All puppies are white with grey wolfe or badgers markings. Previous litters have been sold as working dogs and as family pets to owners now in SC, IN, GA, TN, & FL. There are 5 females and 3 males available for sale.
Price will increase if they are not sold by six months of age. Two solid white female Great Pyrenees/Anatolian Shepherd cross livestock guardian puppies. Can be shipped, please email for more info.
Both parents on site. AKC Great Pyrenees Puppies 4G 3B DOB11-25-10 1st shots wormed 3x White $350 Raised in the pasture with goats, chickens and guineas. AKC Great Pyrenees Puppies 4G 3B DOB11-25-10 1st shots wormed 3x white $350 Raised in the pasture...
She is up to date on all shots and spayed. Contact if interested, Valerie Sweet and smart. She's spent her 8.5 months in the barn with alpacas, adult goats and a horse. Respects all fences.
He is a male, heavy, and more heavily boned, with more facial wrinkling and haw than, he is looking forward to have a new family which will take good care of him and keep him with love and care, so please contact for more informations.
He is a male, heavy, and more heavily boned, with more facial wrinkling and haw than, he is looking forward to have a new family which will take good care of him and keep him with love and care, so please contact for more informations.
Will make an excellent family or guardian for livestock. Parents are on premises and protects Boer Meat Goats asking 150. He is 8 weeks old, adorable and raised on goat farm. Purebred but has no papers...
16 weeks old have all shots and rabies. Extremely smart and intuitive. One male and one female Italian Maremma Sheepdog puppy available for sale. They love their human owners and the goats!
Check out our pups who are guarding goats and chickens already. Our puppies are raised with chickens and goats with exposure to horses as well. Pups will be ready to leave the beginning of March.
Come with health guarantee, first vaccines, regular de-worming. We are located in Woodland, WA but can ship anywhere in the US or Canada From excellent registered working parents. We currently have 6 male Maremma's avaialble for new homes January 15th.
The litter is registered and both parents are working with goats. Please visit our website for more information and pictures at $600 each or 2 for $1000. We have 7 male Maremma Sheepdog Puppies that will be ready for new homes January 15th.
Great lineage, dad is from Rattle Creek Ranch's Nero & Elma, WV & mom is local from On the Lamb Farm Luca Brasi & Carmela. Pups were born 2/26/2012, 7 males & 5 females. Registered working parents on site.
Purebred Kangal puppies, healthy, vaccinated and wormed with internally. Purebred Kangal puppies with international vaccination certificate ,geimpft, dewormed and microchipped. Vaccination, socialized, raised with children cats and other dogs.
Puppies can be delivered to the airport in the city you live in. Contact us for more information. We will send you our puppies with all needed certificates. Pure-bred kangal dogs from Turkey.
Beautiful loving pups to a good home. Accepting deposits of $50(non-refundable). They have great temperaments and are very affectionate loving dogs. Fullblood Great Pyrenees puppies available to good home Six weeks old this Sunday.
Breeding station SANGMU from Slovakia offers to you lovelly puppies of Tibetan dog from very good parents. Father: multiple champion of Slovak Mother: very good we will sent you photo and all other informations via mail
CKC/AKC pups born year around. Parents on site. CKC/AKC and unregistered pups available throughout the year. Great Pyrenees pups raised with goats. Great Pyrenees pups for work or as a loving member of your family.
1 august 2008 through 30 sep 2008 lease of (2) 6k side loading forklift (skytrak or equivalent) lease of (12)6k variable reach rough terrain forklift (skytrak or equivalent)
Carriage pin locks not included. Meets I.T.A. standards. Designed for class II carriage mounting. Change your current fork length or buy an extra pair of forks for an emergency with these Forged Steel Forks.
✓ Fork thickness: 1-1/4 in.
✓ Designed for class II carriage mounting
Product Weight (lb.): 201lb
Returnable: 90-Day
Product Depth (in.): 38.625
Certifications and Listings: No Certifications or Listings
Carriage pin locks not included. Meets I.T.A. standards. Designed for class II carriage mounting. Change your current fork length or buy an extra pair of forks for an emergency with these Forged Steel Forks.
Carriage pin locks not included. Meets I.T.A. standards. Designed for class II carriage mounting. Change your current fork length or buy an extra pair of forks for an emergency with these Forged Steel Forks.