Part of Estate Sale. Estate Sale-Ford 7840 Tractor, 4 wheel drive, 90 HP 5600 Hours $21000.00 or Best Offer George Johnson Road, Springwater Township. In good running condition. Needs rear rubber possibly.
PTO and Front loader Hydraulic set up, sickle bar mower with extra bar & teeth, rear mounted plow and brush hog. In fair condition, solid, with minimal rust, needs paint and tires are worn but runs good.
(Flange to mount exhaust pipe is broken) I have the carburator, I do not have the manifold. Tractor has not been used in 4-5 years. Gasoline engine, good lift. Electrical system is 6 volt.
$7,000.00 / offer For Sale - 2 Ford 5000 Diesel Tractors. 1966 Ford 5000 Diesel Tractor, turbo charged. No delivery available. 1971 Ford 3000 Gas Tractor with 772 Loader. Sold as a pair only $7500.00 / offer.
Ford 4000 gas row crop good running tractor with new tires all around, back blade, 3 point hitch, PTO, and power steering. 1961 Ford 4000 Gas Row Crop Tractor with 5 speed manual transmission sold with back blade
1990 Ford 7610 2wd w/ Loader and Canopy. Tires are still 60-70 %. Good paint and ready to work! It is used everyday. Tractor is in good working condition. New water pump and power steering pump, and was just serviced, asking 15,000 OBO.
This tractor has seen only minor use in the last four years, with regular oil changes and new air filters. Ford 9000 tractor with cab, 6200 hours, runs good, oversize 710/70R38 tires and new tubes, good workhorse.
Thanks for looking! 1949 Ford 8N Tractor - Excellent - Rebuilt Engine - New Tires - New Paint - Everything works I will accept PayPal as long as you are willing to pay an extra 3% to cover the PayPal fees.
New tires , post pounder included in great working shape Must be seen .Let us know if you want to view. 1947 9n Ford tractor with new rear tires , good paint working post pounder Its in Rush Lake Saskatchewan Canada.
I have had this tractor for 2 years and has been more that I could of asked for. This is a 1979 Ford 3600 4WD 45HP diesel, It has a three point hitch, PTO, and powersteering. This tractor is heavier than the normal 2 wheel drive 3600.
Tires appear good. Has a new battery. This is an older Ford 9N tractor, has a front end loader and a 3 point hitch. Probably could use a little TLC. If you have any questions and / or would like to see pictures I can certainly send those to you no problem.
1952 8N ford tractor. The lift works ok and it needs a little brake work. I have used it to mow my 4 acre field for 7 years with a 5' Bush Hog. It has been converted to 12 volt and has a Delco Alternator on it.
Hay fork, grappel bucket, and 3pt spreader available. Ready for Hunting Season or Fall Harvest!! Great Piece of Equipment. Ford New Holland 4630 Bush Hog Front End Loader (no attachments included at this price) 55hp 2wheel drive.
All equipment in good shape. Tractor starts and runs good. Equipment includes a bush hog, subsoiler, harrow, box blade, straight blade, and bottom plow. 1950,s series Ford Jubilee and equipement all for 4750.00.
New battery and points have been replaced. Ford 9N Tractor w/ 48\" PTO driven tiller and 6 ' snow blade. Tractor runs very good. New battery and replaced steering gears. Steering gears had to be replaced due to wear.