Ford 503: 3pt hay rake. Please contact us for item location & availability. It has good teeth and is ready to go rake. Email us with your zip code for a quote. It is in good shape and works well.
In fair condition, solid, with minimal rust, needs paint and tires are worn but runs good. PTO and Front loader Hydraulic set up, sickle bar mower with extra bar & teeth, rear mounted plow and brush hog.
Hitch blade and a bush hog. Tractor has been converted from 6 to 12V.It comes equipped with a pull behind 3pt. Great piece of history which is in too good of shape to junk and restoring would do it justice.
We are the original owners, the tractors have been stored out of the weather. For Sale - 2 Ford 5000 Diesel Tractors. No delivery available. 1966 Ford 5000 Turbo Charged Diesel tractor with Select-o-Speed Transmission, very good back tires, one good front...
Would make good restoration project or good for parts asking 1,000 or best offer Tractor is in fair condition but needs a generator and an oil line and probably rewiring it has a new batteryif wanting more info or pics e-mail me.
$9500 good condition ued fo snow removal for the past 12 years operated only by owner well maintained owner bought skidsteer for heavier work. Recent engine rebuild good cond. Q/a/alied loader tire chains optional 3ph backhoe attachment available@ extra...
Sold as is, buyer is responsible for pick-up of the tractor, we do not ship or deliver. 1988 Ford 4610 SU Tractor For Sale: tires 90%, diesel, column shift, metal canopy, 3 spool hydraulic, blue and white in color, runs great - has started for us everytime,...
Asking $ 4000.00 Canadian New tires , post pounder included in great working shape Must be seen .Let us know if you want to view. 1947 9n Ford tractor with new rear tires , good paint working post pounder Its in Rush Lake Saskatchewan Canada.
New paint 4 years ago. Ford 2000 gas tractor. Pulls a 5' mower easily. A perfect tractor for a small farm. Great for slow finish grading work. New nose cap & grill now. Just a good using tractor.
Equipment includes a bush hog, subsoiler, harrow, box blade, straight blade, and bottom plow. Tractor starts and runs good. 1950,s series Ford Jubilee and equipement all for 4750.00.
Has very little compression and burns lots of oil. I have used it to mow my 4 acre field for 7 years with a 5' Bush Hog. Needs to be overhauled. It needs a loving home! $750.00 NEGO
Well maintained. Good tin - original paint. This tractor has been in our family since 1970 and used on our hobby farm. 1968 Ford 3000 with loader, 2WD, 42HP, 4000 hrs, new clutch, brakes.
Father passed away sold cows and dont have any use for it now Good condition 90hrs on rebuilt motor cannopy 10ft ford heavy frame trailer disk Dual hydrolics dual fuel tanks good paint no leaks.65% left on tires hard running tractor.