I lived in Las Vegas for 15 years before moving here, and I still get a big kick out of living on a creek and a five-minute walk from the beach. This whole area is riddles with creeks, so much so that several centuries ago, there were many dozens of water...
Or you can simply do the whole job just with a digging fork. These forks are generally used to move compost, mulch or soil. Pitch fork or compost fork, a digging fork is the tool you want when you are digging into a compacted, clay or rocky bed.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Like garden forks, digging forks most commonly have four tines.– The border fork is a smaller version of the garden fork, so is it's good for small people as well as small spaces.
Of course, there are the obvious ways. If you need to bring home lumber or other supplies, what's simpler than driving them straight to the site of your project? During hay season on my farm, we frequently put our four-wheel-drive truck into action, using...
Farmers are pleased with Senate's amendment to exempt farm trucks from bill S.1813, allowing flexibility with state-border regulations, and await House approval. The amendment would allow all states to exempt farm trucks from federal regulations, such...
Adjustable rear air shocks also serve to keep your vehicle level. Fully outfitted for towing, they can pull more than 10 tons. Half-ton trucks can pull as much as about 4 tons gross weight.
We visit local parks, and do demos at the pet and people stores that carry Scrappy. We season each batch to be delicious for pets (and for people) by making small batches, so they are always fresh, tender and juicy.
Those temps are much higher than the average home compost pile , so it isn't as great of a concern, but take care to ensure the pile is fully composted before using it. I suggest spreading 1/4 to 1/2 inch on the lawn once or twice per year.
The settlers then and now had a hardscrabble life on land too steep to cultivate except for small home gardens, a few chickens and maybe a cow. They take great pains to hide their growing plants, often unsuccessfully.http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/american-ginseng-000248.htmU.S
When a parsnip seed germinates, it first sends down its deep taproot (single plunging root) and only later sends up a tiny shoot with its first leaves. But they often develop forked, twisted, or stunted roots.
Reinforce latches with strong bungee cords or rope ties. If they're really tame and you're sure they won't panic, haul them loose but with a dog-type barrier screen in place to keep them out of the front seat.
According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the oldest goose that ever lived was George, a gander in Lancashire, England, who lived to be 49 years and 8 months old. A gander is an adult male goose.
In this case, stay away from broadforks with thin, round tines. I prefer my plowing broadforks to have metal handles as opposed to wooden handles, which can more readily break under the stress of heavy sod.
), has long been considered a delicacy in Eastern Canada and North Eastern United States. If properly managed, a fiddlehead patch can last a lifetime. Snap them off with your fingers, never use a knife.
It was gone in a heartbeat, and you better believe I had my share. Food historians generally attribute the origin of basic bread pudding to frugal cooks, who didn't want to waste stale bread.
Gorge Grown : The Columbia Gorge might be an agricultural area but most of the towns in the region, which spans five counties in Oregon and Washington, are too small to support farmers markets.
It wasn't! But that's okay, becausewill naturalize in nearly any part of the country. But if you have an opportunity to pick up a lot of these once-flowered beauties on the cheap, do it! I'm planning to stalk the halls of my father's assisted living center...
Cover the pot loosely with plastic wrap let stand overnight. Line two muffin pans with cupcake papers.In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon and walnuts.
Click on the pic for a larger image on Wiki.Higher in omega-3 than salmon without the mercury issues!, from the Louisiana Dept. Should you have a cooler to keep your gathered food from spoiling until to get home?Map your adventure for future excursions!...
It took me 2 saturdays and one very large crowbar to remove two trailer loads of cedar decking, pressure treated beams and joists, and of course dig out the pier pads. Dig in your pier pads to about 3" above grade and make sure they are level.
Garlic is an extremely winter-hardy plant that thrives in northern climates. When to plant: Plant bulbs in fall, around the first frost through November. Garlic has myriad uses in recipes and also is shown to have medicinal properties.
Planting Blueberries, tress, bulbs and all sorts of perennials require nicely prepared soil. I've indicated below which style broadfork is best for each task. I have plowed a quarter acre using a broadfork (I was nine years younger), but it was hard.
Now a sledge has to be one of the oldest implements ever devised. It was certainly nothing fancy, but it worked. I just needed to “make do.” An hour of banging old timbers and scrap plywood together and I had my sledge.
The best offense is defense, which means you need to prevent carrot problems before they occur.prior to planting to promote vigorous growth and straight vegetables. Make sure to consult the seed packet before planting and provide adequate space for the...
Forks in limbs or large twigs are excellent anchors. Allow it to breathe two hours as it rehydrates itself.Gather the Spanish moss. It's a lot like decorating a Christmas tree with tinsel.Stick Spanish moss in higher limbs, using a rake, pole saw or paint...
Plant the sections 18 to 24 inches apart and at their original growing depths.Daylilies flower best when planted in a full-sun location. Daylilies grow in fan-shaped clumps, and over time these clumps become congested.
After a week of temperatures above 131 degrees, the contents of the compost pile will be safe to use.Allow the compost pile to continue to decompose after it self-pasteurizes. Lay out a layer of sticks, bark and other big landscape refuse for the bottom...