2016 Pull type merger with 34' continuous pick up heads / hydraulic float with skid shoes / narrow transport width / load sense hydraulics / extended arms for quick hitch / approximately 2000 acres use
The axles also have quality ball bearings enabling you to tow the machine about at road speeds comfortably. Featuring a belt speed of up to 300 feet per minute it will definitely speed loading time.
Please contact us for item location & availability. Email us with your zip code for a quote. Runs well and has a live tailgate You are welcome to come, look at any item or pick up a purchase.
TT6101 is a 6 rotor carted tedder built for farmers transporting from field to field. It offers a 26' 6" working width that quickly folds into an 11' 6" transport width, Ask About $240 a month
We recommend calling us to see if the unit is in stock. *All sales are to be made in person As part of our agreement with Kubota, we are unable to advertise our prices on independent websites.
Notes - We did not use this rake ourselves, but we did lend it to a local farmer to use, and he reported that it worked fine for him. Feel free to call or stop by the store if you have any questions we can help to answer.
With the Windrow ProTM you can rake up to 29' of hay into a single windrow. Our wheel rake's extensive standard features combined with our impeccable quality at a competitive price makes the Windrow Pro one of the best values in the wheel rake market