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5 Cheap Coop-Maintenance Materials
Because I don't want to go back into the garage to scare up a gravel rake, I keep an old gravel rake handy. Put bricks under the stack to keep the lumber off the ground, and cover with a tarp to keep rain off until it's time to build the coop.
The Secret To Free Firewood
By my estimates, one pallet lasts almost two days. It also helps me resist the tendency to hold the saw so that it lines up with my face. I've upgraded to one with a feature that allows me to disengage the magnet as I hold it over the bucket.
Build A Better Barn For Your Farm
Lesson learned: Spreading base in a finished barn is much more challenging than spreading it before it's built! Let there be light! The biggest expense relative to lighting is getting power to the site.
Tractor Shopping Guide
Brands that hold their value in the used market do so because buyers know they can count on them.” Tractor Implements A tractor by itself is like a foot without a shoe: It can go places, but there's a limit to the kind of hard work it can do.