlando

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Evergreen Sweetbay Magnolia Magnolia virginiana  australis
Price : CALL

* It was the first magnolia to be scientifically described, and is the type species of the genus Magnolia ; as Magnolia is also the type genus of all flowering plants , this species can be seen to typify all flowering plants.
  • Variety: australis
  • Species: virginiana
  • Common Name: Evergreen Sweetbay Magnolia
  • Botanical Name: Magnolia virginiana australis
  • Family: Magnoliaceae
Piute Cypress Cupressus nevadensis
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

Polkinghorn and to visit the grove she described (Abrams 1919). The foliage grows in sparse, very fragrant, sprays varying from dull gray-green to glaucous blue-green in color. * Cupressus nevadensis is a medium-sized evergreen tree with a conic crown,...
  • Common Name: Piute Cypress
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 7
  • Height: 40-50 feet
  • Species: nevadensis
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 21
  • Genus: Cupressus
Littleleaf Box, Littleleaf Boxwood, Japanese Box Buxus microphylla
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* The species is grown as an ornamental plant, both in its native area and elsewhere in temperate regions around the world * Buxus microphylla ( Japanese Box or Littleleaf Box ) is a species of Buxus native to Japan and Taiwan .
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 39
  • Quantity: 0.55 lb
  • Purity: 99%
  • Collection Locale: China
  • Seeds Per Pound: 36,774
  • Genus: Buxus
Gold-and-Silver Flower, Japanese Honeysuckle Lonicera japonica
Price : CALL

The flowers are double-tongued, opening white and fading to yellow, and sweetly scented. * The Japanese Honeysuckle ( Lonicera japonica ; Suikazura ? In Japanese) is a species of honeysuckle native eastern Asia including Japan , Korea , northern and eastern...
  • Species: japonica
  • Height: 25-30 feet
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Family: Caprifoliaceae
Centennial Star Magnolia
Prices start at : 14.99 USD

Provide them with a well-draining, average moist, humus rich, acidic soil with a mostly sunny position and preferably with a deep organic mulch. One of the largest flowering and possibly the most vigorous of the Star Magnolias, Centennial was selected...
  • pH Range: Acidic, Mildly Acidic, Neutral
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 5,6,7,8,9
  • Native To / Origin: US Gardens - Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University - 1972
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun, Part shade
  • Container Size: Quart / 30 fl.oz. / 887 ml
Fragrant Olive, Sweet Osmanthus Osmanthus fragrans
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

Kinmokusei ; also known as Sweet Olive, Tea Olive and Fragrant Olive) is a species of Osmanthus native to Asia , from the Himalaya east through southern China ( Guizhou , Sichuan , Yunnan ) and to Taiwan and to southern Japan .
  • Botanical Name: Osmanthus fragrans
  • Species: fragrans
  • Seeds Per Pound: 2,062
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 8
  • Purity: 99%
  • Genus: Osmanthus
Southern Magnolia, Evergreen Magniolia, Bull Bay Magnolia grandiflora
Price : CALL

* An evergreen Tree growing to 10 m (32ft) by 10 m (32ft) at a medium rate. * Creamy white flowers as much as a foot wide, wonderfully fragrant, in May, June or July. * This is perhaps the most strongly scented flower in the world! * Exceptionally large...
  • Species: grandiflora
  • Common Name: Southern Magnolia, Evergreen Magniolia, Bull Bay
  • Family: Magnoliaceae
  • Height: 60-90 feet
Oleander Nerium oleander     - Nerium indicum
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* Oleander grows to 2–6 m (6.6–20 ft) tall, with spreading to erect branches. The fruit is a long narrow capsule 5–23 cm (2.0–9.1 in) long, which splits open at maturity to release numerous downy seeds .In the past, scented plants were sometimes...
  • Purity: 92%
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 35
  • Seeds Per Pound: 68,500
  • Common Name: Oleander
  • Quantity: 4.02 lb
  • Height: 6-20 feet
Golden Gardenia, Kedah Gardenia
Prices start at : 17.99 USD

Did you know that Gardenias attract hummingbird moths with their fragrant and easy to spot white to rarely yellow or orange flowers. Upward facing strongly fragrant, up to 2" wide, creamy white, pinwheel-like flowers are held on 4-6" long slender tubes...
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 10,11
  • pH Range: Acidic, Mildly Acidic
  • Outdoor Light: *Full sun, Part sun, Part shade, Filtered shade
  • Container Size: 4.5 inch / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
  • Grows To: 6-10'H x 6-10'W
  • Fertilizing: Spring to fall normally, use a slow release, nonburning fertilizer for acid loving plants.
Bouncing Bet, Soapwort, Bouncingbet Saponaria officinalis
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

Its strongly irritant action within the gut is thought to stimulate the cough reflex and increase the production of a more fluid mucus within the respiratory passages[ * Common Soapwort ( Saponaria officinalis ) is a vespertine flower , and a common perennial...
  • Family: Caryophyllaceae
  • Collection Locale: Germany
  • Common Name: Bouncing Bet, Soapwort, Bouncingbet
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 3
  • Crop Year: 2012
  • Germination: 83%
Swamp Leather Flower Clematis, Blue Jasmine, Curly Clematis, Marsh Flower
Prices start at : 12.99 USD

Often throughout summer, fragrant beautiful bell-shaped nearly white to blue flowers with gracefully recurving 'petals' (in Clematis it is the large colorful sepals that we often most enjoy) of light blue, blue, or purple.
  • Deer Resistance: Rarely Bothered
  • Native To / Origin: US - Southeastern and Central
  • Soil & Moisture: Moist, wet, or average moisture as well as periodic flooding. Can tolerate clay soils but also seems to perform well in average garden soils rich in organic matter.
  • Grows To: 5-9'H x 2-3'W
  • pH Range: Mildly Acidic, Neutral, Mildly Alkaline
Mele Matson Frangipani, Plumeria
Prices start at : 29.99 USD

Large 3" beautifully shaped pink blooms with a yellow center. In colder climates, let it go dry in fall and store in a garage or other area where temperatures remain above freezing.
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 10,11
  • Deer Resistance: Not Likely to be Bothered
  • Grows To: 6-10'H x 4-6'W in containers, 15-30'H and wide in tropical climates
  • Salt Tolerance: Moderate to High
  • Native To / Origin: Hybrid selection - Plumeria rubra is native to C and S America
  • Container Size: Quart / 30 fl.oz. / 887 ml
Wolf\'s Lilac Syringa wolfii
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

Pedicel 0-2 mm. Anthers yellow, inserted near or slightly below mouth of corolla tube. Capsule oblong, (1-)1.2-1.7 cm, smooth. Panicles erect, terminal, 5-30 × 3-18 cm; rachis, pedicel, and calyx villous or pubescent, occasionally subglabrous.
  • Species: wolfii
  • Common Name: Wolf's Lilac
  • Crop Year: 1993
  • Height: 15ft
  • Germination Test Type: Cut
  • Lot#: 9301
Japanese Andromeda, Japanese Pieris Pieris japonica
Price : CALL

* Woodland Garden Dappled Shade; Shady Edge; not Deep Shade. * Pieris japonica is a shrub with alternate, simple leaves , on brittle stems. * Shiny dark green evergreen leaves, emerging bronzy in spring; white slightly fragrant flowers in pendulous masses;...
  • Botanical Name: Pieris japonica
  • Species: japonica
  • Common Name: Japanese Andromeda, Japanese Pieris
  • Genus: Pieris
Heaven Scent Tahitian Gardenia, Star of Tahiti, Tiare
Prices start at : 14.99 USD

They seem to do best in hot southern regions where they get some midday or afternoon shade but need good light for the best flower production. Large rounded dark green tropical foliage adorns the stems of this evergreen tropical shrub.
  • Native To / Origin: Taihaiti
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 10,11
  • Deer Resistance: Rarely Bothered
  • Pruning: Pruning time is not as critical on this everblooming Gardenia.
  • pH Range: Acidic, Mildly Acidic
  • Container Size: 4.5 inch / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
Angel\'s Trumpet ‘Tickled Pink\' (Brugmansia hybrid)
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 4" Pot Size

The flowers are 6-8” long and emit the well-loved nighttime fragrance. Angel's Trumpet ‘Tickled Pink' (Brugmansia hybrid) This gorgeous double flower has the flower-within- a-flower form and a very full skirt at the base with fancy, curly tails.
  • Grows to: 4-6'
  • Plant Type: Fragrant
  • Sun Requirement: Full Sun
  • Hardiness Zone: 8
Fragrant Wax Flower, Hoya, Porcelain Flower
Prices start at : 12.99 USD

A low dwarf form of Hoya that trails, and whose clusters of cream-colored flowers fill the air with a very lovely perfume for most of the year. It is wonderful for a small hanging basket.
  • Outdoor Light: Light shade
  • Container Size: 4.5 inch R / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
  • Indoor Light: High
Macnab Cypress, MacNab\'s Cypress Cupressus macnabiana
Prices start at : 9.95 USD / 1 packet

It is one of the most widely distributed of all the native California cypresses, found growing in chaparral, oak woodlands and coniferous woodlands along the inner northern Coast Ranges and the foothills of the northern Sierra Nevada.
  • Genus: Cupressus
  • Species: macnabiana
  • Crop Year: 2018
  • Botanical Name: Cupressus macnabiana
  • Seeds Per Pound: 49,032
  • Quantity: 0.07 lb
Christmas Rose, Black Hellebore Helleborus niger
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

Take care since the plant resents disturbance. The large, flat flowers, borne on short stems from midwinter to early spring, are white, or occasionally pink. * Helleborus niger is an evergreen plant with dark, leathery, pedate leaves carried on stems...
  • Quantity: 0.89 lb
  • Common Name: Christmas Rose, Black Hellebore
  • Crop Year: 1999
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Germination: 83%
  • Lot#: 9901
Fortune Rhododendron Rhododendron fortunei
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* It is a shrub or small tree that grows to 3–12 metres (9.8–39.4 ft) in height, with leathery leaves that are oblong to oblong-elliptic, 8–14.5 cm (3 1?8–5 3?4 in) by 3–9.2 cm (1 3?16–3 5?8 in) in size.
  • Common Name: Fortune Rhododendron
  • Lot#: 9401
  • Genus: Rhododendron
  • Purity: 90%
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 7
  • Germination: 30%
Sunset Scentsation Night Blooming Jasmine, Queen of the Night, Lady of the Night
Prices start at : 12.99 USD

An Almost Eden Exclusive introduction! 'Sunset Scentsation' Night Blooming Jasmine has proven to be a vigorous repeat blooming selection, producing waves of the famously fragrant blooms about every 6 weeks during the growing season.
  • Native To / Origin: S America
  • Grows To: 8'H x 5'W
  • Deer Resistance: Rarely Bothered
  • Container Size: 4.5 inch / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 8B,9,10,11
Peruvian Princess Angel\'s Trumpet (Dark Pink, Compact)
Prices start at : 14.99 USD

Most cultivars are root hardy once they become well established in the landscape but should be provided a winter mulch for added protection but can then often tolerate temperatures into the teens and will return from the roots once temperatures warm in...
  • Deer Resistance: Rarely Bothered
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun, Part shade
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 8B,9,10,11
  • Native To / Origin: US gardens - Green Chapel Farms, Watha, NC, 2013 raised from seeds from Peru
  • Grows To: 6-8'H x 4-5'W
  • Indoor Light: Direct sunlight, High
Fragrant Wax Flower, Hoya, Porcelain Flower
Prices start at : 9.99 USD

And hybrids) and Sweet Olives, after sunset when the dainty clusters of white nectar rich flowers may turn amber colored due to the dripping golden nectar. The Fragrant Hoya is wonderful for a small hanging basket, as a groundcover beneath larger plants,...
  • Outdoor Light: Light shade
  • Container Size: 2.25 inch T / 9.7 fl.oz. / 287 ml
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 10,11
Four OClocks, Marvel Of Peru, Four O\'Clocks Mirabilis jalapa
Price : CALL

* The seed remains viable for several years. * Mirabilis jalapa (The four o'clock flower or marvel of Peru ) is the most commonly grown ornamental species of Mirabilis , and is available in a range of colours.
  • Collection Locale: Oregon
  • Germination: 83%
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Common Name: Four OClocks, Marvel Of Peru, Four O'Clocks
  • Seeds Per Pound: 4,994
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: annual
California Horse Chestnut, California Buckeye Aesculus californica
Price : CALL

* A decidious Tree growing to 12 m. * It is in flower from Jul to August, and the seeds ripen in September. * Large shrub or small tree; silvery bark; dark green leaves; flowers fragrant, white to light pink.
  • Botanical Name: Aesculus californica
  • Height: 40 feet
  • Species: californica
  • Genus: Aesculus
English Lavender, Common Lavender, True Lavender Lavandula angustifolia angustifolia    - Lavandula officinalis    , Lavandula delphinensis    , Lavandula fragrans    , Lavandula minor    , Lavandula spica    , Lavandula vera    , Lavandula vulgaris
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* Lavandula angustifolia (also Lavandula spica or Lavandula vera ; common lavender , true lavender , or English lavender (though not native to England ); formerly L. Can be particularly effective when massed.
  • Species: angustifolia
  • Quantity: 1.97 lb
  • Genus: Lavandula
  • Germination: 91%
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 425
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
Grand Duke Supreme Sambac Jasmine, Arabian Jasmine, Pikake
Prices start at : 17.99 USD

Producing exceptionally fragrant, very double , large flowers , to 2" across are composed of up to what could be a hundred individual creamy white petals in an often slightly looser flower form, yet still dense, than that of the more common Grand Duke...
  • Grows To: 3-8'H x 2-5'W
  • Indoor Light: Direct sunlight
  • pH Range: Acidic, Mildly Acidic
  • Outdoor Light: AM sun, Part shade, Light shade
  • Container Size: 4.5 inch / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
  • Deer Resistance: Rarely Bothered