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My Riding Mower Demonstrates The Value Of A Differential Lock
In other words, it wasn't just a pile of sand and dirt—it was a tough little mound that wasn't going to be pushed over. Before I knew it, I had driven right across the top of the anthill, and suddenly the mower wasn't moving anymore.
8 Things To Consider When Buying A Tractor
Tires The tires of a tractor are designed to provide lots of traction so that the tractor can do heavy work. Transmission The type of transmission is a key feature to consider, because it will make a big difference in the way the tractor performs.
4 Tractor Types To Consider For Your Farm
Horsepower: approximately 25 to 65 This article originally appeared in the January/February 2017 issue of Hobby Farms. While they don't have quite the same horsepower as a utility model, compact tractors can be equipped with attachments ranging from front-end...
15 Reasons You Need A Tractor
You can also purchase a PTO-powered generator that runs directly off the tractor. Land Clearing If clearing rocks, heavy brush, trees and other debris for crops or pasture is on your to-do list, a tractor provides the muscle for heavy lifting, pulling...
Is A Walk-Behind Tractor Right For My Farm?
The big difference with a walk-behind is that it is smaller, only has a single axle, has a set of handlebars rather than a steering wheel, and, obviously, you walk behind it rather than ride atop it.
A Look in the Rearview Mirror ...
Feeling like I had slipped back in time, I pulled into the next driveway. So here I found myself among machines that were, in some ways, superior or at least equal to the behemoths that crawl across fields today.
Run Your Tractor at Full Throttle? Ask the Tortoise
Another advantage: Tractor engines are much quieter when allowed to run at less than full throttle, giving your ears a bit of a rest . Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare?
3 Things You Didn\'t Know Your Tractor Can Do
A small, maneuverable tractor is your best bet for this use. While you're checking for free airflow, inspect the rest of the tractor to make sure no sharp sticks have been flipped into the engine or penetrated tires.
Should You Mow Your Lawn Clockwise or Counterclockwise?
Even the time of day that you mow can make a difference. In essence, yes, but if you do even a little research into proper mowing techniques, you'll enter a whole world filled with theories on the most appropriate mowing patterns and whether you should...
Lamborghini Tractors
Because of the hilly terrain around Liguria, Italy, where I live, I see mostly the smaller tractors on the farms, but the flatlands around Milan boast the monster Lamborghinis working huge fields.
Why I\'m Thankful For The Three-Point Hitch
At times like these I suggest thinking back to the days before the three-point hitch was a standard for farm equipment. Naturally, this can be frustrating if you're ready to get started but are delayed by stubborn equipment.
Change Your Tractor\'s Oil Yourself
Some motors—usually diesel motors with large, vertically installed filters—call for “priming” the oil filter before reinstallion: This simply means filling the filter assembly with new oil before it goes back on.
Use Your Tractor For Grading Your Driveway
Some people keep things simple and use the front-end loader on their tractor to scrape at the surface of the driveway. In essence, you can tackle the process of grading your driveway in several different ways, and while the following isn't a list of every...
Buying New Tires For Old Tractors
If there are three numbers—such as 23×8.5-12—the first number is the width (23 inches), the second is the height (8.5 inches), and the third is the rim size (12 inches). This involves finding the hole (fill it with air and spray soapy water around...
4 Tips for Safe & Efficient Hay Baling
Keep fans running when and where possible. But unless you produce just a handful of bales, this really isn't practical, and anyone who has ever participated in baling small square bales is probably laughing at the notion of doing it alone.
Making (Another) Case for Old Tractors
Little Mo shows her age a bit with some rust and worn paint—actually, she was repainted at some point in a shade that isn't quite “John Deere Green”—but the restoration job on the Massey makes the tractor look like it just rolled off the assembly...
Use A Tractor To Remove Stubborn Fence Posts
When manpower just won't do to complete your farm chores, it's time to get your tractor involved. Using a chain, we tied the arms securely to the post, and then—as we watched with curiosity and hope—my brother engaged the hydraulic lift.
Turn A Piece Of Wood Into The World\'s Simplest Wagon
For moving an occasional tree stump or rock, it works great, and it's also easy to customize to your own preference. Once you've chosen a piece of wood, you'll need to drill holes in two adjacent corners.
Big Advice for Your Small Farm Machines
Odds are the pressure in your machine's tires is set for summer use, so if you have a winter-use machine, double check the psi and add air as needed. Some ATVs are shaft-driven (no chain) and require differential oil to be checked and changed as needed.
Gear Up For Winter With A To-Do List For Farm Tools
Here's a simple to-do list to make sure your tools and equipment are in order when winter arrives. Winter weather can be a nuisance for farmers, but appropriate pre-winter preparations can help your farm work proceed smoothly throughout the season.
5 Seasonal Tractor Maintenance Tasks
Periodically service your small farm tractor for optimal operation using this seasonal tractor maintenance checklist. Carefully pour off oil from the collection pan, and look for signs of metal filings that can indicate other problems, such as excessive...
Infographic: Equipment Selections for Spring Farm Maintenance
The right tool saves time and effort, making cleanup easier and more fun to do. Tags farm equipment , tractor , UTV Maybe you need a tractor to repair fencing, a UTV to check on livestock or a chainsaw to remove brush and fell trees.
Farm Storehouse: A Roundup of Products to Help You & Your Operation Learn more and inquire about pricing at Great Lakes Wholesale Group This story originally appeared in the September/October 2017 issue of Hobby Farms magazine. Starting at $50 at Garden Tool Co. 8.
Methods & Tools To Remove Tree Stumps
A mattock is a hand tool similar to a pickaxe, with a head that generally includes either two cutting blades or one cutting blade and a pick. Because I don't recommend that anyone blast stumps out of the ground with dynamite like in The Fields of Home...
Effectively Remove Rocks From Your Fields With These 4 Tools
Whether it's a bunch of small ones that complicate planting gardens or crops, or giant boulders that jut out of the ground and threaten to break any machine that inadvertently crosses their path, rocks of all shapes and sizes can be troublesome.
Use Your Owner\'s Manual for Tractor Maintenance
With a little forethought, you'll avoid expensive rebuilds and the inconvenience of a tractor in the shop. Treat your small farm tractor right with a comprehensive daily, seasonal and annual maintenance program.
7 Daily Tractor Maintenance Tasks
It's good to have a fresh supply of fuel for the days work, plus you can empty any sediment or water you see in the sediment bowl. Check for leaks and worn or loose hoses or cables.